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    Sp4x reacted to Randy Calvert in Setting Up OAuth Clients   
    I'm trying to setup Cloudflare Teams to authenticate against my IPB's database.  Cloudflare is asking for the following info:
    Client ID - In IPB, this is the Client Identifier
    Client secret - In IPB, this is the Client Secret
    Auth URL: In IPB, this is the Authorization Endpoint
    Token URL: In IPB, this is the Token Endpoint
    Certificate URL: UNKNOWN
    From their help docs, it says:
    "The jwks_uri endpoint of your IdP to allow the IdP keys to sign the tokens.  You can find these values on your identity provider’s OIDC discovery endpoint. Some providers call this the well-known URL."
    Can you help me figure out what I should be entering as the certificate URL?
  2. Agree
    Sp4x reacted to Sonya* in (NB43) Filter By Tags   
  3. Like
    Sp4x got a reaction from cacique in Nginx support   
    +1 for a better documentation in offical docs for Rewrite Rules on nginx.
  4. Agree
    Sp4x got a reaction from Brainy S. in (NB42) Enhanced Tags System   
    Is this compatible with 
  5. Like
    Sp4x got a reaction from PurplePixel in Nginx support   
    +1 for a better documentation in offical docs for Rewrite Rules on nginx.
  6. Thanks
    Sp4x reacted to Emaxo in OAuth2 server with OpenID support   
    Hi, I'm trying to use my forum as an oauth2 server, the problem is the other application (the oauth2 client) is making request with the OpenID standard, it is possible for invision to support the OpenID standard? I can only configure a generic oauth2 server... Am I missing the option somewhere?
    Thank you
  7. Sad
    Sp4x got a reaction from Sethhh. in Behemoth Theme [ support topic ]   
    Hey @TAMAN thank you for this amazing Theme!
    I have a question, i want this CSS Set from your Demo as standard on my site. I would be happy if you could share the css code.

    I was a little surprised that this is apparently not included by default. When I saw the demo, this CSS setting appealed to me the most. And is the "dude" style changer not included?
    Greets Sp4x
  8. Like
    Sp4x reacted to whitetigergrowl in Removal of $15 Domain Change   
    I don't understand why there is a $15 domain name change fee and why you can only change it once every 6 months free. It doesn't cost IPB anything for me to change my domain name. To me this is the equivalent of an ATM fee when you withdraw money, except in this case from your own bank.

    For those worrying about fraud or anything else, as long as only one domain is tied to that license it shouldn't change anything. 

    So yeah, this is one thing I don't understand, see it as nothing more than a money grab from IPB, and serves no real benefit to the consumer and serves no benefit to IPB other than financially. IPB is the only forum software that I see that does this. I may be missing one, but most don't charge to change the domain. 

    Charging twice a year if you want to keep downloading things and keep certain features of your forum going is expensive enough. But if you decide to change your domain for any reason, now it costs you an extra $15 for literally no reason other than for the sake of changing it. If some are still worried about potential fraud or hijacking or something, other things could be put into place to prevent it. 

    This I think is probably one reason people go more to Xenforo and others is because of this. Some people change domain names often while they struggle to find something that works for them. With them you don't get charged to change a domain. Period. You can renew today, then in 5 days or a month or 3 months if you choose to change your domain you simply change it. You don't get charged $15 every time you change it. 

    This is a hindrance. It serves no tangible benefit other than to make money. IPB never did it for years with no problems. But in recent years started to. And considering how much people already pay for renewals, I don't think it's too much to ask to remove the $15 fee. Period. 

    It's literally one of the most pointless fees I've seen on here. I love IPB, but that is one thing that absolutely needs to go. No one is handling the domain change other than the consumer. Unless customer service needs to handle it, there should be no fee for it. I'm literally getting charged just to change my domain. Absolutely insanity. 

    And like I said prior, if some think it's a way to prevent fraudulent actions, there are plenty of other ways to do that. As well, after the 6 months your domain would be open to be changed anyways which changes nothing in regards to possible fraud. 

    So yeah, it's really gotta go. It's just a pure money grab and is something no one else does. So what's the logical reason for it here? Costs keep going up, as forum popularity keeps going down. I don't think those 2 will go hand in hand very well. So we need to be mindful of things like that this are really pointless fees and serve to benefit no one other than IPB.
  9. Thanks
    Sp4x reacted to Dads 101 in [Support] Members Shop   
    I have hired a marketplace developer to create a custom gamification application for us, including Points, Member Shop, Badges working hand in hand with one code base few weeks ago and he made amazing progress till now. I'm planing to sell it in the marketplace once we're ready:)
    If there's enough interest I could see how much a converter would cost. More TBA.
  10. Like
    Sp4x reacted to CodingJungle in CodingJungle's Apps [support topic]   
    sorry i missed this one, i have fixed this in the next version that will be release (1.2), i'm waiting for a bug fix on the sortable JS i'm using now to be fixed before i push out 1.2. 
    there are 3 tables for keywords in you database. keywords_cats, keywords_stats and keywords_words (this is the one that holds the keyword data, the other two can safely be ignored, unless stats are important to you). 
  11. Thanks
    Sp4x reacted to newbie LAC in (NB42) Enhanced Tags System   
    I don't know.
    That app has different settings. So it could be incompatible with some of them.
  12. Like
    Sp4x got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Invite System   
  13. Like
    Sp4x reacted to Adriano Faria in Invite System   
    Next version will enhance the integration with Members Shop and will also allow the admin to monetize the site by selling invitations on Commerce:

    Options will appear if you have Members Shop and Commerce installed, of course, and if you have no invitation left.
    Should be out in a couple of days.
  14. Like
    Sp4x reacted to Adriano Faria in Invite System   
    It’s the next step, I would say. I’ll take a look when I have to release a new version. 
  15. Thanks
    Sp4x reacted to Adriano Faria in Invite System   
    What's New in Version 2.2.2:
    New Features:
    Notification: notify the member who sent the invitation when someone creates an account using their invitation Integration with Members Shop (@TheJackal84): member who sent the invitation will earn points when someone creates an account using their invitation  Fix:
    Error on email sent to the invitee  


  16. Thanks
    Sp4x reacted to Michael.J in Donations Support   
    Have you upgraded to the latest version that includes "IPB 4.4 compatibility"? That should of fixed this issue.
    No sorry the gateway itself is not included and Commerce integration isn't currently possible. I am working on a solution for more gateway support but it's still some months away.
    Could you please PM me payment logs (acp > donations tab > payment logs) or admin cp login details to check? I want to confirm a few of these reports and then put together a quick patch for this.
    Edit: Ignore that, I see you've already supplied further details. If you happen to have ftp login details for your ipb files, PM me and I can pass a test patch for you to try.
    Edit2: Just wanted to apologies for everyone for the delay, I'm currently in the middle of a big move and only catching up with support now.
  17. Like
    Sp4x got a reaction from onlyME in Topic Thumbnail for IPS4.x   
    Ah well hidden. Found it, thank you!
  18. Like
    Sp4x reacted to onlyME in Topic Thumbnail for IPS4.x   
    Hi, it’s in Community > Forums > Settings > Topic Thumbnail (the white button on the top right)
  19. Like
    Sp4x reacted to batarjal in ThreadSarter: Games   
    This issue will be fixed with the version I'll add later today 🙂
    [EDIT] The new version is available in the marketplace now
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