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How to setup 'Solving Topics'


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Usually I try and give anything a good search and try be working with configurable options but for some unknown reason, my brain just can't figuyre out the steps it needs to take to be able to have certain topics have a 'Solved' post in it 😅

I want to make more use of it and I feel like i'm missing a simple setting somewhere in the AdminCP that then allows Admins and Mods to select a post that 'Solves' the topic. Exactly like here.

Also, would be good to know if you can have a sub-forum with topics that are just discussions and some that can be solved?

I feel like i'm losing my marbles asking something reasonably basic for many of you, but I have to own up sometimes when it just isn't clicking for me! Any help is greatly appreciated.

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2 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

Edit the forum you want and you’ll see a “solved” section/option. 

Thanks Adriano...but the only option I could see to edit the forums with Solved parts was the screenshot below. I've done that and i'm not seeing what part that gives me an option to select a post and say that this is the answer.

Am I missing an option here?



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On 3/10/2022 at 8:13 AM, Marc Stridgen said:

If you are not seeing that, I would need to know what forum on your site so I can take a look for you

Thanks Marc - its forevergaming.co.uk


Its okay @Marc Stridgen...I'm absolutely stupid.

Just saw @Adriano Faria's post above and for some reason i've never seen that option there! 🤦‍♂️ I usually check the burger menu per post and the admin CP.

Thanks Adriano! You learn something new everyday, eh 😅

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