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Everything posted by Charles

  1. Charles

    IPB vs. vBulletin

    As for mods we are working on things to encourage more mods but, keep in mind, we have lots of features standard in IPB (like certain SEO functions and such) that require a mod for vB. So one could say you need fewer mods in IPB depending on what you're after. New versions of Gallery/Downloads/Blog/etc. are in the works. We will be posting blog updates about it in the next week or two :) Just a reminder: we appreciate the feedback (both positive on how we can improve) on our products but let's not become vB trolls. They have enough problems right now and if IPS were to ever have trouble we would expect a similar professional courtesy from them.
  2. If we run a promotion it would be for anyone - not just vB converts. There are plenty of other products out there :)
  3. We are happy to keep a topic like this open if it does not turn into a bashing thread. We are out to offer a great community solution here and we appreciate our customers being quite happy with our products but don't want things to turn dark in the process :) As for alternatives to addons perhaps you can post a list of which ones you are looking for alternatives? I am sure the community can give you pointers. We are seriously considering a sale either in the license or the conversion services. In the last 24 hours between posts on the forums and in our sales email people are clamoring for something of the sort.
  4. I think it's perfectly reasonable to lock tickets that have had no activity for over 5 days. Honestly no one has ever complained or even really noticed before :) Everyone just starts a new ticket if needed. It's not like we are denying support to anyone - just trying to keep things tidy. We added it because people would reopen tickets sometimes months old by replying to an old email or something and it would get confusing.
  5. Your instance is rare I would think. Most clients would not take more than 5 days to reply. If they do not reply it's almost always because ticket is resolved so the system automatically marks that status.
  6. Tickets only auto-locked (resolved) if, after one of our staff replies, you do not make a new reply in 5 days. It keeps people from reopening ancient tickets.
  7. Can you provide a ticket number where you waited that long during business hours?
  8. We have created a new directory for sites that provide custom skin design and/or programming services for IPS products. Custom Services Directory If you provide custom skin design or programming services for IPS products please submit your site or service today. It's a great way to increase your business and get more referrals directly from IPS!
  9. CSS Changes: /public/style_css/master_css/ipb_styles.css ul.post_controls { - background: inherit url(../../style_images/master/gradient_bg.png) repeat-x 50%; + background-image: url(../../style_images/master/gradient_bg.png); + background-repeat: repeat-x; + background-position: 50%; font-size: 0.8em; text-align: right; padding: 6px 10px 28px 6px;
  10. I will post the list of changed files since 3.0.3 but we do suggest you simply upload all files. There are so many changed files we could have easily missed some from the list. admin applications core js ipb3CSS.js ipb3Replacements.js ipb3TemplateSandR.js ipb3uAgents.js modules_admin ajax css.php hooks.php livesearch.php templates.php applications.php hooks.php setup.php diagnostics diagnostics.php manage_languages.php logs errorlogs.php warnlogs.php dashboard.php posts badwords.php bbcode.php emoticons.php media.php mssql.php system taskmanager.php skinsets.php tools.php tools cache.php login.php performance.php rebuild.php settings.php [*]modules_public [*]applications [*]languages [*]mycp [*]sql [*]templates ajax facebook.php findnames.php attach attach.php register.php reports reports.php search.php usercp manualResolver.php [*]setup [*]global [*]search versions install sql core_mssql_tables.php core_mysql_tables.php upg_10002 version_upgrade_mysql.php [*]upg_30001 mssql_updates.php mssql_updates_1.php mssql_updates_4.php mysql_updates_5.php version_upgrade.php upg_30003 mssql_updates.php [*]upg_30010 mssql_updates.php skin_cp cp_skin_adminlogs.php cp_skin_applications.php cp_skin_diagnostics.php cp_skin_help_files.php cp_skin_modlogs.php cp_skin_system.php cp_skin_templates.php cp_skin_tools.php [*]sources classes attach class_attach.php plugin_msg.php plugin_post.php reportLibrary.php reportNotifications.php reportPlugins blog.php admin_core_language_pack.xml core_bbcode.xml core_lofi_css.xml core_lofi_templates.xml core_mediatag.xml core_root_css.xml core_root_templates.xml core_settings.xml core_tasks.xml core_xmlskin_css.xml core_xmlskin_templates.xml public_core_language_pack.xml versions.xml forums app_class_forums.php extensions furlTemplates.php searchDisplay.php searchPlugin.php acp.forums.js modules_admin attachments types.php forums.php moderator.php multimods.php rss export.php import.php stats.php [*]js [*]forums [*]statistics modules_public ajax topics.php stats.php forums announcements.php boards.php markasread.php topics.php moderate.php post post.php [*]setup [*]extras [*]moderate versions install sql forums_mssql_tables.php forums_mysql_tables.php skin_cp cp_skin_forums.php [*]sources classes digest.php forums admin_forum_functions.php class_forums.php moderate.php post classPost.php classPostForms.php admin_forums_language_pack.xml forums_lofi_templates.xml forums_root_templates.xml forums_settings.xml forums_xmlskin_templates.xml hooks recent_topics.xml watched_items.xml public_forums_language_pack.xml versions.xml members extensions furlTemplates.php usercpForms.php bulkmail bulkmail.php groups groups.php banfilters.php customfields.php members.php ranks.php reputation.php tools.php [*]modules_admin [*]members modules_public ajax card.php dst.php rate.php view.php online online.php friends.php view.php [*]list [*]profile skin_cp cp_skin_banfilters.php cp_skin_bulkmail.php cp_skin_groups.php cp_skin_member.php cp_skin_reputation.php cp_skin_tools.php [*]sources classes messaging messengerFunctions.php tabs gallery.php posts.php topics.php messengerSearch_mssql.php xml admin_members_language_pack.xml members_lofi_templates.xml members_root_css.xml members_root_templates.xml members_settings.xml members_xmlskin_templates.xml public_members_language_pack.xml versions.xml ips blog extensions coreExtensions.php furlRedirect.php furlTemplates.php portalPlugins blogs.php usercpForms.php modules_admin cblocks manage.php custom.php headers.php groups manage.php rebuild.php [*]customize [*]tools modules_public actions forward.php findblogs.php display archive.php blog.php trackback.php post mod.php [*]setup [*]ajax [*]external versions install sql blog_mssql_fulltext.php upg_14004 mssql_updates.php [*]upg_14006 mssql_updates.php upg_20000 version_upgrade.php cp_skin_blog.php sources lib entry_add_cblock.php entry_edit_entry.php entry_new_entry.php entry_reply_entry.php lib_blogfunctions.php [*]xml admin_blog_language_pack.xml blog_lofi_css.xml blog_lofi_templates.xml blog_root_css.xml blog_root_templates.xml blog_settings.xml blog_xmlskin_css.xml blog_xmlskin_templates.xml public_blog_language_pack.xml versions.xml calendar extensions portalPlugins calendar.php [*]modules_admin [*]rssOutput.php calendar calendars.php modules_public calendar calendars.php [*]skin_cp cp_skin_calendar.php xml admin_calendar_language_pack.xml calendar_lofi_templates.xml calendar_root_css.xml calendar_root_templates.xml calendar_settings.xml calendar_xmlskin_templates.xml hooks board_index_calendar.xml [*]public_calendar_language_pack.xml [*]versions.xml modules_public ajax update.php parachat chat.php [*]skin_cp cp_skin_chat.php xml admin_chat_language_pack.xml chat_lofi_templates.xml chat_root_css.xml chat_root_templates.xml chat_settings.xml chat_xmlskin_templates.xml public_chat_language_pack.xml versions.xml modules_admin customize cfields.php mimetypes.php tools bulkimport.php [*]modules_public ajax comments.php post submit.php [*]setup versions upg_20000 version_upgrade.php skin_cp cp_skin_mimetypes.php cp_skin_tools.php [*]sources classes categories.php cfields.php storage url.php [*]xml admin_downloads_language_pack.xml downloads_lofi_css.xml downloads_lofi_templates.xml downloads_root_css.xml downloads_root_templates.xml downloads_settings.xml downloads_xmlskin_css.xml downloads_xmlskin_templates.xml public_downloads_language_pack.xml versions.xml gallery extensions admin group_form.php [*]modules_admin [*]coreVariables.php [*]searchPlugin.php cats manage.php groups manage.php manage.php postform postform.php [*]modules_public [*]media cats list.php post image.php stats.php [*]stats setup versions install sql gallery_mssql_inserts.php [*]upg_30000 version_upgrade.php skin_cp cp_skin_gallery.php [*]sources libs lib_categories.php lib_gallery.php lib_imagelisting.php lib_notifications.php xml admin_gallery_language_pack.xml gallery_lofi_css.xml gallery_lofi_templates.xml gallery_root_css.xml gallery_root_templates.xml gallery_settings.xml gallery_xmlskin_css.xml gallery_xmlskin_templates.xml public_gallery_language_pack.xml versions.xml modules_admin portal portal.php xml admin_portal_language_pack.xml portal_lofi_templates.xml portal_root_templates.xml portal_settings.xml portal_xmlskin_templates.xml public_portal_language_pack.xml versions.xml subscriptions modules_admin subscriptions manage.php setup versions install sql subscriptions_mssql_tables.php subscriptions_mssql_uninstall.php subscriptions_mysql_tables.php classes classGateway.php subsLib.php xml public_subscriptions_language_pack.xml subscriptions_lofi_templates.xml subscriptions_root_templates.xml subscriptions_settings.xml subscriptions_xmlskin_templates.xml versions.xml userAgents.php js acp.hooks.js acp.languages.js acp.livesearch.js acp.menu.js acp.tabbed_basic_editor.js acp.templates.js [*]setup applications install sections install.php upgrade sections upgrade.php base ipsRegistry_setup.php templates skin_setup.php [*]xml config.xml skin_cp acp_editor.css cp_skin_global.php [*]sources base core.php ipsController.php ipsRegistry.php classes bbcode core.php custom defaults.php [*]class_localization.php [*]class_reputation_cache.php [*]class_taskmanager.php [*]customfields profileFields.php editor class_editor.php class_editor_rte.php [*]facebook connect.php itemmarking classItemMarking.php [*]member memberFunctions.php output adminOutput.php formats html htmlOutput.php [*]publicOutput.php sphinxIndexPlugin.php session publicSessions.php sso.rename.php [*]skins skinCaching.php skinFunctions.php skinImportExport.php useragents userAgentFunctions.php han_email.php han_login.php han_parse_bbcode.php loginauth convert auth.php auth.php live acp.php auth.php loginauth_install.xml loginauth_install.xml [*]external [*]login_core.php [*]openid template_plugins tp_date.php tp_striping.php tp_url.php blog colorpicker Slider.js slider.js converge_local converge.php interface blog apis server_blogger.php server_metaweblog.php xmlrpc.php public js ipb.js ipb_blog.js ipb_bloglist.js ipb_blogxml.js ips.attach.js ips.board.js ips.editor.js ips.post.js ips.topic.js ips.ucp.js skins setsData.xml [*]resources style_css master_css ipb_styles.css ips_kernel ClassApiServer.phpClassConvertCharset.phpClassDb.phpClassDbMysql.phpClassDbMysqlClient.phpClassDbMysqliClient.phpClassEmail.phpClassTemplateEngine.php db_lib mysql_tools.php
  11. We were going to post our list but we want to contact the authors first. Don't want to make people look bad for a simple little bug :)
  12. We are making a list of mods with known issues and we will definitely be contacting mod authors to see if they can optimize the mods.
  13. Charles

    Mobile users

    We are developing one for a client now and hope to provide it in a future release of IPB.
  14. We've been hard at work on the next version of our Community Content System which we have formally renamed to IP.Content. There are many exciting new capabilities with the latest version of IP.Content that we think you will like. For the most part, our efforts into 1.1.0 have centered around one new major feature: custom databases. In IP.Content 1.1 you will be able to create an unlimited number of custom databases from within your admin control panel, allowing you to easily organize and manage your data using IP.Content. For instance, let's say you run a site about pets. You might want to create a database that contains records about all the different breeds of dogs out there, another database that contains records about all the different breeds of cats, and then yet another database that users can submit to in order to share information about their own pets. The first two databases you may only want administrators to add records to, and you may want to order by breed name, while the last database you want users to submit records to, and you may want to order by date the records were added to the database. IP.Content 1.1.0 can easily manage all of this. When you create your custom databases you can decide which permission masks can see and view the database, who can add and edit records within the database, and who can rate records and comment on records within the database. Commenting and rating functionality is built in (if you enable it for the database). You can set whether users can submit to a database (or you can set a database so that only administrators can submit to it), and you can even set a database to be editable in a wiki-like manner (i.e. any user can edit any record within the database). You control the default sorting and ordering options for the database, and you control whether records and comments should require moderator approval before becoming publicly visible on a per-database level. You can also enable revisions for records within a database (that is, when users edit the records a backup of the copy they edited is saved in case you need to review it later, compare it to the current version of the record, or restore an older copy of the record). After creating a database, you then create each field within the database yourself. IP.Content 1.1.0 supports the following field types: text input, textarea, radio buttons, checkboxes, select lists, multi-select lists, date input (i.e. an input field with a calendar overlay to select the date), WYSIWYG editor areas, and attachments. There are a few limitations on how many and which fields you can add (for instance, you can have as many WYSIWYG fields as you want, but you may only add one attachments field per database), but for the most part the number of fields and specific configuration is up to you. The field types framework is extensible, so developers can easily add new field types in the future simply by uploading a single file to a specific directory. You can create unlimited categories and subcategories on a per-database level as well. Note, however, that you are not required to create and use categories should you not need to. When creating categories, you can opt to simply honor the database's permission settings, or extend those permissions - that way you can have some categories that are available to all users, and some categories that are only available to VIP members, or staff members, for example. You also control moderators on a per-database level, with support for both member and group moderators available. You can control whether moderators can approve records, approve comments, edit records, delete records, delete comments, pin/unpin records, lock records, and unlock records. This leads us into how records are handled and the functionality available for them. You can add, edit, delete, approve/unapprove, pin/unpin, lock/unlock, sort and search for records all within the ACP if you like. Full ACP management is available in 1.1.0. You can also manage comments for records within the ACP, allowing you to view, edit and delete the comments without having to view the record on the public side. Additionally, you can view all revisions of a record, and even run comparison reports to see exactly what has changed between each revision if you wish. You can restore a specific revision at any time, should you have a need. From the front end, users with appropriate permission can add and edit records as well. Users can also rate each record, and even comment on the records, if the features are enabled and the proper permissions are set. Sorting and filtering from within CCS is fully supported, allowing users to control the order of results, how many are listed per page, and allowing users to search through those results to return more relevant results. Users with appropriate moderator permissions can delete, approve/unapprove, pin/unpin, lock/unlock records, and delete and approve/unapprove comments from the front end as well. Navigation support is built in, and databases can be embedded into any new or existing page, allowing you full control over the layout of the entire page. Plugin callback functionality is also possible, allowing you to write your own custom code to extend certain database actions (on a per-database level) should you need to. Additionally, "item marking" support is built into IP.Content 1.1.0, allowing your users to easily see which categories have new information they haven't yet read, and easily identify the articles within the listing that haven't been viewed yet. The category view, listing view, and record display templates can be shared across all databases, or can be customized on a per-database level, allowing you fine-grained control over how your content is displayed to users. We've recently moved over our resource site into the new IP.Content 1.1.0 framework here at http://community.invisionpower.com/resources. You can see a live demo of the new features by browsing our custom databases. Articles Our articles section, which contains user submitted tips and documentation, highlights many of the capabilities of IP.Content 1.1.0. Wiki-style editing (and revisioning) is enabled, allowing users to self-manage a repository of information for other users to take advantage of. Commenting and rating is also enabled for the articles, and a category structure including subcategories is utilized to help organize the information. Articles use stock templates, giving you an idea of how content will be displayed if you do not customize the default database templates. Links The links section displays customer-submitted links that users can visit. The links section also uses categories to organize data, and also supports commenting and rating. Only the original submitter (and moderators) can edit records, however. Custom templates are utilized to make the links database look a little more unique, compared to the other databases. Error Codes Our error codes database lists all of the known error codes that can be generated by IPB (and the first party addons such as Gallery and Blog). Similar to the Articles database, stock templates are used, however commenting and rating are disabled. While the articles database orders articles by "last updated date", the error codes database orders records by the error code itself. Guides and Tutorials This database of official IPS guides and tutorials houses official documentation that we at IPS have written and will maintain. Customized templates are used to control the output, and ratings and comments are enabled. (If you are familiar with SQL already, consider a "database" in IP.Content to essentially be a "table", while "fields" are "columns" within the table, and "records" are "rows" within the table.) As you can see, the features new to IP.Content 1.1.0 can allow you to greatly extend and much more easily control custom data on your website. Users can practically create entire applications through a few clicks in the ACP, giving you a lot of power. We are excited about this new functionality, and can't wait to see how our customers make use of it. While the first release of IP.Content focused largely on static content (allowing dynamic content through custom PHP code), IP.Content 1.1 focuses on the dynamic features that many users need to manage their websites.
  15. We have made two sections of resources available on our site: Official and Community. Official Resources These are resources made by IPS staff and include everything from getting started guides to developer documentation. We are still populating our database of documentation and appreciate your feedback on what sort of information you might be looking for. What seems easy to IPS staff can often be confusing to those not living our products daily as we are so please speak up regarding specific areas you need to have better documentation. Thanks! Community Resources Made by the community of IPS customers and include tips, skins, hooks, applications, and more. There is a great number of interesting articles and fun downloads to choose from there. Try one our or submit your own. Visit: Customers Resources
  16. I think this topic has devolved into a debate on the various ways one can document software products :) let's not start a huge argument about the merits of one over the other. We all agree documentation is very important and it is being actively worked on. As IPB3 is so new we are still writing many of these documents. Anyone who has written documentation knows it is extremely time consuming. We actually have quite a bit written already in various areas that has been written over time and as things come up. We are currently working on pulling all that various information together into centralized guides. You may have noticed the new Resources area on our community here and the new capabilities of IP.Content 1.1 - we will be using those new features for our core documentation. We have, basically, two approaches: ACP Inline Help: This talks about the specific page you're on without having to leave the admin area. It's not to explain in great detail just to explain the overall functions of the page you're on. Guides: A traditional article on various subjects. The guides will have various subjects and take information beyond what the straightforward ACP Inline Help can provide. Examples may include: Basics of skinning Moderation guide Creation applications/hooks Creating a single-sign-on bridge between IPB and your applications Template logic etc. Much of this is already written in the form of articles on the resource site and the many dozens of PDFs our development and support departments have written since the launch of IPB3. I am personally organizing all this varied information this week into a logical approach (quite an undertaking I might add). We will begin publishing these various documents in the next few days and continuing to expand upon them quite frequently over the next couple months. Documentation is very important to us as it is to you. Taken another way, good documents reduce the number of tickets we receive which is good for both our clients and for us. Plus, it eliminates the need for topics like this which end up going in circles with people who, at a base level, do agree with each other. :)
  17. It does not have read/write separation at this time but it's something we have experimented with and may make it into a release of IPB in the future.
  18. I believe bfarber said that was a formatting thing from conversions. Will see about fixing that.
  19. bbAuthority.com, a resource site for forum administrators has posted a review of IP.Board 3: http://www.bbauthority.com/forum-software/invision-power-board-3-an-insight Thanks bbAuthority.com for the review! Always great to see how others react to IP.Board 3's new capabilities!
  20. Yes, we renamed CCS to IP.Content as even we kept typing CCS/CSS at times :)
  21. As the functionality already exists, I am sure a checkbox in the user settings for a default search view would be easy to do.
  22. We are working on making customer access here on our company forums work better. During our changes some clients may have been removed from Customers group and put in the Members group. If you are experiencing issues please first try this: The most common issue we have is with customers not logging in with the email they use in the client area. If you are still having trouble please submit a ticket. [*]Log out of the forums [*]Log back in with the same email address and password you use for our client area
  23. Not really: Post count is the number under your name as in total posts made. It's just a number. Active users is a direct query of posts made in a timeframe - it doesn't look at your cumulative post count.
  24. Hiding members from the member list hides them from the members list as it says it should. It does not hide them from today's top posters since that's not the members list :)
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