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Everything posted by Hisashi

  1. Thanks for this one more opentype, it worked perfectly!
  2. Hello, I'm creating a donation button for my website publishers, I want to make this field not appear on articles (record) if it doesn't have a $value. The button is always visible <a href="https://www.paypal.com/donate?business=$value&no_recurring=0&item_name=Donate&currency_code=BRL" data-ipstooltip="" _title="Donate" target="_blank"><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size:16px;"><span class="ipsBadge MangaInfo"><i class="fas fa-hand-holding-usd"></i> <strong>Donate</strong></span></span></a> The question is... Is there any code I can enter to make the button only visible if a $value is set?
  3. In articles the images are instructed to be displayed in thumb, it is necessary to change code to display the original image
  4. It's because of "Content" it applies to all content. Need to uncheck desired options there
  5. I understand, I still thought about adding lazy code, but I thought it would give some conflict or something, because in theory already had it in the software
  6. Hello @opentype, you use Pages, know any information about?
  7. Hello, Have the impression that Lazy load media doesn't work when images are loaded from an upload field on Record, can I be wrong, can anyone confirm me? I put in several heavy images to test, and they started to load everything at once. My code {{if $formValue}} <div class="ipsGrid ipsGrid_collapsePhone"> {{foreach $value as $file}} <img src="{file='$file' extension='cms_Records'}" class="ipsImage" alt="{$record->_title}"> {{endforeach}} </div> {{endif}} Inspecting -- Edited -- I notice that they only work when they are sent via attachment.
  8. This I saw, my question was. When I log into the test facility, I will already have my license activated due to backup. I just need to change for KEY-TEST it when log into acp?
  9. Hello, I have a website that is already working with an active license, I want to create a subdomain for testing purposes of this same copy. Since license is already active in copy, do I just need to change license to KEY-TESTINSTALL when log into ACP?
  10. Templates > forums > front > index > forumRow Search: datetime="$lastPost Remove all following code: {{if $lastPost['topic_title']}} <a href='{$lastPost['topic_url']->setQueryString( 'do', 'getLastComment' )}' title='{lang="get_last_post"}'>{datetime="$lastPost['date']"}</a> {{else}} {datetime="$lastPost['date']"} {{endif}}
  11. Does it refer to login callback? domain/oauth/callback/
  12. Hisashi

    Google Drive

    I thought of something like downloads
  13. Hisashi

    Google Drive

    Hello, Any news about adding Google Drive/Cloud as a file storage method? Or maybe it's not possible or recommended?
  14. I put it as informed, and it's appearing in both <form accept-charset='utf-8' class="ipsForm {$class}" action="{$action}" method="post" {{if $uploadField}}enctype="multipart/form-data"{{endif}} {{foreach $attributes as $k => $v}}{$k}="{$v}"{{endforeach}} data-ipsForm> {{if $id = "coverPhoto"}} YOUR STUFF {{endif}} <input type="hidden" name="{$id}_submitted" value="1"> {{foreach $hiddenValues as $k => $v}}
  15. I'm very interested in buying it, but I see it's still a little "raw" the messages. I have two ideas to enrich the application, if add it I buy 1. Stars (Review) When he understands that this is a review, an option would appear asking if you want to add stars on Rich Embed. You could use the fields of discord for do this Emoji > :star: 2. Thumbnail (Profile Photo) An option for Rich Embed asking if you want to display the user's photo in thumbnail. I believe they are good ideas and I am very interested in buying with these additions
  16. It's affecting profile photo. Don't have a way to separate?
  17. Hello @SoftwareFactory, Does it also have an support for articles review?
  18. Hello, I want to add a message in marked area, does anyone know where I can edit the template?
  19. As it's not the default theme, you need to adjust your css.
  20. This information does not appear on profile. But if the member who followed something doesn't mark it as hidden, then it will show up in the content's followers listing.
  21. Inspect element and see what's causing space
  22. If using cloudflare, try clearing the entire cache
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