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  1. Agree
    Ibai reacted to WP V0RT3X in Downloads Module - Allow drag & drop reordering of screensho   
    Would be even better if we could add/remove images while editing the description and not only while uploading a new version.
  2. Agree
    Ibai reacted to Arthmoor in Downloads Module - Allow drag & drop reordering of screensho   
    Yep, another downloads module issue. It would be really nice to be able to get some way to drag & drop uploaded screenshots and place them in a new order. Right now there appears to be no way to guarantee a particular order to screenshots associated with an upload.
    I'm sure it seems like a silly thing to want, but people uploading stuff to showcase their work often have a certain order they'd like things in.
  3. Like
    Ibai reacted to Anthony Cameron in Are all notifications marked as read when bell is clicked?   
    Hi there, I had a question from a community member about this but want to confirm it definitely isn't a bug or feature change.
    What I want to know is, regardless of the number of notifications, are they supposed to be marked as read as soon as you click on the notification bell, or are they supposed to only be marked as read after I've physically scrolled through and read them?
    If it's the former, this is my follow up question;
    Is there a setting that allows users to continue seeing the notifications as 'unread' if they have not been viewed or furthermore been clicked?
  4. Thanks
    Ibai reacted to Rikki in Pages - Update   
    All of this is on our radar - it's obviously not trivial though. Trust me, I probably use Pages more than anyone else, so I'm certainly aware of the pain points and potential future for it 🙂 
  5. Like
    Ibai reacted to Nathan Explosion in Tags: Show as Categories   
    By any chance, are you using an app/plugin that makes changes to the tagging functionality? Reason for asking - on a quick first look, the description for that field doesn't exist in the default language pack.
  6. Thanks
    Ibai reacted to TDBF in Website Footer (Support Topic)   
    I have an update for 4.6. If any of you would like to test it before I release it, please feel free to PM me.
  7. Like
    Ibai got a reaction from sobrenome in Native Lazy Loading - Finally fix scrolling topics   
    I would not recommend enabling lazy loading for all the images. It makes the forum way slower in my experience.
  8. Agree
    Ibai got a reaction from Percival in Native Lazy Loading - Finally fix scrolling topics   
    I would not recommend enabling lazy loading for all the images. It makes the forum way slower in my experience.
  9. Agree
    Ibai got a reaction from SeNioR- in Native Lazy Loading - Finally fix scrolling topics   
    I would not recommend enabling lazy loading for all the images. It makes the forum way slower in my experience.
  10. Thanks
    Ibai reacted to opentype in Make thumbnail images smaller   
    Google’s tool is just a machine. I wouldn’t obsess about making it happy. The smallest possible images might not be the best possible images for the users. And if you re-use the same image in a widget as on the database listing view, that’s an advantage! The images are already present!
  11. Like
    Ibai reacted to marklcfc in More Badges and Ranks   
    Is there any way to set a rule to give out a badge to members who make 30 posts in one day?
  12. Thanks
    Ibai reacted to opentype in Make thumbnail images smaller   
    No. The images (thumbnail + hires) are created when you upload the image. You can’t call a different size. 
    Database settings → Options tab 

  13. Thanks
    Ibai reacted to opentype in Make thumbnail images smaller   
    You can change the default value in the database settings. But it will only work for new uploads. 
  14. Agree
    Ibai reacted to Dreadknux in Manual Badges - Backdating, Multi-User Awarding, Custom Desc   
    For many years I've been using a customised badge/award plugin to assign badges to my community's users (for things like participating in community events), and with the new Achievements feature I'm considering migrating my old awards over to the built-in system. I have a few small suggestions that would really help out admins that want to lean more on custom badges rather than the Rules-based badge approach.
    1. Custom Descriptions
    It would help a lot if admins were allowed to write unique descriptions for manually-made badges. At the moment there is no such feature and it kind of looks strange when you see manual badges alongside rule-based badges (which do include a description). For example:

    Notice how the top badge doesn't include a description? This could be added via the AdminCP > Achievements > Badges page by adding an extra option in the Edit Badge dialog. I'd like to be able to tell users exactly how they earned a particular badge, and it's a little awkward to have to do that in the Badge Name. Something like the below...

    2. Multi-User Awarding
    As far as I can see, the only way to manually award a user a badge is by searching for their username in AdminCP > Members, clicking 'Manage' within the Badges dialog, and then click 'Add Badge'. It's quite monotonous, if you have many users that you want to award a single badge to manually. There should be an option to award members directly from the 'Badges' section of the ACP. A dropdown can replace the current 'delete' option, or an 'award' option can be positioned next to it. I made a crude mockup of what I mean, below.

    A dialog box could appear upon clicking 'Award to Member' which can allow you to type the usernames of multiple users.

    3. Backdating / Custom Award Dates
    Another really useful enhancement would be the ability to set custom dates when awarding badges manually. Using the example above, you could include an optional date field within the award member dialog (either on the Badges ACP page or when managing badges on a User profile via ACP). As a lot of the badges I've previously awarded users date back as far back as 2014, it would be great to be able to add a 'legacy' badge to a user's profile and identify exactly when they received it, instead of relying on the moment it was specifically added to the user's account.
  15. Like
    Ibai reacted to Matt in Add JSON Schema for Pages App and other rich snippets!   
    I've added a bug report. We'll take care of this in an upcoming release.
  16. Agree
    Ibai reacted to Dexter_X in "Keep on" badges   
    Another possibility regarding badges awarding are the badges the users can own while they keep on certain amount per time.
    For example a user posts more than 30 posts / week : owns a "keep on" badge that could be named : "active contributor" (or something like that). So if the user goes under the 30 posts / week he looses the badge until he goes to that rate (or more)...
    That could promote participation in a more permanent way.
    Regarding milestones and points on that kind of rules I don't know if it can be useful. Milestones could be set on something like "owns that badge since 1 month" (so based on time) ; points make sense only if there are milestones (from my point of view)...
  17. Agree
    Ibai reacted to Iwooo in Add JSON Schema for Pages App and other rich snippets!   
    Despite that Pages App has "Reviews" tab for entries they are not used for SCHEMA JSON. There is no rich snippet for it. 
    Google is focusing more and more on direct answers, answer boxes, review boxes, faq schemas. 
    We need those in IPB. Invision teams says on and on about SEO improvements so please add something that really works for SEO and getting higher CTR. 

    I created this topic after getting no help from Invision team here - 
    And I was forced to use support to get answer which was:

  18. Like
    Ibai reacted to Dreadknux in Pages - Update   
    I agree - I've been exploring use of Pages as a means to potentially migrate a long-running Wordpress into InvisionCommunity (I've used Invision for my forums for the last 15 years or so), but as much as I adore the concept of having a unified theme/account integration for forums and site content, Pages isn't quite there yet for me and needs some attention. Hopefully now that 4.6 is out the door, Pages can be the next app to get InvisionCommunity's full focus.
    I certainly think that being able to splinter longform articles via pagination is a useful idea, as is the ability to dynamically modify a page's layout using different block formats.
    I've been thinking about it, and I'd love to see the following improvements implemented into the Pages app in some way too:
    1. Multiple Category Selection
    It would be great if it was possible to assign a record in a database to more than one category. My Wordpress blog allows me to set a news post as either a ‘Games’ story, a ‘Movies’ story or both if the news concerns both mediums.
    2. Change URL Slugs per Database
    At the moment, the definition is [domain.com]/[database_name]/[category_name]/[record_slug], and this is true for any and all databases you can create in Pages. Would be good to get some options on this - being able to use [YEAR]/[MONTH]/[record_slug] instead would keep things in uniform with a blog style.
    3. Remove "-r" suffix on URL per Database
    I can understand the reason for the 'revision' suffix in a record URL if you're using it for a "wiki" like database of some sort. Doesn't really lend itself well for blog-style page URLs, or other potentially interesting uses of the Pages app. Should be a setting on the database-level in AdminCP to automatically remove the "-r" in a Page record slug by default, instead of asking writers to manually remove it after creating each post.
    4. Pages Media Library
    I still don't really understand the use case for the internal Pages Media Library in AdminCP (Pages > Page Management > Media). What is it for, exactly? I thought it was going to be a 'media gallery' that could be used by Page authors across the entire database (similar to Wordpress' Media Gallery). But its use is extremely limited. It doesn't appear when creating a new article/record. The only way to use an image uploaded to this Media Library is to remember the media tag for each image and include it (and even then it only works in Page templates). It's quite useless, especially when the Theme Resources section exists.
    This should be re-imagined as a dedicated Page Database media library, accessible to usergroups with the ability to post records - with editable filenames and support for images, video, files etc. It should be accessible via the WYSIWYG post editor and the media contained here sandboxed from all other media uploaded by users (Gallery entries, Attachments, etc). You could set either a 'global' media library for everything related to Pages, or a separate media library for each Page Database.
    5. Allow Categories to be set in Menu Manager
    I can set specific Pages as a Primary/Secondary navigation menu item in Menu Manager, but not the categories associated with a particular database. At the moment I have to set them as External Links, which doesn't allow for a consistent design when using CSS to style 'active' secondary nav links.
    6. Ability to pull from multiple databases in Widgets/Loops
    This might already be possible re: the Loop and it's something I'm not aware of, but I have two databases ('News' and 'Articles') that I want to be able to combine if I wanted to. For example, on a Homepage I might want to build a block that contains latest News specifically, and a second block that pulls all the latest posts from both News and Articles. I feel like that shouldn't be too difficult to do...
    7. Do Not Post Duplicate Topics when using Copy to Database Function
    8. Do Not Modify Original Topic Content when using Copy to Database Function
    9. Add Post Topic Meta when using Copy to Database Function
    I explain these last three in more detail in a topic I created a month or so ago, but basically the 'Copy to Database' function doesn't lend itself well to non-wiki style Page-Forum integration. The idea currently is that, if an author decides to write a news story (for example), a Page record and an associated Forum topic is created together, with Page comments and Topic replies merged. However, if an author decides to write a news story based on a topic that exists already, using 'Copy to Database' will result in a Page record, a new duplicate Forum topic AND the existing Forum topic. There needs to be a way to override the Post Topic feature, while keeping the Comments-Replies integration.
    When using 'Copy to Database', the existing Forum topic content is also changed to reflect the new Page record. For instance, an author re-writes the text from the Forum topic when developing the Page record, to make it read better as a news story. The original topic should not be modified if this happens; I'm not entirely sure why this is considered normal behaviour in Pages anyway.
    The Topic Meta idea just adds a little nice site-forum integration to the Copy to Database feature, and isn't really necessary... but I think it would help make a forum community feel more connected to the news/article side of the website, if they were made aware that their topic contributions were also having an impact on the associated news story.
    Sorry for going on and on - there's a LOT to Pages that I like but I think if your ideas and the above ideas are followed through on, I would feel a lot more comfortable taking my Pages install out of a test environment and look to fully building it into a revamped version of my community. 🙂  Thanks for making the topic, great ideas!
  19. Like
    Ibai reacted to marklcfc in Running the Achievements Rebuild Feature   
    @Matt @Charles if I give out some of the manually awardable badges and then add a new badge/rule at some point leading to a rebuild, are all the manually awarded badges I've given to members lost?
  20. Like
    Ibai reacted to Hisashi in Help customize meta tags   
    That's exactly what I was looking for!
    I just had a little problem, it doesn't allow me to use template key field, an error appears, do you know how to solve it?

    How do I want it to look for example:
    {{\IPS\Output::i()->metaTags['og:description'] = "Read more about {$record->_title}. By {$record->customFieldDisplayByKey('author', 'raw')|raw}" ;}} It is not accepting customFieldDisplayByKey
  21. Like
    Ibai reacted to Hisashi in Help customize meta tags   
    I managed to solve it, just remove the code "|raw"
  22. Thanks
    Ibai reacted to opentype in Help customize meta tags   
    The meta tags can be overridden from any Pages template used to render the current page. You can add variables there as well. 
    {{\IPS\Output::i()->metaTagsTitle = "Whatever ".$something ;}} {{\IPS\Output::i()->metaTags['og:description'] = "Something else" ;}} You can put that into the record template for example. 
  23. Thanks
  24. Like
    Ibai reacted to marklcfc in How long for a new badge rule to take effect?   
    I'll keep asking this until I get the answer - if I give out some of the manually awardable badges but add a new badge/rule at some point leading to a rebuild, are all the manually awarded badges I've given to members lost?
  25. Agree
    Ibai got a reaction from bradl in More Badges and Ranks   
    I know! However I'm not very creative... maybe there's a pack made by someone with a list of new items for each features 🙂 
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