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Everything posted by Hisashi

  1. Hisashi


    There could be an option to create a custom "furl", it makes it look more professional. The same function it has in Pages (CMS) Ex: ------------------------ I don't know if this is a bug, but when I use the "Checkbox Set" field, it skips a line instead of being separated by a comma. "Select box" it's normal.
  2. Hisashi


    I bought it today and really enjoyed the freedom of options that the administrator has to configure to your liking. Which is very difficult nowadays, as developers forget that they are going to sell your product to different types of websites. Some observations: 1. BUG: When you disable all groups from watching one "Online servers", enables all again. 2. I really liked that you put the favorites feature I suggested. Add an option to display favorites in user profile. Example 3. When only have one category, don't need to select. 4. Suggestion: Upload file size Example
  3. Exactly it, it worked perfectly. Thanks!
  4. Hello, If I translate a specific application, how can I download only this translation? Without having to download all the translations from the community through the following button
  5. Mine doesn't have this field. It may have come from older versions
  6. Doesn't have this field by default on the system, at least not on mine. Didn't you create?
  7. Hisashi


    Another question, the uploaded videos have any anti leech or hotlink protection? To prevent other websites from playing the video.
  8. Hello, I use pages app and realize that the platform is very limited offering few resources to admins. Why doesn't an UPLOAD tool have an option for the administrator to limit the size of file that is uploaded to server? We are simply at the mercy of hoping that a person does not abuse tool. Something so simple that there is in application: Downloads @Matt Why in an upload tool doesn't have it?
  9. Hisashi


    I plan to buy this app in the future, maybe in a promotion Haha A question, I looked and I didn't find, is there an option to create favorites? Do you intend to create something like this in the future? Example
  10. Thanks, i managed to change. Display > reviews {{if \count( $record->reviews( NULL, NULL, NULL, 'desc', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, isset( \IPS\Request::i()->showDeleted ) ) )}} {{if !$record->hasReviewed()}}<hr class='ipsHr'>{{endif}} below that
  11. Found the problem, my timezone was set to UTC. I went to the database and changed to America/Sao_Paulo This seems to be the default setting when the system cannot determine the user's time zone. ----------- I took a test, registered on the computer and it was UTC, I tried it on my cell phone and it was America/Sao_Paulo
  12. It's the reviews system, I thought it was global. CMS (Pages)
  13. I could try it on my own, I just need to know what the template is.
  14. Hello, I want to place an ad in this space, where can I make this edit?
  15. Same with me, it's 2 hours early. Correct time is 23:11 (GMT-3)
  16. Any type of ad... image/video/script It could have an option to display when the user pass a certain amount of story. Or when the user changes profile. No, I'm talking about that I understand, you could have that option then, for admins who don't want to store.
  17. Some questions. Is it possible to report a story? It is possible to place ad? Is it possible to define a folder where the files are sent? Are files deleted after expiry?
  18. AdminCP > Customization > Icons & Logos Just configure the images and manifest details. Need clear cache.
  19. My website this offline for correction due to a URL duplication issue in license and no one on the team responds. If someone from the team can answer my support would be grateful.
  20. When authors respond to a review, it is very "without salt". Can make the system a little more interactive as follows Allow user to reply author Notification when author responds to review (Amazingly there is no notification system for this currently)
  21. It was the only option, as I imagined, it really is compatible.
  22. "This plugin is not compatible with the chosen version." This new system from invision is sometimes a problem... as it's a simple plugin it's probably compatible, but it doesn't allow downloading. @Adriano Faria could help?
  23. Hello, How do I make the thumbnail required?
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