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Markus Jung

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    Markus Jung reacted to AlexWebsites in Google AdSense Auto Ads   
    All I did was create a custom ad tag and insert that tag into the global template. Within the ad settings, I have it showing to guests only. I did nt use any IF statements. 

    It seemed to display more ads on mobile and it feels like it's slowing down the site a bit on smaller screens. I have everything on in adsense to show and it's too early to make a judgement so I'm going to continue to leave it up for a few days. 
  2. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Cemmos in Google AdSense Auto Ads   
    Yeah, that's definitely something to think about. But one thing that I like about Google is that they're very much against ad-spam themselves. I noticed that there won't even be ads on pages where there's very little content (like text). It also seems to insert ads decently in article body text, but I've noticed that sometimes they leave big white gaps where an ad should be. For someone that really likes to make sure a site looks nice, that bit is a little jarring. 
    On an old forum of mine, it inserts an ad something like every 2-3 posts down and actually looks fairly tasteful.
    Overall, I think it's a nice way to get ad placements on a site, but it does need some tinkering on Google's end. I can't speak for earnings yet since it hasn't even been a full day since I put them on a few sites I run. Haven't yet put it on my Invision Community though, except when I was testing some things. 
  3. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Cemmos in Google AdSense Auto Ads   
    {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id === NULL}} Adsense Auto Ad code goes here {{endif}} Just paste your ad code in the IF statement. This way the script won't load for users that are logged in.
  4. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to opentype in Support Topic for SuperShow (YouTube/Vimeo Feed Widget)   
    For a channel, it shows the latest first. For playlists it uses the order of the playlist itself (just as you would see it on YouTube). That can indeed be the right order for someone – and the wrong order for another user.
  5. Like
    Markus Jung got a reaction from opentype in Support Topic for SuperShow (YouTube/Vimeo Feed Widget)   
    Please keep it. Works fine for me (correct order). 
  6. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Matt in Large community? You have a problems with sitemap!   
    4.3 also uses 300 characters for meta description
  7. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Matt in Large community? You have a problems with sitemap!   
    Just so you know, we're watching this topic and looking at our own stats to build a better picture.
    The facts we know:
    1) Almost every site I've got access to (via friends, etc) have seen a massive drop since June of indexed pages. This is not exclusive to Invision Community powered sites. I've seen the same with Wordpress.
    2) Google slipped in an update in 2017 to target several things, one of these things is poor backlinks and other poor quality links. It looks like this means that user profiles that have no content have been dropped from the index along with links that 301. That is fine. You don't want Google storing the 301 link, as long as it stores the real link (and it does seem to).
    3) A drop in what is indexed doesn't actually correlate to the health of the site. We've seen our index volume drop, but clicks, engagement and discovery slightly increase (probably due to better quality results?)
    As always, Google say nothing so we're left guessing.
    We will look at stopping user profiles from being submitted. For example, we see nearly 380k links as 'discovered' but Google has chosen to not index them. Looking through the list, it's all user profiles.
    This means:
    1) Sitemaps are working fine. There's no massive problem with them that correlates with a drop in indexed pages
    2) The cornerstones of good SEO are taken care of in the software
    3) Google is being weird and mysterious as always.
    What can we do in the short term?
    1) Stop sending profiles with no content to the sitemap. They are now ignored and Google appears to be dropping them from its indexes
    2) Add in nofollow on links that 301 so Google doesn't bother 'discovering' them at all.
  8. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Optic14 in Large community? You have a problems with sitemap!   
    Google makes it clear that sitemaps will always be of some benefit, especially to larger sites:
    It's not a guarantee of course - though it does says it will always be of some benefit..
    So IPS may as well optimise it to the best they can by ensuring it's as complete as possible by the time Googlebot reads it.
  9. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Parisian in Google Cloud Storage/ Google Cloud CDN   
    Any update on this? It would be a lot more cost effective for us to store files on GCP rather than S3.
  10. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Lindy in Google Cloud Storage/ Google Cloud CDN   
    We are going to add additional storage options as S3 can be mind blowing for some, but have not landed on any specifically. We're certainly open to suggestions and will consider Google.
  11. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to When Genius Prevailed in Google Cloud Storage/ Google Cloud CDN   

    I noticed that Amazon S3 has been supported by IPS for quite a while now. Google's offering is argued to be cheaper and faster.  
    Will IPS support Google Cloud Storage / Google Cloud CDN in the near future? 
  12. Thanks
    Markus Jung reacted to opentype in Support Topic for SuperShow (YouTube/Vimeo Feed Widget)   
    If it’s a channel feed you can subscribe to the channel. If it’s a playlist, it can contain videos of many different channels. So what are you actually subscribing to? That might be confusing. 
  13. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Matt in Large community? You have a problems with sitemap!   
    We've added the timestamp into the sitemap and we're looking to add a tool to quickly rebuild the sitemap on demand.
  14. Thanks
    Markus Jung reacted to Numbered in Large community? You have a problems with sitemap!   
    Support answered 
  15. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Numbered in Large community? You have a problems with sitemap!   
    Found one more sitemap problem.
    <lastmod> tag show generation time of the current sitemap file. It's right, but.. What is tell standard
    So, coming back to our case, now we have 5271 sitemap files. So google should get all of them! He get information 'it's modified! take it' and doesn't matter content inside changed or not. Moreover - inside sub-sitemap with url's we didn't have any <lastmod> tags. So google get very old url to subsitemap file, get it and see just list of urls without additional meta information.
    My proposal:
    add <lastmod> tag to every url inside all sub-sutemaps. It will tell google which urls contain new elements and which should be scan and it tell which one not changed and not need to re-scan => will optimize scan perfomance.
    Add <lastmod> tag to index sitemap file, which never tell date of this file generation - it should provide newer date of last modified url inside this file. With that google never download sitemap with 500 urls where no changes exist => will optimize scan perfomance.
    P.S. I'll try to create a patch. If i do this - i'll share it here (for other dev's checks and helping IPS).
    Thanks for you attension and support )
  16. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to JwilsonVW in Needed: Save Draft Button in Editor   
    Built-in draft save/recall would be welcome!

    The automated one is convenient for inadvertently leaving the page and coming back, but since it can only store one post per thread, it doesn't accommodate complex conversations or detailed posts built over time. Being able to slap a button and dump the draft into a retrievable list would be an excellent UI enhancement.
  17. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Kjell Iver Johansen in (DP42) CSE Google   
    If you click through the images in this topic it is rather self explained I hope.. He is searching for Snøsag (snowsaw)
  18. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to CheersnGears in Needed: Save Draft Button in Editor   
    Something still isn't right.  
    I just went to make another reply to a thread and a post of mine from 3 hours ago (and a 3 posts ago) came up in the editor box.
  19. Like
    Markus Jung got a reaction from Tracy Perry in No more go to first unread post link in topic   
    There are no circles in the block/widget (for example for a portal page). Threads with unread posts are bold, but you cannot directly go to the first unread post.
  20. Like
    Markus Jung got a reaction from xtech in AdSense Crawler   
    Can you tell me the settings for IPS 4? 
    I tried:
    Site URL: http://www.site.de/ Login URL: http://www.site.de/login/ Method: POST Parameter auth = username I created for the AdSense bot password = password  I created for the AdSense bot But this is not working.
  21. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to SenGuy in Advertisement Placement Improvement? A simple fix.   
    For the next update in the Advertisements Section, Would it be possible to add the forums that you would like the ads to be shown in? Some people might get sponsors for specific subforms...should be a simple add on. Default can be all forum, and then you can select which forums, like in the announcements dropdown.
  22. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to chilihead in Wiki-like-editing is useless at this moment   
    Really need this. With an expansive database this could fill up with not only malicious info but erroneous info you do not approve of. We have editors for such approvals that will research the changes, this is really needed for a clean and professional database or records.
  23. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to opentype in Wiki-like-editing is useless at this moment   
    I agree to the feature request. 

    However, I would suggest that you stick to calm factual descriptions for such requests. IPS will judge the feature request by itself. It doesn’t need red, exclamation marks or exaggerations (i.e. “it’s useless”). 
    If it helps you as a work-around: On my 3.4 site I monitor Wiki article changes by having set up blocks which are ordered by last change. It’s much easier to spot changes this way. 
  24. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Batnik in Wiki-like-editing is useless at this moment   
    There is one setting now:
    Moderate new records
    But one VERY Important setting is missing:
    Moderate records changes
    Without this setting the whole system is useless as the user can post cool new posts and after they get approved they are posting porn stuff in it ... and i dont even get informed about post changes AT ALL!!! do i always have to get there and see if there is changed content ... every hour, every minute?
    So why dont moderate post changes?
    Here is a possible solution:
    after the user changes the post inform moderator save a copy of this post: "set this post for moderation" from now on this user sees only this "edit-copy" of this post, all other users see the original post let the user edit this copy so many times he wants to after every submit, the post is sent for submiting (if revisions are enabled only this revision) no need to hide or delete the original post unit changes are confirmed as its different postID if revisions are enabled => use it insead of postID or always use revisions when wiki-editing is enabled after the moderator confirmed the changes ovverride the orginal post with the new version delete the copy or save a revision inform user => post approved This system right now makes absolutely no sense without changes-moderation. So please make some changes or disable it completly.
    What you think?
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