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Markus Jung

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  1. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to Sonya* in Sign As member is a bit vulnerable   
    Use case: moderator logs in as member to investigate the reported issue. Helpful to distinguish if the issue is reproducable e. g. permissions issue. Or if not, then probably browser-based. This helps to instruct the user further. 
    Indeed the moderator should be able to login as member only, not as other moderator and not as admin.
  2. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to Davyc in Hump Day: Bionic Reading in communities   
    Speed reading, as @opentype stated doesn't mean comprehension of what is being read.  I would prefer to read slowly and fully understand what is being presented, rather than flash through it and miss important factors.
    One of the big issues of today is that everything must be faster, and in reality speed isn't always the be all and end all of everything.  Everyone is different and everyone reads and comprehends at different speeds.  Personally, I just think it makes the text look ugly and malformed.
    If this were introduced to the IPS system then I would hope that it would be optional.
  3. Agree
    Markus Jung got a reaction from Interferon in Hump Day: Bionic Reading in communities   
    It took me longer to read and understand what I just read. 
  4. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Ryan Ashbrook in Hump Day: Bionic Reading in communities   
    Yes, and also more subtlety between the parts that are bold and the parts that aren't. This is the example I saw, which does actually work for me.
  5. Agree
    Markus Jung got a reaction from Percival in Hump Day: Bionic Reading in communities   
    It took me longer to read and understand what I just read. 
  6. Like
    Markus Jung got a reaction from Jordan Miller in Hump Day: Bionic Reading in communities   
    It took me longer to read and understand what I just read. 
  7. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Ocean West in Hump Day: Bionic Reading in communities   
    For a novel of text posted in a forum I would rather opt for something like this, where reader could click and choose to speed read the text. 
    https://spritz.com or https://swiftread.com
    Alternatively would be cool if you could invoke quickly based on OS the text to speech for it to just read you the post.
    Most of these options obviously are not ideal for every post especially with code snippets. 
  8. Haha
    Markus Jung reacted to Marc Stridgen in Hump Day: Bionic Reading in communities   
    My first thought when I read the topic was "I bet opentype would hate this", then read your reply LOL
  9. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Davyc in Hump Day: Bionic Reading in communities   
    It actually hurt my eyes.  It's not normal nor natural and it appears that someone somewhere decided this would be a good idea and call is 'bionic' - sorry, I don't have bionic eyes and if I did I doubt that emphasising parts of words would improve my reading speed.  I was actually very happy to reach the end of the text as it became painful at the end.
    Sorry, it doesn't work for me, but then I'm an old git and prefer traditional over modern 😉
  10. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to nodle in Hump Day: Bionic Reading in communities   
    Maybe it's just me, but the bionic reading did not change my reading pattern at all. I just ended up reading it at normal speed. In fact maybe even slowly since the darker contrast to lighter contrast makes you pause more while reading. I understand what they are aiming for, but I preferred the normal paragraph in the link above. Maybe it's just me though. 
  11. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to opentype in Hump Day: video streaming coming soon   
    There is nothing wrong with staying informed about the entire product line. After all, some admins will be interested in switching to the cloud offer, if it provides features or benefits they might want. So, they want to get that information as well. We just need to be able to easily tell which new feature applies to which plan. 
  12. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to opentype in Hump Day: video streaming coming soon   
    We can only skip the news, if it is indicated to whom it applies. 
    Scenario A:
    “Streaming is coming (to enterprise plans)” I am not not on that plan, so moving on. Otherwise it will be scenario B:
    “Streaming is coming!” Getting exiting. Having to research the details. Finding out to whom it applies. Being frustrated.  So, it’s very much about how the news are presented. 
  13. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to Square Wheels in URL Preview   
    No disrespect to the mods, I have tons installed.  I'd like to see it native.
  14. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to Marc Stridgen in Board just went down…   
    Affected customers will see a notification. It may well be its simply not shown for you yet
  15. Like
    Markus Jung got a reaction from My Sharona in Board just went down…   
    Is this for all Cloud-Customers? I don't have a message in my AdminCP or on my site so far. 
  16. Like
    Markus Jung got a reaction from My Sharona in Board just went down…   
    Feature request: Please tell us in advance, that during the maintenance period there may be a loss of data so that we can announce this to our users and close the community for this time, until everything works fine again. Thanks.
    Some of my users don't write just short forum posts, but blog entries they spend literally hours on and if that work is lost, they will probably go somewhere else with their content, where their data is safe.
  17. Like
    Markus Jung got a reaction from My Sharona in Board just went down…   
    I also did not have any notice in my AdminCP.
    And some content that was written during the day is lost. This way, I will lose trust of my community – and in IPS. 
    Is there a backup of the lost content, and can it be replaced?
    Yes, same here. ☹
  18. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to Guy Shimon in Board just went down…   
    No bulletin on my panel. Also, please consider sending an email as well. This caught some of us by complete surprise. 
  19. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to My Sharona in Board just went down…   
    And now my sites have lost content that was input since 6am. SMH
  20. Like
    Markus Jung reacted to opentype in Urgently request: Changes in "Agree with Cookies" for the regulatory authorities request   
    And further changes are on the horizon. https://haerting.de/en/insights/eprivacy-regulation-eu-council/
    This sounds good by the way:
  21. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to Dll in Urgently request: Changes in "Agree with Cookies" for the regulatory authorities request   
    Or, they're using third party tools, which specialise in privacy law compliance. There are plenty out there.
  22. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to Allen Bradford in Messaging back a Member who Reported a Post   
    As mentioned in my OP….Some Boards owners/admins/mods prefer and choose to stay within the confines of the native Software functionality, and not use third party plug ins. This seems like something IPB could build into the software without a load of hassle. 
    I use an iPad for 98% of my Board administrating and moderating. Hovering doesn’t work or doesn’t work well on touch screen tablets or smart phones, in HTML or mobile. 
  23. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to MMXII in Messaging back a Member who Reported a Post   
    One can always start a new conversation with anyone, but then you have to manually refert to the report. It would be nice, if somehow a report-related conversation was clearly tied to the report itself (visibly).
  24. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to Allen Bradford in Messaging back a Member who Reported a Post   
    A large part of being able to manage a relatively busy Board is self policing by the Membership. When a Member clicks Report Post on problem Content they can either enter a Message or not. Regardless. I typically like to address their Reporting with a Thank You or a return Message. As is there is no automatic Messaging feature built into the Report Post function for the Member who reposts a Post, but you can click the offending Members name and access a Message function in drop down. As is you need to go to the Reporting Members Profile to Message or go to the Message function, type in their name etc. Being able to quickly Message the Offending Member and the Reporting  Member seems to make sense. 
    I just noticed this was mentioned recently in another Topic, with the only response being a third party plug in. Some of us prefer to stay native to the IPB software and functionality. Working this into an update doesn’t seem to be a huge hassle. 
  25. Agree
    Markus Jung reacted to Vijbot in Upgrade To Cloud Information   
    I don't see this as an "upgrade". Having advertising on the software I've paid several hundreds of dollars for  not including the 6 month renewal fee it is a huge turn off.
    If IPS would like to promote their hosting service that's fine, however a persistent nag whenever I'm on the ACP is egregious. Why not send me an email with an offer? Or perhaps maybe a discount since I've been such a loyal customer for over 11 years?
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