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CCS Pricing

We have been posting blog entries and information about our soon to be released Community Content System for some time now. For those of you who have not already read about CCS, check out these posts:

The CCS system is currently in internal testing and has reached Release Candidate phase. We are just finishing up incorporating feedback from our testers and will soon be able to make version 1.0.0 available. We are not going to set a specific release date as certain capabilities of CCS do require updates that are included in IP.Board 3.0.2 so that update must first be released. However, we do expect a 1.0.0 release of CCS to be available for purchase soon after IP.Board 3.0.2 is released.

As CCS is a new product and will require time to mature into the fully-featured content system we know all of our customers expect, we are introducing the product at a greatly reduced price. We have many great ideas to enhance CCS as we continue to develop the system. We made a decision for this 1.0.0 release to not go overboard with features but focus on creating a stable "core" product to work with. Just wait for version 1.1.0 where we have all sorts of fun additions planned. No. No details yet on those features. Don't ask. Really. ;)

The introductory price for those of you wanting to start using CCS as soon as it is available will be just $35 with a yearly renewal of $30 for support/services/upgrades.

Not only does this reduced price give those of you who decide to buy early a great discount but it also allows us to phase in some of the product enhancements over time without having pricing pressures at the very start. As for the final price... we have not yet set it so take advantage of this low price if you are interested in CCS.

Look for the announcement for the release of CCS soon after IP.Board 3.0.2's release!

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