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Everything posted by Charles

  1. In the mean time you can always just add it in your skin on your install :)
  2. While not a particular interesting blog entry :) I wanted anyone interested to know that our demo service term has been extended from 24 to 48 hours. As always, you can email sales for a further extension if you might need more time. If you are considering using IP.Board now is a great time to get your proverbial feet wet on version 3.0.5 so you are ready as soon as the upcoming version 3.1 is released! If you have any questions, feel free to email sales@invisionpower.com to speak to our sales staff or post in our pre-sales forum for friendly help from the community.
  3. While not a particular interesting blog entry :) I wanted anyone interested to know that our demo service term has been extended from 24 to 48 hours. As always, you can email sales for a further extension if you might need more time. If you are considering using IP.Board now is a great time to get your proverbial feet wet on version 3.0.5 so you are ready as soon as the upcoming version 3.1 is released! If you have any questions, feel free to email sales@invisionpower.com to speak to our sales staff or post in our pre-sales forum for friendly help from the community. View full blog entry
  4. We didn't remove any functionality... the user just wants a link at the top of the page to show moderators. The moderators are shown at the bottom so the user can easily add a link to the skin or move the moderator info to the top in the skin.
  5. I didn't think many people had such strong emotions about a skin :) We have simply been distracted with core development on new versions and have not had an opportunity to focus on the skin and such.
  6. I'm not sure why there is such anger over a skin here :) It was just updated in the client area a week or so ago and I am sorry we didn't make a big announcement about it. If there are any bugs with it please report them. It's not included in the main download zip, yes, but there are technical reasons for that and we don't want to mess with the 3.0.5 default download just to include a skin.
  7. We posted our first Blog entry about IPB 3.1 yesterday.
  8. For those of you having issues posting a blog entry using IP.Blog with a year of 2010 a patch has been posted to fix these issues. Please see this post for patch information and instructions.
  9. For those of you having issues posting a blog entry using IP.Blog with a year of 2010 a patch has been posted to fix these issues. Please see this post for patch information and instructions. View full blog entry
  10. Beta 4 has been released to fix joining the chat room errors and other smaller issues.
  11. We neglected to post yesterday that Beta 2 is in the client area now. Just reupload the files.
  12. We have an internal testing group. That's where IP.Board 3.0.5 and Blog/Gallery/Downloads/Content are right now :) Chat is a special case as we needed a huge audience. Again, hundreds of people are using it as I type without issue so we are looking at a few people with issues that are already being sorted.
  13. Yes that's the whole point :) So far all the bugs encountered were related to it being used on a wide audience. Some were problems with our software, others were issue with host-specific configurations different than the configurations we use here at IPS. Those are the kind of things we could never have found before releasing it to a wider audience. Most issues reported have already been fixed actually. Don't forget that you will get a handful of people flipping out in topics like these while we have literally hundreds of chat rooms running already without any issue.
  14. IP.Content, Gallery, Blog, Chat, Downloads, etc. all use the same install method so not sure why you would have issues with some and not others.
  15. Do you have in_dev on?
  16. Shouldn't need anything special. We are looking into why some people are having issues.
  17. If you're encountering issues with IPB and Chrome the bug tracker would be the place. Keeping it to yourself won't help :) The chat is only tested in Firefox, Safari, and IE at this time.
  18. Yes, Colonel Wolfie has discovered our master plan.
  19. The beta testing for the new IP.Chat service is now open to all active IP.Board and IPS Community Hosting customers. For full information please read the topic in the IP.Chat forum.
  20. The beta testing for the new IP.Chat service is now open to all active IP.Board and IPS Community Hosting customers. For full information please read the topic in the IP.Chat forum. View full blog entry
  21. The first public beta release of the new IP.Chat service is now available to all active IP.Board and IPS Community Hosting customers. If you are not familiar with the chat service the original announcement is quoted at the bottom of this post. Notes This is a beta release so there will be issues. Please keep an eye on this topic, or even use the Watch this topic option, as we will update this topic when there are updates or other known issues. The primary purpose of this beta is to test the basic functionality of chat: message exchange. The message exchange is handled by IPS servers so we are doing load testing during this beta. We have lots of new features and options planned and feel free to post suggestions for the service but please keep in mind, for the purpose of this beta, we are not after huge list of feature requests. The goal is to make a good, stable platform for basic chat that we can add new features to at a later date. The only package available right now is the Free package option. This package will be limited to 5 online users when the service goes live but for the beta phase it is unlimited. We may do server maintenance or shut down the service now and then for other purposes. If it will be down for an extended period we will post in this topic. Don't use the chat in a critical environment as it will probably go up and down as we test. The chat does not work with Opera browser. How to Order Installation Original IP.Chat service announcement:Login to the Client Area and go to New Purchase. Find IP.Chat: Free under Invision Power Board Optional Addons and click Buy Now. Order as normal, the package is free so you will not be charged. (if the system prompts you for payment information just skip/ignore that prompt and go back to the Client Area home page - we are working on fixing that error) Go to Your Downloads and download the IP.Chat package. Go to Your Purchases and select the IP.Chat package. To use IP.Chat it must be associated with an IP.Board or IPS Community Hosting package. Select the package to associate with and you will then see a chat service key appear. If you are not on IP.Board 3.0.4, upgrade to it. Important: Login to your IP.Board AdminCP and then go to Manage Applications & Modules. Look for a Chat Services application already installed. If you see it, click the drop down menu and then Remove Application (if you don't then ignore this step). This will delete the old chat services application which was for integration with Parachat and Addonchat. Of course, if you are using those services, do not remove that application but you will not be able to use IP.Chat until you do. Upload all files contained within the upload directory of the IP.Chat zip file. This is just like installing any other application in IP.Board. Go to Manage Applications & Modules in your IP.Board AdminCP. Select the Install link next to the Chat Services application. Once the install is complete you can go to My Apps and select Chat Services. Just enter the chat service key found under Your Purchases in the Client Area to activate.
  22. By the end of the year if I had to say right now :)
  23. O'Reilly Answers is a community site for sharing knowledge, asking questions, and providing answers. The site is powered by IP.Board using creative application of hooks and skinning logic. It also uses the IP.Board OpenID authentication for single-sign-on with O'Reilly. The site is a great demo of what you can do with the new software platform from IPS. Read the full announcement from O'Reilly From the O'Reilly announcement: Visit O'Reilly Answers
  24. O'Reilly Answers is a community site for sharing knowledge, asking questions, and providing answers. The site is powered by IP.Board using creative application of hooks and skinning logic. It also uses the IP.Board OpenID authentication for single-sign-on with O'Reilly. The site is a great demo of what you can do with the new software platform from IPS. Read the full announcement from O'Reilly From the O'Reilly announcement: Visit O'Reilly Answers View full blog entry
  25. We expect to have a public beta in December :)
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