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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by SJ77

  1. Will this effect the entire downloads app or is it downloads category specific? Like can I use downloads as normal and apply this only to specific categories? Or does it effect only specific files that are uploaded?
  2. Ok, Also just found out if you go to a profile and add &do=profileprivacy at the end of the url you can edit that users privacy. That's right, anybody can edit anyone else's privacy settings. This is a big flaw! Also this mod uses the members table and adds a default value of 'everyone' to every single member record. Slows down your entire member table. I guess FYI to anyone looking at this or who is already using this.
  3. hi, @Fosters Does this plugin block both of the following pages? https://invisioncommunity.com/profile/571929-faqole/ but does not block this page https://invisioncommunity.com/profile/571929-faqole/content/ Or does it have the same flaw as the other profile privacy plugin in the marketplace? Oh fosters.. I see you haven't responded to this thread since may. 😞
  4. Hi, There is a major flaw with this plug in. It blocks this page https://invisioncommunity.com/profile/571929-faqole/ but does not block this page https://invisioncommunity.com/profile/571929-faqole/content/ This has my users highly upset. Please help ASAP
  5. You should see a /backup folder if you're using cpanel. EDIT: oh I see you found it! Great news
  6. SFTP in, (filezilla) find the folder where the backup is saved and delete the file. It's probably a gz file.
  7. I don't like that it tells them "Registration is blocked if your country matches Russia" That just tells the bad guy how to avoid the block by changing the ip to another country.
  8. This could be done. They have a fairly well documented DEV area and API
  9. Hi, Does it add a watermark to screen caps in downloads?
  10. Hi @stoo2000, I know you're very busy. No, worries we got it figure out here on my site. Excellent app. Highly recommend this to all SES customers.
  11. Well that was a huge pain in the butt and there was no support given here. BUT, I got it working and it's AWESOME. My reputation is now squeaky clean!! For anyone willing to dive in and try to make this work with their Amazing SES account, the potential rewards are huge. It's worth it!!! Thank you @stoo2000 !!!!!
  12. IS RAW message supposed to be enabled, or disabled?
  13. Is there a step by step somewhere on how to set this up for Amazon SES? The Amazon documentation is a word salad novel!
  14. I hope the bugs on this one get worked out and I may give this a try. Excellent idea!! Thank you 🙂
  15. So to be clear, even with this: define( 'NEXUS_TEST_GATEWAYS', true ); , Stripe will still work and process a real purchase?
  16. Hi, These are great things to do when working with a TEST INSTALL. My question is are there others? I thought there was something about using different cookies?
  17. I figured out a work around. I can just create fake accounts with email addresses that I want to use. However, I noticed something new. Seems one cannot create hidden fields that have values. I want to pass some things into the email that don't need to be in the user form.
  18. I am not against the idea, if that is allowed by @HeadStand but before I could even consider it, I will need to understand what this is. I am still wholly confused.
  19. I am trying to figure out what exactly this is and what it could be used for. I read the description but I still don't know what I could do with this 😞
  20. a feature that would be helpful is the ability to email to defined email address on submission. Right now it can only email a member, but I would like to send email to custom email addresses that I can type in the ACP.
  21. The internet is a lot less festive while we wait for this... LOL
  22. Hi Makoto, Thanks for the update. I will look forward to the next release. My users love this plugin!! Thank you 🙂
  23. We’ve been waiting awhile to hear from the author on this. Still don’t have button on top instead of bottom here’s another thing. Turns out if you’re using downloads clicking the zip file doesn’t clear customer to leave a review. Customer has to download one of the individual files in order to be allowed to leave a review on the file. But downloading all the files using the zip plug-in (only) should be enough to give the customer permission to leave a file review. thank you @Makoto
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