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    GazzaGarratt reacted to Football Manager Graphics in Custom Leaderboards   
    We've created a number of challenges for our members which result in certain points being allocated upon completion.
    Is there an option to create a custom leaderboard based on certain criteria? This could be managed manually even.
  2. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to aXenDev in [Dark / Light] Fluent Design Theme Edition - Topic Support   
    Update is pending approval.
  3. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to opentype in Expired subscriptions must be treated like no subscription   
    The issue: when someone let’s a subscription (product subscription or regular subscription) expire, they will later not be able to buy it again, because the invoice on file prevents a new subscription. But the existing subscription also cannot be renewed because the invoice has expired. This can only be solved by intervention from an admin (manually finding and deleting these invoices), but there might be hundreds of those and it would require a constant monitoring of expired invoices. 
    The solution: The check that prevents a new subscription with an invoice on file should be removed or adjusted. Someone who doesn’t have a subscription anymore, because subscription and invoice have expired, must be treated like anyone who never had a subscription. Both groups should see exactly the same offers because their status in relation to these subscriptions is the same. 
    Why it matters: People run into this problem all the time and it’s not just an inconvenience, it it costing them money, because people who would want to pay cannot pay and probably just give up. Here are just a few examples from the recent days (and I have observed this and commented on it for years): 
    Subscription buttons don't show up. (yesterday)
    Subscriptions Bug (yesterday)
    invoice has expired but member cannot renew (7 days ago)
    The development time to fix this is probably much cheaper than having IPS support deal with this issue for years, constantly identifying the issue and guiding people through the process of the possible work-arounds. So it would be a win-win situation to finally fix this. 😉 
  4. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Marc Stridgen in how can i enable the 'mark as solution' feature   
    Just as a note to this, I have added a bug report to have that word added as a search option
  5. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to nodle in Hump Day: A magic wand to create a new feature?   
    I think the main focus of Invision should be on Forums, I mean that is why we are all here in the first place isn't it? The extras are always nice Clubs, Pages, Ecommerce etc. These are nice and all for extras, but the root of the whole experience is forums. There are a lot of add-ons that could be worked into the forum root like @Adriano Faria posted above. There are some quality-of-life experiences that I feel are missing from the forum experience that should be built in from the beginning. 
    Tag editor (it would be nice to have a page built into the ACP where you can view all the tags added, modify, and delete these). Updates to email such as the Drip campaign add-on. There should be a built-in system that notices if a user hasn't visited in a while and sends them an email showing them what they have been missing. Sometimes people just get busy and forget to come this, this would help pull back users to your forum.  Widgets! We all love widgets; it would be nice to see more added. Invision has a genuinely nice drop in place system for these that the competitors can't touch. Expand on these  Keep the monthly updates coming. One of my favorite things about switching back over. I love seeing new updates coming. (Maybe I am a nerd 🤓) A. It makes me feel like the devs are working for your money and you're getting something of value. B. It's nice having things patched in a timely manner and not having to wait months or years. C. I love when you guys introduce new features, again like A. This makes you feel like you are getting something of value and the software is not going stagnant.  These are just a couple that come to the top of my head that can really add value to the whole forum experience and are standard built into the competitors forum software. Owners' engagement on this forum is also a plus. It's nice to see post from @Jordan Miller since switching back over here he brings life into the forums. Anyways, these are some of my suggestions. 
  6. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Marc Stridgen in Unread content disappearing from stream even though not read   
    You can try ensuring you are logged out of all other systems, which is the only other suggestion I can really make unfortunately. 
  7. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Marc Stridgen in Achievements Bugs   
    I have just tagged our developers to get some confirmation on that for you
  8. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to SoftwareFactory in Brilliant Discord Integration   
    Could you please tell me where exactly are you experiencing being rate limited? Is the app failing to send certain notifications? Additionally, could you send me your debug information file in a private message (you can download one from ACP > Brilliant Discord > Logs > Download Debug Information)? Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.
    When syncing username from Discord to your Invision Community website, discriminators are included in the usernames. This is due to Invision Community's limitation that a username must be unique, while Discord allows multiple users to have the same name. Make sure that you have "#" included in Allowed Characters.

    I am feeling much better now. Thanks for asking, I really appreciate this. I hope you are doing well too!
    When a user unlinks their accounts, Brilliant Discord Integration automatically kicks them from your Discord server, effectively preventing such abuse.
    This is intended. Brilliant Discord Integration is only using the bot's identity to perform actions on your Discord server. It is not actively connected to Discord, which is why the bot appears offline. This doesn't mean that something is wrong with the app.
    It seems that there are some issues with syncing group changes triggered by Commerce products/subscriptions. This is something that is currently under investigation.
  9. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from SoftwareFactory in Brilliant Discord Integration   
    Just catching up on my apps in case of any updates, etc. Just to stop for a moment though to say I hope you're keeping well now @SoftwareFactory. I know pretty much everyone comes in this thread to get updates from you on the app and not yourself but i'd rather take a second to say thanks for all you're doing so far and hope you've come through it, fighting fit now 💪 
    The app is still performing well for me too btw for what I need it to do 😄
  10. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Marc Stridgen in Achievements Bugs   
    We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. 
    We look forward to further assisting you. 
  11. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Marc Stridgen in Unread content disappearing from stream even though not read   
    Please note response times can be up to 72 hours as per SLA. We are usually much much faster than that, however weekend we would tend to address only urgent isues. 
    Do you have any other devices connected to your site? I ask as Im unable to replicate this, and I use this functionality daily even for support purposes
  12. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to aXenDev in [Dark / Light] Fluent Design Theme Edition - Topic Support   
    @GazzaGarratt This option works fine for me.
  13. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to opentype in Pages SuperGallery (support topic)   
    As mentioned on the product page “It’s a way to create galleries as part of the editorial content on your website”. So, for a few select galleries created by admins. Unlike Gallery, you get a clean “editorial look” and you can add text where necessary, including text-only pages for chapters, intro and so on. I specifically created that with a use for a museum in mind, where we want to create clean virtual exhibitions which guide the user step by step through the exhibition. 
    The Gallery app is centered around user-content and much more powerful in that regard. Ordering, image manipulation and so on. 
    SuperGallery uses the stock Pages features, as you can see in the video. Title, Content Field, Record Image. You could uninstall SuperGallery and would have a regular working Pages database, just without the gallery look. 
  14. Haha
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Marc Stridgen in How to setup 'Solving Topics'   
    We all have those days 😄
  15. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Joey_M in Mobile App, What happened?   
    @Jon Erickson: Your window of oppatunity has opened even more with this.
    From time to time, I still get asked about the webview apps and notifications. It's worth throwing your crown into the area as a solution I think. 👍
  16. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from Adriano Faria in How to setup 'Solving Topics'   
    Thanks Marc - its forevergaming.co.uk
    Its okay @Marc Stridgen...I'm absolutely stupid.
    Just saw @Adriano Faria's post above and for some reason i've never seen that option there! 🤦‍♂️ I usually check the burger menu per post and the admin CP.
    Thanks Adriano! You learn something new everyday, eh 😅
  17. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Adriano Faria in How to setup 'Solving Topics'   
    You don’t “select” a post. You will click in a link that will show up in every post:

  18. Agree
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Marius in Hump Day: your dream feature   
    My wish is native mobile app. 
  19. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to aXenDev in [Dark / Light] Fluent Design Theme Edition - Topic Support   
    I'm currently working on an update. I suggest waiting 1-2 day for theme update.
  20. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Jordan Miller in Hump Day: 4.6.11 Beta 1 is out + happy birthdays   
    Happy Hump Day! 
    We officially launched 4.6.11 Beta 1 into the world. 🎉 
    It's a maintenance release, but still worth your undivided attention! I can't reveal much yet, but we have some very exciting features on the way. 🤫 Feel free to speculate in the comments 🙃
    Here's a look at 4.6.11 Beta 1's release notes:
    As always, here are a list of updates and fixes done in the last week. 
    - Fixed the duplicate stream subscription emails.
    - Fixed an issue where a customer may not be able to pay for a custom product.
    - Added a new 'block' feature to blocked words when posting. It will prompt the author to revise their content to remove the offending word.
    - Fixed an error saving Gallery settings while IN_DEV.
    - Fixed an issue where the template editor incorrectly offered a 'revert' button instead of delete.
    - Fixed an issue where attempting to purchase a product that isn't allowed for the member, didn't show an error message when signing in during checkout.
    - Fixed the broken "achievements to show" widget setting.
    - Added additional logging when disabling third party items via the support tool.
    And last but not least, we have two birthday boys in the house! Happy bday to @Matt and @Ehren! 🎉 🎂  We appreciate all the hard work and effort you two talented fellas contribute to Invision Community. 
    Thoughts on 4.6.11 Beta 1? Any guesses as to what the new features might be? Want to wish Matt and Ehren a happy bday? Drop a reply and we'll engage with ya! 

  21. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from Matt in Hump Day: subscriptions in Achievements   
    Thought i'd loop back around to this one as we've just gone live with some 'Memberships' and whichever one they select, they receive points and a Medal (Badge) to go on their profile. More than expected have appreciated the medal on taking up a Membership.
    I think it would be great to keep building on Achievements and understanding the roadmap for upcoming features and enhancements to it so we can keep ahead in our own planning.
  22. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Stuart Silvester in Achievements Bugs   
    4.6.11 is the March release, it was released this morning.
    If your community hasn't seen the update yet (it only checks once per day) you can go to AdminCP > System > Applications and click on 'Check for updates'.
  23. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from Sonya* in Hump Day: do you use the poll feature?   
    Hi @Jordan Miller, did this feedback help towards anything coming soon for polls at all?
  24. Thanks
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Adriano Faria in Quizzes   
    I didn’t do this. When a member completes a quiz it’s the only one and will give points every time the quiz is completed. 
    I said somewhere in this topic that I’d would start basic and then enhance in future versions. That’s what I did.
  25. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from Marc Stridgen in Achievements Bugs   
    Thank Marc. I appreciate the clear responses. 👍
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