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Tracy Perry

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  1. This is (if on shared hosting) frequently the ONLY solution. If you are on a VPS or dedicated sever (even if using hypervisors) you can control this yourself. It is one of the weaknesses of being with certain low-budget hosting providers.
  2. Depending on what hosting you are using, many times in a PHP upgrade certain required (or needed) PHP PECL's are not installed. You need to check to make sure that the PECL's on your current PHP install are present on your new PHP install. In addition, you need to make sure that any of your add-ons are compliant with the PHP version you are using. It is not unheard of (either with IPS or other scripts) that a PHP upgrade can cause issues with the PHP version.
  3. It really should not be that difficult. The hardest issue will be getting your hosting set up. Once that is done, you need to check the credentials used for the DB by the script. You will then need to create a new DB utilizing those credentials on your new hosting site. Import your old exported database (which I hope you have in addition to the actual physical file structure of your site) to the newly created DB. Once you do that, upload the files in your archive into the home directory for your hosting for that domain. It should be pretty much go from there. One exception is if you used CRON for your regular jobs instead of visits.. you will need to recreate that cron job using crontab for the root user. I don't use IPS currently (expired license holder), but am willing to help as much as I can to get you back up and running (no cost as I try to help others when my abilities allow). One thing to be aware of... depending on how old your backups are, they may not run on the more current 8.x lines of PHP, so you may want to start out with PHP 7.3/4 line until you can upgrade.
  4. Oh, forgot to mention.. been playing with Linux since 1994... so it's not really a "new" thing for me. First exposure was with Slackware 1.2... which was only released about 3 decades ago. 😎
  5. I've found (for startup) the opposite... of course, I'm not dependent on a web based panel to control my VPS instance. 😉 I tend to target maximal performance... and have found (for me) that Ubuntu/Debian lags behind, especially since I'm not dependent upon a panel for controlling my server instance. Personally, to me, control panels are actually a bane, since when something messes up, most that use them can't "fight their way out of a bag" when trying to figure out how to resolve the issue. If it's not "point & click" they don't have ANY idea as how the system works. Before I started using CentMin Mod, I rolled my own nginx solution... and it was ALWAYS faster than any web based control panel solution (specifically on CentOS when compared to Debian).... the ONLY exception (and it did NOT involve a web based control panel) was with LightSpeed...but the small increment in performance didn't outweigh the costs involved when for me when compared to ngnix. I don't depend on a panel to provide/interface with domain related email. since most times delivery from a VPS/dedicated/shared hosting sucks to many mail providers (looking straight at Microsoft). I prefer to utilize Amazon SES and it's increased deliverability, so I never found the need for point/click that most panels provide. I've never had any "major" issues with upgrades updates... but of the two (RHEL/Debian) versions, it was ALWAYS the Debian line that I had more issues with over the last decade.
  6. Thanks...so this was definitely an upgrade/conversion issue that involved legacy data. Was there some modifications made to the upgrade script that will allow others to possibly bypass this issue, or was it a one-off instance? I would have assumed that an upgrade would be able to cleanly handle legacy data, especially if it involved the base script.
  7. So, it was a coding issue that took developer intervention (with indicators it was a bug)? Even that would be good to know other than "it was fixed". 😉 Not trying to razz anyone...but more detail is always handy if a company is providing support via the forums and no longer via tickets as the primary avenue.
  8. Can I make a simple mention... for others that have this issue (or similar), it is REALLY beneficial for COMMUNITY support to detail in some form what was done to resolve the issue other than saying "it's fixed". It may eliminate others from contacting for support if it is something that they can do on their end.
  9. And oddly... most VPS's and dedicated servers aren't controlled by what hosting companies want to force on you. That's the benefit of being on a dedicated server or VPS. As for AlmaLinux... been using it for for a while now... and since it's basically a "knock-off" of CentOS/RedHat it's not that "new" to the game. It's 1:1 binary compatible to RHEL (which is a long time standard in Linux serving). One of the other main differences is the licensing. AlmaLinux is under GPLv2 and Ubuntu is under BSD-3 Clause (which is important to some). In my experience, the boot-time on the server instance is faster with AlmaLinux than Ubuntu. There are a few more steps to installing AlmaLinux than Ubuntu, but the main reason of that is that AlmaLinux does not try to shove the kitchen sink at you during setup when compared to Ubuntu 22.04LTS. I have found I much prefer to pick what packages I want installed instead of relying on someone else to tell me what I need. BTW, ever hear of CloudIinux? Some folks prefer Rocky Linux, but I've played with some of Cloud Linux's stuff in the past when I was running dedicated server hardware and was impressed.
  10. Considering that AlmaLinux 8 doesn't reach EOL until 2029, why? And there's a difference in Ubuntu and AlmaLinux (Redhat vs Debian). I personally no longer enjoy fighting with Debian (and it's shorter life-cycles) nor with Ubuntu and some of it's issues. More of the software packages are available under AlmaLinux 8 than 9. And yes, you gain 3 years before EOL in AlmaLinux 9, but honestly, how many will still be on the SAME hardware in 6 years to begin with? Personally, for me (after over a decade of running VPS's and dedicated servers on the wild internet) I prefer known stability.
  11. Think that's when CentOS 7 official support ends also. I personally use AlmaLinux 8 and have had no issues with it (I'm running XF and not IPS any longer) along with the BETA version of CentMinMod script. I would not expect IPS to work any differently, as it didn't when I had 4.3 running on CentOS 7 (also using CentMinMod). If I remember correctly, there is a planned "upgrade" path being worked on (if not already finished) to cleanly move a site from CentOS 7 to AlmaLinux 8. Then the cPanel upgrade should be no issues.
  12. Nulled versions happen with just about every paid script. It is not limited to specifically IPS's script offering. It's simply a reality that they have to deal with. All YOU can do is report it through the proper channels and then forget about it. The REAL issue is even after contacting a sites hosting provider, they may simply NOT bring the site down due to the piracy issue. And even "going to court" can be a losing proposition, especially if the court has no jurisdiction where the site is hosted at. If you like the script, then simply worry about YOUR continuing to support it, and not let the fact that threr are thieves out there that want something for nothing and are getting it (and it's not limited to scripts). YOUR integrity is what is important. Some of the most hypocritical statements I've heard are from admins that said "well, I pirated it to see what it was like, then I paid for it". I look at that like "Well, I went into the steak house and ordered their best steak to see if I liked it, left without paying and then started buying it to cook at home".
  13. Not exactly "true". Some distributions of Linux (which if you are on shared hosting or using the official PHP.NET repository) may be.... but many are STILL supporting PHP 8.0.xx beyond what PHP.NET supports it. It is incumbent upon the admin of the server to ascertain how long their OS is providing support for.
  14. You wont' see a Debian version of CentMin Mod. The developer is pretty much set in the Redhat style environment... and honestly, I've had WAY less issues with CentOS/AlmaLinux than I EVER did Debian/Ubuntu. Is there a reason you are stuck on Debian/Ubuntu. About all I use Ubuntu/Debian for any longer is on my Raspberry Pi 4's or similar for my astrophotography stuff.
  15. Late to this topic (by about 2 years) but if wanting to set up nginx with IPS, I'd STRONGLY recommend looking at CentMin Mod and CentMin 7 (not 8). There is also a new BETA version being worked on for AlmaLinux since CentOS is reaching EOL in the near future. The only major thing you have to change is the "try_files) for IPS... and it is an easy edit.
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