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Charles last won the day on January 1

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    Lynchburg, Virginia

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  1. That's strange that you are seeing no CSS on your screenshot as that is all loaded via CDN.
  2. We do not plan to change the package requirements.
  3. We made a change a few hours ago to reduce the challenges. Are you still seeing people being prompted?
  4. Live Topics is available for all customers on the following packages: Creator Creator Pro Team Business Enterprise Live Topics is not available on: Beginner Classic Feel free to reach out if you have questions on upgrading.
  5. Invision Community 5 is still several months away from a release. We will keep posting blog entries about its development over the coming weeks. Those entries will keep you informed.
  6. Actually it's not a pity seeing as we have that already and are making it better.
  7. That could be true from an SQL perspective but... it's probably more performant to ask yourself why any community needs 100 subforums. Think about usability from a human perspective.
  8. AI and LLM and all that could be another good metric but community-based metrics are useful too. For example, someone may post a long-winded rant and I might reply "ok." AI and such would see that as a useless reply. But, in context, a human would see it's a funny, sarcastic reply and it might get lots of likes or other engagement. So you need both AI and actual I working together to create useful data.
  9. Curious what sort of community features others do out of the box that you think we should include.
  10. Two years later and people still don't know how to get back to the top of a web page on their devices? The Internet must be a confusing bottom-of-page place.
  11. You might want to wait until v5 exists before giving feedback on it 😉
  12. Again, please see Matt and my post above. You’re still comparing things the wrong way. I explained it as package limits earlier.
  13. It is a common misconception that we are doing "cloud-exclusive features." Invision Community sells its services in various package levels like you will find in literally any other software or service you buy out there. We offer the following packages: Classic (self-hosted) Beginner Creator Creator Pro Team Business Enterprise All of those packages offer different levels of features, support, service, and consulting. For example, our Courses feature is available on: Creator Pro Team Business Enterprise As you can see, Courses is not a "cloud-exclusive feature" but it is exclusive to specific package levels. Another example might be AI based image moderation which is only available on Business and Enterprise packages. So we are not drawing a line specifically between Classic (self-hosted) and other packages (cloud). There are many differentiators between all the package tiers which is a totally normal way that software and services are sold. From media streaming to your mobile phone plan right down to your internet service, offering different package for people to choose from offers flexibility of choice in terms of both price and options.
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