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Stuart Silvester

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Everything posted by Stuart Silvester

  1. Your issue isn't related to what this topic is about, the issue in this topic is a permissions related issue due to a change in the Facebook API where they no longer allow you to obtain cover photos. I would recommend making sure you have the above patch installed, then follow this guide: step 7 includes a screenshot showing the configuration for the form where the redirect URI is entered. If you're still experiencing an issue, please submit a support ticket so we can look into it.
  2. We have released a patch for this issue, you can get it in your admin CP by going to Support and selecting "something isn't working"
  3. We're aware of the issue, we're working on a solution.
  4. You only really need the 'COOKIE_PREFIX' constant to prevent conflicts, you will probably need a trailing slash on the cookie_path however, so /test1/
  5. I would recommend submitting a support ticket, the converter automatically handles the difference in IDs but I can see in the converter that we're expecting 'tid' for showthread.php, not 'pid'. Submit a support ticket, we can test the addition of that rule for posts.
  6. We'll look at the possibility of making the onboarding process load again in the next beta. We've made a few fixes in this area so you should be able to find them in the next beta.
  7. Please submit a ticket if it's still an issue.
  8. The update will show in the AdminCP the next time an update check runs, you can do this manually by going to AdminCP > System > Applications > Check for updates.
  9. That doesn't sound right, there should be an upgrade button if there is an upgrade available. If your AdminCP is still in that state where the issue is visible, please submit a ticket.
  10. Please re-download Beta 8 (and upload to your community) from the client area, we pushed out a patch about an hour after the initial release of Beta 8. Alternatively, you can wait until the next beta which will apply this fix to your community.
  11. Hi @cdymlr The best way to do this is to use mod_rewrite in the .htaccess file for your root domain to redirect the specific MyBB requests. Looking at their existing rules that ship with MyBB, you can simply just change them to have your complete URL in them i.e. RewriteRule ^thread-([0-9]+)\.html$ https://forums.root.com/showthread.php?tid=$1 [L,QSA] However, if you weren't using MyBB friendly URLs, you would need to customize the rules to redirect the PHP controllers instead... RewriteRule ^showthread.php$ https://forums.root.com/showthread.php [L,QSA] (you would also need to do this for the other supported URLs such as member.php & forumdisplay.php) You will likely need to tweak and test these to meet your specific scenario, but that should give you an idea of how to address the issue.
  12. There may be a bug here, we'll take a look at this.
  13. Yes, the new endpoint will generate a signed URL for the files if the Storage handler supports them.
  14. 4.5 contains a bunch of improvements in this area to make plugins more portable. They can be installed IN_DEV and the majority of their data is now stored within the /dev directory in various PHP/JSON/PHTML files. We haven't made any changes to the naming conventions required, or the hook class names, but we've also come up with these changes for the same reasons, to greatly improve the ability to develop plugins across installs via Git. Please consider taking a look at the beta and letting us know whether those improvements are beneficial to your development process.
  15. This issue will be addressed in our next beta.
  16. It looks like Account Kit was discontinued and is closing completely this month. https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2019/09/09/account-kit-services-no-longer-available-starting-march/
  17. You can enable Twitter cards by going to AdminCP > System > Settings> General Configuration and enter your sites Twitter handle in the box
  18. You must add and validate the email address in SendGrid that you're sending from: https://sendgrid.com/docs/for-developers/sending-email/sender-identity/ Make sure that the outgoing address on AdminCP > System > Email Settings is exactly the same as the validated address (or on the same domain if you have validated the domain).
  19. If you use OAuth to issue access tokens for the REST API, then yes, it will respect permissions as configured in the AdminCP. The API key authentication is more of an 'admin / developer' thing where it does not check permissions.
  20. Almost ten years ago we launched the Marketplace; a place to connect Invision Community owners with talented developers creating new functionality. Over the decade, the Marketplace has grown to hold thousands of applications, large and small. For many Invision Community owners, the Marketplace has become an essential resource. Our aim was always to have the Marketplace available inside your Admin Control Panel to make it even easier to purchase and install extra functionality. I'm pleased to say that as of Invision Community 4.5, this is now a reality. You can browse the Marketplace and install new add-ons without leaving the Admin Control Panel. Obtaining Resources Paid resources can be purchased directly from the Marketplace and are available to install immediately after the payment is complete. You no longer need to download and install the files yourself. You may also notice some additional information with the resource listing, we'll be introducing a new 'tab' to marketplace resources to allow the authors to provide more useful information such as answers to frequently asked questions, or configuration instructions etc. The video below takes you through the purchase and installation of a Marketplace application. marketplace-install.mp4 Installing an Application Updates Some of the eagle-eyed among you may have noticed in the first screenshot that there are more 'bubbles' showing in the menu on the left. These are supported for Applications, Plugins, Themes and Languages. In Invision Community 4.5 every resource available via the AdminCP is automatically versioned, you will see update notifications for everything you have installed (previously, you would only see update notices if the resource author supports them). Installing an update is as simple as clicking on the update notice, then clicking 'update' on the Marketplace listing. Installing Updates Downloads Changes Our Marketplace is built on our Downloads application, during development of this feature we needed to add new functionality. We have included as many of these improvements as possible in our software for the benefit of our customers, some of these are: Custom Fields can now be set to only show to members that have purchased a file. Files can now be set to accept a single file upload instead of multiple. New file versions can now be moderated without hiding the current version from view. Downloads REST API Performance Improvements New /download endpoint that counts the download Added more data to the /downloads/file/{id} response Ability to sort file results by last updated date We hope you're as excited about this feature as we are.
  21. Yes, we're aware, we'll be getting that fixed soon. Thanks!
  22. If you have a MySQL socket path defined in your conf_global.php, it's worth checking that the path is still correct for your new server.
  23. This looks like the same report as this topic:
  24. Your server does not meet the minimum requirements to use Invision Community, you can get our requirement checker here: Remember, to comply with our license, you should change your test site to be inaccessible to the internet and use the test license key
  25. I would recommend submitting a support ticket so we can take a look. (go to 'Client Area' above and then click on 'Support').
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