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Posts posted by xtech

  1. One of my servers was accessed from (US/United States/

    Is that IPS? I had a support ticket... i asked if this IP was you in the client area but nobody replies. I don't know if this is legit or hacking. 

  2. 20 minutes ago, Ramsesx said:

    I recommend revive formerly known as openx. Use this since many, many years. It's free, self hosted and a lot of features. You can add the advert delivery code into the ips advertising system.


    The problem with "ad serving software" is that they are easily defeated by adblockers because you have to inject their .js in the code.

  3. @Sonya* , yes but the IPS advertisement system has some advantages:

    • it can "escape" adblockers because it is virtually a normal content block that is placed, so unless you use "standard ad formats" it will gets through adblockers
    • performance
    • It is integrated in IPS so users can buy directly at the site

    The only problem that i see with it is that the ad buyers can't track the performance (clicks or visualizations) of the ads they bought... of course you can use a tracking system and have them to check it outside IPS, but that is a extra hassle that users are not willing to have.

    Duration period is an option, yes, but the user doesn't know if their ads are being seen and how many times they were seen. It is difficult to sell that for any potential buyer.

  4. Hi everyone,

    i have a doubt. If i sell advertisements through IP Commerce, how can buyers of advertisement check the number of clicks their advertisements have? The thing is that we can sell advertisements (let's say, a pack of 1000 visualizations, but then they cannot track how many visualizations they have left. Is there a way or a 3rd party app for this? Because buyers may not believe my word (why should them, anyway?), and answering to them is a lot of manual work...


  5. When you put )|raw, it gets literally what it is stored at the SQL database with no parsing. The "listing" template parses it, so that's why you get the link and the thumb.

     Therefore, i would look into the SQL database to check what it has inside. If it is an array, you cannot directly have the url.jpg, as it has more than one item.

    I have never used such a field so i am not particulary familiar on how it is stored at the SQL database

  6. (This call is open till otherwise is stated - please feel free to send me your budget proposal).



    i want to hire a developer to develop two one app (App2 was already assigned to Adriano Faria).

    Here are the requirements for both apps. 
    Besides their functionality, what i ask is that they be compliant with IPS 4.6 right away.

    Please let me know your budget proposal via PM.




    App 1


    General Idea:

    In my community, clubs are called "projects". I want that club administrators can set the visibility of each of club features to "public" and others as "private".


    Functional requirements:


    • Club owner should be able to define the visibility/privacy of the several club "features" (i mean the "tabs" of the club, ex: topics, calendar, members, etc) so that each of the tabs can be set to:
      • Public - everyone can see it and its contents
      • Private - visible only to the members of the club
      • (of course, if the club is private, even if a club feature is set to public, it won't be visible)


    • The club activity page should respect the privacy of each tab (it should not present items from private club features to visitors in public clubs, but should present them to club members)


    • The definition of the visibility of each club feature should be placed under the "manage club" button in a new menu entry called "Feature Visibility". Clicking in this option should open dialog that lists all the club features and their visibility.
    • Even if club owner adds two features from the same app to the club (let's say, two calendars or two topic areas), he should be able to define the visibility of each of them differenty (ex: he may want a calendar to be public and another one to be private)


    App 2

    General Idea:

    I am frustrated that when i click in a user, it shows by default his activity. I would like to show its profile fields instead and it should appear as first tab (keeping the "activity", "clubs", "etc").


    Functional Requirements:


    It is an app to bring to the profile fields defined in the ACP to a new tab under the user profile. Here are the requirements:

    • Create a new profile tab, that should appear in the first place (before the "activity" tab)



    • That tab should show the profield field category, the profile field names and their info (respecting its defined order and visibility). 



  7. An app to to address SEO issues would be an instant success. I don't see it as being very difficult from a technical point of view. Many of the main improvement points have been largely discussed.

    The most successful ideas are the ones that address user problems. Maybe @Paul E., @Adriano Faria, @newbie LAC, @DawPi and others see here a great chance of making good money and decide to invest their time and skills on it? 

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