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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by SJ77

  1. Any updates? I really need this
  2. How do I discover the answer to this question?
  3. I see the button but it doesnā€™t do anything. No error, just nothing.
  4. seems like this stopped working on the newest version of IPB. Can you help?
  5. When a user is giving free access to a new download file is there anyway to have the recipient notified? Folks are getting access to files and never becoming aware. Using the notification system here would be great
  6. Anyone successful with using their site as a PWA?
  7. Any chance of this change coming soon?
  8. IT was working before but I don't think it's working anymore
  9. Hi It seems the developer can no longer develop https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8192-payssion-gateway/ Can anyone take this up? Thank you šŸ™‚
  10. @stoo2000 Do you think you will add SES support? I am really struggling to keep the bounce rate down. Hanging on by a thread here.
  11. I would love to see support for Amazon SES SMTP.
  12. does this work for Downloads app?
  13. Hi, Someone on my team tested and came to this conclusion. I didn't run a check as I usually just try to make things happen quickly. Thank you for all the support!
  14. Just found out this allows files submitter to rate and review their own files. Not good. Being used by some of my file contributors to cheat and fake up ratings. Please help
  15. I am getting spam like CRAZY via the contact us form. Any one solve for this? I am deleting emails all day long. This is becoming a full time job! That's the problem.
  16. All of a sudden mine is working again, so I guess disregard. Thank you šŸ™‚ *shrug*
  17. I use this as an application form to collect critical information and keep it on file. This includes images. Recently images are not loading. I just see a little 1 px spacer. I think this might have to do with lazy load being enabled but I am not sure. Not having this effects my business. Can you help? Thank you šŸ™‚
  18. This is desperately needed Can you explain a little bit more what I need to put and where?
  19. will it also prevent commerce from trying to collect renewals?
  20. Well I pulled the trigger and Iā€™m LOVING IT!! This is my favorite new feature by far! Since my site primarily operates as an image board this is a tremendous windfall for us!! Wooo! šŸ„³ Thanks IPB!
  21. seems like this setting isn't working.
  22. Fix the install issue by uninstalling and reinstalling, however now there is a CSS style issue. If you're already following someone the button is bigger than the provided grid on a full screen layout. I hope you can correct this as it doesn't look to good like this. Thank you šŸ™‚
  23. I tried to install the upgrade and I get this error Column 'perm_view' cannot be null
  24. Thanks opentype, I didn't know how it worked. Can you (or anyone else) elaborate a bit more specifically on some of bulleted questions above?
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