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Everything posted by Hisashi

  1. Hello, How do I make the thumbnail required?
  2. Hello, I think it would be interesting to separate the limit of new content with that of (posts, comments, review, etc.) Some communities just want to limit comment flooding, not content creation. Ex:
  3. Does it work for 4.6? Is it possible to display the articles' thumbnail? Instead of user photo.
  4. ACP > Members > Staff > Moderators > Moderator Group > Member Management > Can use the 'Flag As Spammer' tool?
  5. Hello I'm using two elements to cause fast page loading. <img data-src="{file='$file' extension='cms_Records'}" loading="lazy" style="height: auto;" class="ipsImage MangaImage" alt="..."> data-src and loading="lazy" My doubt is, does one thing cancel out the other or can maintain these two elements? I have a manga reader, the images are heavy.
  6. Are you referring to Pixabay? System > Site features > Community Enhancements
  7. Hello This new ad type would be useful for admins who want to promote a campaign on another website and track clicks, or even just to track a link. Example
  8. Hello, I upgraded today to 4.6.4 and right now the community seems a little slow to load any page, is this normal? This right after the update (it wasn't like that before) Could it be something in background? ----- Edited ----- Already normalized
  9. If it's a new website/domain, it usually takes time for google to start ranking your website. --- Edited: You have to work on content and increase traffic.
  10. Hello, In tab showing members, display a count of total members as in the example below.
  11. Hello, The bar showing the rank follows space of main menu, so if the dropdown menu has too many buttons, this happens.
  12. What version is installed? I've had problems like these in old version, my case it was the php version. I use cpanel, so it's simple for me to make this change, if it's not something complicated for you try this. Test 7.0 to 7.4 php
  13. Haven't had time to update to test it yet, I remember one of them was in the followers
  14. It is probably already possible, it would also be interesting the developers to create rules for their applications
  15. checkbox set > field When you try to mark an option by searching, he doesn't fill. 2021-07-19 15-34-47.mp4
  16. Any news about? Whether this is a bug or not?
  17. Hello, I don't know if this is exactly a bug, but I don't think it should work like that, tell me if I'm wrong. When I search for a content inside Checkbox set and click, the markup doesn't work, it just looks as if it had been marked. Searching... When you click nothing happens
  18. Hello, My community uses another custom theme as main and I haven't changed anything in default theme, how can I fix this warning? Or is it because of the custom theme that this warning is showing?
  19. Hello, Since my community works collaboratively, this is something I can't leave without limit. I want a plugin that limits the (Field > Upload) in Pages. It should only contain 3 simple functions. Limit amount of items in multiple uploads File size limit Group permission to ignore
  20. Hello, I noticed that upload field doesn't have any more specific limit, can anyone abuse, is there a way to limit this? I wanted to limit it as follows... Number of items in multiple uploads File size
  21. I managed to solve it, just remove the code "|raw"
  22. That's exactly what I was looking for! I just had a little problem, it doesn't allow me to use template key field, an error appears, do you know how to solve it? How do I want it to look for example: {{\IPS\Output::i()->metaTags['og:description'] = "Read more about {$record->_title}. By {$record->customFieldDisplayByKey('author', 'raw')|raw}" ;}} It is not accepting customFieldDisplayByKey
  23. That's not quite what I want to do
  24. Hello, I want to make a custom meta description in Pages > Record I tried using code and it didn't work, how do I provide the following data in tag... Article title Field > template key Tried something like this but the codes don't work Any tips?
  25. Hello, Why don't have option to allow only specific groups to fill in certain user profile field? Not to mention that can't even request more on registration page
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