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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by SJ77

  1. From a member Hello. I am noticing that the new change to modify notifications that are received from a person you follow does not seem to actually save. It seems once you exit the page you are on, it reverts back to following all content. Not sure if others have noticed, but I just thought I would let you know confirmed. Settings aren’t sticking! Any ideas? EDIT: let me try clearing the cache with the support tool.
  2. yeah, it makes sense now but I wasn't even reading. I was just clicking and it wasn't there. user error happens. sorry about that. One more question, "Topic" is that only a new topic? or a post within a topic? Record.. ?? what is that?
  3. No, Watching the video helped a lot. It was user error. 😖 I didn't know I had to "uncheck" something to see the options. I was expecting to see the options every time, all the time. They are hidden until the box is unchecked.
  4. Ran the support to multiple times. Stays hidden and never turns on
  5. Yeah, this doesn't work at all. 😞 install plugin set groups check follow button on profile ... nothing. It's just hidden. (disabled)
  6. opps, that was commented out. I think the issue is here
  7. seems the option is hidden for me on my site.
  8. Hi, Getting beat up about a few things. Wondering if anyone has some clever solves.
  9. Thanks for the update. Sad it will not be in the current version 😞
  10. Would love to use this to encourage users to leave file reviews in downloads app. Consider adding award for - user has left x number of file reviews Thank you
  11. Are we expecting that a lot of stuff Won’t be compatible?
  12. Does this plugin read from online time already captured in IPS tables or does it create new tables? Asking because I want to know if I get stats instantly or if I have to wait for them to build up
  13. I guess I can just manually delete this stuff without harm then?
  14. Yeah, I have not overridden my temp directory. Thank you for looking into this. I can save A LOT of disk space by removing these chunks
  15. Locally. And every month I end up with a bunch of this junk. I could save a lot of disk space by deleting it. @bfarber am I ok to delete this stuff? Better question, why doesn't an IPS task clean out this stuff? Any orphan file whatever in these folders should be wiped in my opinion.
  16. Big files found in my uploads folders. If these are unfinished Plupload chunks then shouldn't IPS system be deleting these?
  17. I am confused. Are you requesting this feature or announcing that it's coming? I can already do this on my site because I made my own custom downloads page using PAGES
  18. Still would be good to get this
  19. How does CJ duplicate logger work? Can I have a brief summary of what it does? I assume it's more than just comparing IP address
  20. This is getting ridiculous. It's not a user that I can find on my forum. Please help! Ideas?
  21. PhpMyAdmin is software that gives you a visual interface to your database. to see if you have it installed try going to your site with a / and phpmyadmin like this https://mysite.com/phpmyadmin
  22. Seems very cool! I like this Thank you EDIT: I bought it.. I will play around with it.
  23. will files uploaded to one of these special categories show in the browse carousel ?
  24. Sorry, to keep asking questions but a couple more. Once a specific category is created to be this new special type let's say assume the following file submitter-A submits FILE 1 file submitter-B submits FILE 2 Then file submitter-A designates George to have access File submitter-B designates Jose to have access Which file can George access.. all or just FILE 1 ? And a third question.. can file submitter still charge for files uploaded in this special category?
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