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  1. Completely understandable :) However, those documents are rather helpful. A million times better than the crap that is the vB Manual. All the information on vB I have to get from external sources. But here you guys are, telling us everything ;)
  2. I know I'm pushing it a little here, but is there any way I could try a "full" demo of IPB with FTP access and everything? I really want to try coding and file edits and things without having to purchase it... I know - as I said - I'm pushing it, but I thought I should at least ask. Also, did you guys just edit the demo times to 24-hours? I swear they were 8 a couple days ago. ;)
  3. I'd love to, but I want to wait to see where this sale idea is going from the IPS team ;)
  4. But yet, they have no demos, no betas and no information beyond their little marketing page. ...Oh wait, I'm wrong... They've got six measly screenshots.
  5. Damn you IPS! You're so enticing... The problem us vB users have; is vBS is committing us to a "deal" if we purchase before the end of October. We get a huge discount, or be faced with paying $280 later on. And vB 4.0 isn't even in beta yet!!! I know you guys are discussing having a sale; but I highly suggest you do it soon; otherwise us vB users will have an EXTREMELY hard choice. Having the sale earlier will make it an easy choice in my opinion. And my opinion is hard to make choices with ;)
  6. Thanks for all the replies, you guys truly are quite helpful here :) So much better than the crap you get (or just being ignored) over at vB.com and vB.org. I just have to ask one other question. vBulletin states that you are only allowed 1 forum per license; that is fair enough, but it also states that that forum cannot extent beyond that one directory. So, now that vBulletin has it's own CMS, you MUST have the CMS in the forum directory. I usually have my CMS on the home directory; and my forum in /forums/. This is not allowed under the new license agreement by vBulletin. Is it allowed with IP.Content and IP.Board?
  7. Even better! Nice idea Ian! But the only problem is, how does IPS gauge who actually has vBulletin? Hmmm, there's too many modifications to list, here's a few off the top of my head: - vBAdvanced (I know I've already said it) - Cyb - PayPal Donate (i.e. PayPal integration for payments) - Affiliates Sidebar (i.e. Something with a list of affiliates that scrolls on the left/right side of the forum home) - vBShout (i.e. A Chatbox) - TCattd Image Resizer (i.e. A fancy image resizer) - vBExperience (i.e. A points system. You get 1 point per post and 10 points per thread, it adds up and produces a better gauge of the quality of users rather than just post count, or just reputation) That's all I can think of right now... :)
  8. I know there will probably be a whole bunch of people wondering over here from vB in the coming days/weeks, so instead of the threads in Pre-Sales that are moderated, I figure I should start this one as just a general discussion of IPS. Please do not use this thread to 'bash' vBS or IPS, this is serious talk only... I have to say though, in the short time I've spent browsing these wonderful forums, I have to say... WOW! Everything is so simple, beautifully laid out and the effects flow perfectly. I'm awestruck. Seriously. Alas, my problem is not with the frontend... I keep coming back here in the vague hope that I might work up the courage to convert. I've spent so long custom coding so many things on my vB website that I don't want to loose my work. I am not a great coder, so my code is messy in the sense that it will probably be difficult to just "convert" it over to IPB. A question I would like answered though, can anyone give me a list of alternatives of all the popular vB Addons? For example, the Alternative for vBAdvanced would be the IP.Portal, etc. A suggestion I have for the IPS Team though is to have a sale. Right now there's a lot of vB guys throwing tantrums and if IPS came down even further in price, I'm sure it would push A LOT of people over the edge. (Just a suggestion though, I have no idea what laws/rules/ethics apply). Anyway, I hope I've got this in the right section; and that it is ok for me to do so. - Morsolo
  9. Morsolo

    IPB vs. vBulletin

    I'm in the same boat as SNN... I'd love to move to IPB but the biggest problem I have with it is modifications. It is so darn easy to go into the Style Templates in vB and just edit up a storm, or add some simple stuff and integrate it. IPB is all PHP and external pages. At least, it was when I tried it. Forgive me if it is moving along ;)
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