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  1. Like
    Charles got a reaction from AndyF in Commerce / Files - Pay what you want   
    We have not had much more interest in it since this topic was originally posted so it's still in the undecided pile
  2. Like
    Charles got a reaction from SeNioR- in [Missing] Prune/Mass Move   
    Moving/deleting forum content by filters (starter, last reply date, reply count, lock status, pinned, featured) will be in 4.2.
  3. Like
    Charles got a reaction from Ilya Hoilik in [Missing] Prune/Mass Move   
    Moving/deleting forum content by filters (starter, last reply date, reply count, lock status, pinned, featured) will be in 4.2.
  4. Like
    Charles got a reaction from PacmanDo in Please add a rotate pic option   
    Thank you @PacmanDo for submitting a ticket on this today. As it turns out the reason this was failing is the PHP EXIF module was not installed. This module is what we use to read the data in images which indicates the orientation. Without that module IPS Community Suite cannot tell how an image should be shown so it simply uploads it as a default layout.
    To see if you have the PHP EXIF module installed, go to AdminCP -> Support -> PHP Info (small link under PHP Version on right column). Then search for "exif" in your browser and you should see it referenced as "EXIF Support enabled" on the page.
    If you do not have that installed please ask your web host to install it.
    If you do have PHP EXIF enabled and are still having issues with images not rotating, please submit a ticket as we can assist.
    We will update IPS Community Suite to detect if this module and others we recommend but do not require are missing and give you information on what that means and what to do.
    Thanks again for submitting that ticket, @PacmanDo, I am happy we were able to look into it for you.
  5. Like
    Charles got a reaction from OptimusBain in Quick Title Edit   
    This will be standard in 4.1.18.
  6. Like
    Charles got a reaction from SeNioR- in Quick Title Edit   
    This will be standard in 4.1.18.
  7. Like
    Charles got a reaction from SaltyBart in Quick Title Edit   
    This will be standard in 4.1.18.
  8. Like
    Charles got a reaction from sudo in Quick Title Edit   
    This will be standard in 4.1.18.
  9. Like
    Charles got a reaction from Gabriel Torres in Quick Title Edit   
    This will be standard in 4.1.18.
  10. Like
    Charles got a reaction from Vero Pepperrell in Quick Title Edit   
    This will be standard in 4.1.18.
  11. Like
    Charles got a reaction from sobrenome in Please add a rotate pic option   
    We do check for EXIF orientation but perhaps there are scenarios it is not working. I will put in a note for us to check on this again  
  12. Like
    Charles got a reaction from sobrenome in [Missing] Prune/Mass Move   
    Yes it's something we will work on. Just want to try to find a way to make it a bit safer.
  13. Like
    Charles got a reaction from sobrenome in [Missing] Prune/Mass Move   
    I assume you mean the front end features?
    We were wary to put this in 4.0 because of countless stories of rogue moderators mass-pruning and entire forum before an admin realized what happened.
    But you are right that the missing low-level options to prune/mass-move is sometimes difficult to work around.
  14. Like
    Charles got a reaction from ADKGamers in Spam Service - Why Register Then Ban?   
    Reason: "We thought you were a spammer. If you are not: here is my email. If you are: please don't use the previously posted email to spam me."
  15. Like
    Charles got a reaction from Anthony. in Overtake vbulletin   
    They have stuff we don't have and we have stuff they don't have. We're not out to replicate anything. We just listen to client feedback and add/change things with each version.
  16. Like
    Charles got a reaction from Fishfish0001 in bobage24's Feedback   
    Wow. Well with that we will lock this.

    I consider the fact that we are trying to comprehend what your issue is good customer service. I still don't know what it is to be honest and I think I am more confused now than ever.

    The ticket you keep referring to that you believe took too long was escalated to the development department. That is our highest level of service we can provide. I do apologize that if you are experiencing an abnormal issue that it may take a while to research but we could hire dozens of support techs and it would not speed up an issue that needs to be researched by a developer at the code-level. There is truly nothing we can do about that.

    As you yourself said: we have no open tickets for you. Just those that you are choosing to ignore the "waiting for customer response" status. If you cannot help us help you then I guess this topic has ran its course. When you would like us to work on any issues you may be having just open a ticket or reply to the one waiting for a reply from you. Until then... well... as far as we know you don't need anything from us.
  17. Like
    Charles got a reaction from fat313 in IP.Chat Beta Testing   
    The first public beta release of the new IP.Chat service is now available to all active IP.Board and IPS Community Hosting customers. If you are not familiar with the chat service the original announcement is quoted at the bottom of this post.


    This is a beta release so there will be issues. Please keep an eye on this topic, or even use the Watch this topic option, as we will update this topic when there are updates or other known issues. The primary purpose of this beta is to test the basic functionality of chat: message exchange. The message exchange is handled by IPS servers so we are doing load testing during this beta. We have lots of new features and options planned and feel free to post suggestions for the service but please keep in mind, for the purpose of this beta, we are not after huge list of feature requests. The goal is to make a good, stable platform for basic chat that we can add new features to at a later date. The only package available right now is the Free package option. This package will be limited to 5 online users when the service goes live but for the beta phase it is unlimited. We may do server maintenance or shut down the service now and then for other purposes. If it will be down for an extended period we will post in this topic. Don't use the chat in a critical environment as it will probably go up and down as we test. The chat does not work with Opera browser.

    How to Order

    Installation Original IP.Chat service announcement:Login to the Client Area and go to New Purchase. Find IP.Chat: Free under Invision Power Board Optional Addons and click Buy Now. Order as normal, the package is free so you will not be charged. (if the system prompts you for payment information just skip/ignore that prompt and go back to the Client Area home page - we are working on fixing that error) Go to Your Downloads and download the IP.Chat package. Go to Your Purchases and select the IP.Chat package. To use IP.Chat it must be associated with an IP.Board or IPS Community Hosting package. Select the package to associate with and you will then see a chat service key appear.

    If you are not on IP.Board 3.0.4, upgrade to it. Important: Login to your IP.Board AdminCP and then go to Manage Applications & Modules. Look for a Chat Services application already installed. If you see it, click the drop down menu and then Remove Application (if you don't then ignore this step). This will delete the old chat services application which was for integration with Parachat and Addonchat. Of course, if you are using those services, do not remove that application but you will not be able to use IP.Chat until you do. Upload all files contained within the upload directory of the IP.Chat zip file. This is just like installing any other application in IP.Board. Go to Manage Applications & Modules in your IP.Board AdminCP. Select the Install link next to the Chat Services application. Once the install is complete you can go to My Apps and select Chat Services. Just enter the chat service key found under Your Purchases in the Client Area to activate.

  18. Downvote
    Charles got a reaction from .Ian in "Clean Cut" SKin is GREAT! Should be the DEFAULT skin for IPB 3.x   
    I didn't think many people had such strong emotions about a skin :)

    We have simply been distracted with core development on new versions and have not had an opportunity to focus on the skin and such.
  19. Like
    Charles got a reaction from wepfijweoifj in Overtake vbulletin   
    Awe :cry: no one likes my resources area and I made it myself with tables and everything.

    Rikki is going to clean it up and make it look good soon :)
  20. Like
    Charles got a reaction from Collin1000 in Overtake vbulletin   
    They have stuff we don't have and we have stuff they don't have. We're not out to replicate anything. We just listen to client feedback and add/change things with each version.
  21. Like
    Charles got a reaction from Collin1000 in Overtake vbulletin   
    Search - we are working on search interface improvements for next version.

    Mods area - you should be able to view it even if you're not a customer. Were you having issues?

    wysiwyg editor - already exists just enabled it in your settings
  22. Like
    Charles got a reaction from .Matt. in Overtake vbulletin   
    Awe :cry: no one likes my resources area and I made it myself with tables and everything.

    Rikki is going to clean it up and make it look good soon :)
  23. Downvote
    Charles got a reaction from .Matt. in Overtake vbulletin   
    Search - we are working on search interface improvements for next version.

    Mods area - you should be able to view it even if you're not a customer. Were you having issues?

    wysiwyg editor - already exists just enabled it in your settings
  24. Like
    Charles got a reaction from Alex K. in Archive posts?   
    It is a planned feature for 3.1
  25. Like
    Charles got a reaction from Jerafs in vBulletin Owners: Handy FAQs   
    Of course who knows in the distant future but it would be very hard for us to change the way we structure our renewals. The 6 month renewal allows us to not only offer support and upgrades but also addon services like spam monitor (and some future ones we're planning) at no extra cost.
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