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  1. Like
    sobrenome reacted to jackflash in [Missing] Prune/Mass Move   
    ​This has always been a worry of mine - whether you get a rouge moderator or someone gets a moderator's password.
    I just have those functions turned off for moderators to begin with - only the admin can perform those tasks.
  2. Like
    sobrenome reacted to AndyF in [Missing] Prune/Mass Move   
    I see my thoughts posted above on making this a "bit safer" were taken into consideration for future implementation, as seen on the Feature Plan page.
  3. Like
    sobrenome reacted to CheersnGears in [Missing] Prune/Mass Move   
    I would find it easier to work with on the front end, but I agree with most of your other extra protection proposals.  Having it only available for people who have ACP access would be a good security check. 
  4. Like
    sobrenome reacted to AndyF in [Missing] Prune/Mass Move   
    I too have seen 'accidents' with this feature.
    I thought about extra protection for it, but thinking again instead of how it was in 3x and 2x ie a global mod option, how about making it only available to those with ACP access and in a global mod group ?
    Another idea would be to request the users password I guess, although I am starting to think this should *only* be available in the ACP itself rather than appear on the front end...
  5. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Charles in [Missing] Prune/Mass Move   
    Yes it's something we will work on. Just want to try to find a way to make it a bit safer.
  6. Like
    sobrenome reacted to CheersnGears in [Missing] Prune/Mass Move   
    I understand that worry.  I limited the ability to just my main admins for that exact reason.  It is however something I use on a regular schedule (not often, but at regular intervals throughout a year).  I have to move an entire category's worth of topics into a sub-topic by year.
  7. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Charles in [Missing] Prune/Mass Move   
    I assume you mean the front end features?
    We were wary to put this in 4.0 because of countless stories of rogue moderators mass-pruning and entire forum before an admin realized what happened.
    But you are right that the missing low-level options to prune/mass-move is sometimes difficult to work around.
  8. Like
    sobrenome reacted to CheersnGears in [Missing] Prune/Mass Move   
    We are missing the Prune/Mass Move function in 4.0.
    We need this back.
  9. Like
    sobrenome got a reaction from Crystal V in WhatsApp Share Link   
    I guess that the upgrade to the last IPS version disable the plugin. I just enable it! Thanks!
  10. Like
    sobrenome reacted to nylyon in Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management   
    I've just installed.  Will this go in and display history, or just items from now going forward?  Currently I don't see anything in the Mail Bouncer.
  11. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Joel R in Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management   
    Thanks for the update and continued development.
  12. Like
    sobrenome reacted to onlyME in (BIM40) Easy Popup   
    I don't understand do you have disabled popup when using multiple popups? It's not related to the editor or textarea, check your HTML tags.
  13. Like
    sobrenome reacted to onlyME in (BIM40) Easy Popup   
    No, it's not really necessary. 
  14. Like
    sobrenome reacted to GrooveOnBeat in (BIM40) Easy Popup   
    Yup, I don't.
    I guess I'll do that. When I want to use HMTL I enable it and then set the classes. That way when I turn the editor back on I can make the property changes through CSS.
  15. Like
    sobrenome reacted to onlyME in (BIM40) Easy Popup   
    Turning off editor it shows the textarea that also supports HTML. Don't give permissions to users who don't know.
  16. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Ticaga in forum url   
    I prefer sites who use subdomains myself but I know mates who use the folder. 
  17. Like
    sobrenome reacted to John 3:16 in forum url   
    Keep in mind that a sub forum will require a SSL cert or a wildcard cert to cover it.  If you are not using SSL then it's all preference with one big exception.  The sub domain is seen a bit different for SEO, this is from a Moz article.
    5. Subdomains or Sub-folders Since search engines keep different metrics for domains than they do subdomains, it is recommended that webmasters place link-worthy content like blogs in subfolders rather than subdomains. (i.e. www.example.com/blog/ rather than blog.example.com) The notable exceptions to this are language-specific websites. (i.e., en.example.com for the English version of the website).http://moz.com/learn/seo/domain
    Simply something to think on.
  18. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Rhett in forum url   
    Either one,  it makes no difference, it's all preference. 
  19. Like
    sobrenome reacted to GrooveOnBeat in (BIM40) Easy Popup   
    I just came here to ask about that.
    Only after I created a test popup I saw the member group permissions. What a fantastic application! Great job as always @onlyME 
  20. Like
    sobrenome got a reaction from Haku2 in Prune/mass move topics   
    Any news on mass move or joining forums?
  21. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Keith Roberts in Prune/mass move topics   
    This feature would be really helpful for our forum. Most of our sub forums were never pruned as members treat most of the posts as a resource to help with their interests but we do ahve a couple of areas where off topic content is permitted, and a simple pruning tool really would be a boon.
  22. Like
    sobrenome reacted to AndyF in Prune/mass move topics   
    From what I understand it is possible it will make a comeback at some point with some additional protection, going from what I can recall reading when we had the 'upcoming' type features page.
    I also recall my and others suggestions that extra protection to it would be added as prune 'accident's are scary and quite upsetting to forum admins, more so the ones without a current backup available. Having seen this happen myself to a community, its not nice.
    I'm not sure what the protection is likely to be, I recall suggesting a re-authenticate (ie: you would have to confirm your password to use it) and possibly it may be restricted to those who have ACP access.
  23. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Morrigan in Prune/mass move topics   
    For @prupdated I could recommend you use the archive feature and store your archived posts in a separate database than your more recent stuff. I think it would likely improve your load times.
  24. Like
    sobrenome reacted to prupdated in Prune/mass move topics   
    This should really move up the priority list. I have a forum with nearly 4 million posts and 600k topics.
    In IPB3, the size of the forums didn't seem to matter. In IPB 4, the site chokes up and delays about 2-3 seconds every time someone would click on a forum with a large number of topics in it. By large, I mean several hundred thousand topics and millions of posts. Clicking on a smaller forum is no problem and happens fast. This is a 12 core server with 32 GB of RAM running at 3.2 GHz, MariaDB, etc. and various optimizations, CDN, etc.
    The only way I could even use IPB4 without reverting back to IPB 3 and reconsidering my alternatives, was to chop up the forums into smaller ones. The main forum being about 50k topics max. Most likely the way I do it is not the best through various SQL statements. But to keep the site moving with sub second load times, I push out topics over 90 days old into an annual forum.
    I know there's an archive option, but the last time I tried that I didn't like that it took those topics out of searches and member's history. I'd rather just have an option to move topics to another forum after X days without the archiving.
  25. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Adriano Faria in Prune/mass move topics   
    It was requested during the 4.0.0 preview/Beta. They said it would come back, someday. 4.2 who knows.
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