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Everything posted by Charles

  1. Transaction support requires InnoDB tables in MySQL which most people don't use so it's not really worth the development time for the small subset that would use it :)
  2. In version 3.0.2 you can hide a tab from view and change the name of the tab in the AdminCP under application settings.
  3. Everything can be translated... this topic is not about translation. If you need help with learning how to translate just submit a support ticket and our staff can point you in the right direction :)
  4. Ordering of tabs is something we can look into for a future version but it doesn't have anything to do with your original post about where to store the files in the file system. That's what I was talking about :)
  5. It is as it should be because Core, Forums, and Members are not addon applications they are THE application :) The combination of the IPB Core, Forums, and Members makes up IPB itself. It's illogical to move them to the addon applications as you cannot addon to nothing and without them there is nothing.
  6. Charles


    Vesperala doesn't like me. No matter what I say or do he becomes unhappy with me. I'll go cry in the corner and never reply to one of his posts again. :cry:
  7. Charles


    We just upload all the files. There is no conspiracy :) Just ask in your upgrade request to see if they can remember not to overwrite it.
  8. I don't understand your question... 3.0.2 was released :)
  9. Our demo system has been updated to include the latest build of our soon to be released Community Content System. There is a limit to the number of active accounts that can have a demo at once so if the system is full just try back later. It cycles old accounts every few minutes. http://www.invisionpower.com/products/demo.php
  10. Yes we can look into something like that.
  11. Charles

    Clean Cut

    It will be included in 3.0.3 when that is released.
  12. We specifically do NOT use cookies in the AdminCP so nothing about your session is stored on your computer. Unless you actually edit init.php and disable IP checking in the AdminCP sending the URL to an ACP sessions is safe. Also, keep in mind, ACP sessions auto expire after a certain amount of inactivity.
  13. If you need to communicate directly with bfarber you should really just PM him instead of a topic.
  14. There was new blog entry just yesterday with an update on it :)
  15. There is a setting we have enabled to delay view updates.
  16. We are moving the site from flat files to CCS so those bugs will be fixed then :)
  17. We have been posting blog entries and information about our soon to be released Community Content System for some time now. For those of you who have not already read about CCS, check out these posts: Introducing Community Content System Blocks Overview Pages Overview Media Manager Templates The CCS system is currently in internal testing and has reached Release Candidate phase. We are just finishing up incorporating feedback from our testers and will soon be able to make version 1.0.0 available. We are not going to set a specific release date as certain capabilities of CCS do require updates that are included in IP.Board 3.0.2 so that update must first be released. However, we do expect a 1.0.0 release of CCS to be available for purchase soon after IP.Board 3.0.2 is released. As CCS is a new product and will require time to mature into the fully-featured content system we know all of our customers expect, we are introducing the product at a greatly reduced price. We have many great ideas to enhance CCS as we continue to develop the system. We made a decision for this 1.0.0 release to not go overboard with features but focus on creating a stable "core" product to work with. Just wait for version 1.1.0 where we have all sorts of fun additions planned. No. No details yet on those features. Don't ask. Really. ;) The introductory price for those of you wanting to start using CCS as soon as it is available will be just $35 with a yearly renewal of $30 for support/services/upgrades. Not only does this reduced price give those of you who decide to buy early a great discount but it also allows us to phase in some of the product enhancements over time without having pricing pressures at the very start. As for the final price... we have not yet set it so take advantage of this low price if you are interested in CCS. Look for the announcement for the release of CCS soon after IP.Board 3.0.2's release!
  18. We have tried that before and, would you believe, everyone tagged their tickets as high priority? :) Things are much faster now than they were even a week or two ago. We put in some internal changes that have streamlined tickets quite a bit.
  19. We do have staff working on the weekends, including billing, so orders and tickets do get handled :) (albeit slower on weekends since there are fewer staff of course)
  20. Different isn't always a bad thing :) it's just ... different.
  21. View new content can show post since last visit or unread. It's an option in the user settings. By default it's since last visit.
  22. Our CCS application allows administrators to create page templates to facilitate easy addition of similar pages throughout the site. Most pages throughout a site follow the same general structure with only the main page content changing from page to page. You can utilize the page templates functionality of CCS to make adding pages in this scenario much easier. Page templates utilize the full power of IP.Board's skin system which means you can use any template conditionals and template plugins in page templates to make them more dynamic. Page templates also support categorization so you can group common page templates together or organize page templates into functional groupings (for example: put all templates that are included into other templates into one grouping). CCS allows you to optionally output content within the IPB wrapper or to output content directly. If you opt to do the latter: you will want to be sure to output appropriate HTML structures to define the page (for instance, head and body HTML tags). Page templates can help you streamline this repetitive task. Using page templates Walking you through an example session, you might visit the page templates screen and first create a category "Includes" to put all template includes into. Then, you might create a "header" page template and a "footer" page template that all pages will share, and afterwards drag-n-drop these templates into your "Includes" category. Next, you could create templates for the main area of the page - you might, for example, create a single column page template and a multi-column page template. Within these page templates you would include your header and footer templates and optionally specify where page content should be placed. The benefit in separating the include templates from the main page templates is that you can later update the one header template and it will apply to all of the page templates including it (and subsequently, all pages using one of these page templates). To include a template within another template, you simply use the skin template tag like so (using a template key example of "header_template"): {parse template="header_template" group="ccs" params=""} You can even include skin templates within your page templates, just like you would within forum skin files. Using page templates with pages With your page templates created you would add a new page using the page manager. On the first page of the wizard, select to use one of your page templates (such as your single column page template). You then have the capability to edit the entire page, or only the page content - this option allows you to either "import" the page template and edit the entire page area (if you select no), or edit only the content that should be placed within your page template appropriately (if you select yes). If you edit only the page content (the preferred method in most cases) any future changes to the page template will automatically be inherited by the page; otherwise, you would need to update the pages individually. This allows you to decide if you want a system where changes to templates are inherited by pages automatically, or if you want to instead use page templates as a starting point but ensure each page is edited and updated independent of every other page. If you elect to edit the content of the page only, when your page is saved the page content is placed within the page template where you specified when editing the template, the page is compiled and pieced together, and the page is then ready to be displayed. Page templates are an extremely simple yet extremely useful feature designed to help facilitate quick production and deployment of pages on your site. You don't even have to make use of page templates if you want, but we believe once you start using them you will see just how much time it will save you in the long run.
  23. Try marking your board as read. Since you're a conversion IPB thinks that all topics are unread. Clicking mark as read will "reset" everything for you.
  24. Thank you for taking the time to post. Of course we sometimes make mistakes, sometimes a support ticket is slow, occasionally people misinterpret a post, and so on but we do try to provide good products and services in a friendly environment.
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