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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. I do not suggest you move anything. Your web server is forbidding access to the resources...look into that further.
  2. I suggest you right click on a broken image, open in a new tab and review the resulting error message(s)
  3. Did you definitely do the last step, running the support tool? And provide a link to your site.
  4. Open the 2 or 3 topics in separate tabs/windows, and copy/paste the content from one tab/window to the other.
  5. A) it's not a bug with the current beta version B) it's not a bug with the current released version C) Is it really that important? If so, flag the developers and ask them directly why they removed it. The way you were trying to make it work also works, if you do the right thing. Anyway...I always personally stick to custom CSS anyway.
  6. Because the custom css is applied to the DIV called .app_cms_pagebuilder_whatever, not to the image within... It's not a bug.
  7. Didn't want to mention it yesterday - had already been building it in as an extra/alternative to using the IPS Spam Service when I got the nod about removing the IPS Spam Service functionality, so had to rip it out as hadn't fully tested it out. So...v1.2.0 has been submitted for approval FIXES Minor fixes to Tracker NEW Added settings to control checking the sender (email/ip address check) against https://www.stopforumspam.com/
  8. OK - but this application doesn't get involved in the marking of spam (and no longer has any connection to checking the spam service as of v1.1.1). Your question relating to the "what happens when I mark something as spam?" would be better directed at IPS themselves - I personally doubt that just one person marking an email address as spam would instantly mark is as a spammer up on the IPS Spam Service...that's open for abuse, right there. Correct Maybe.
  9. I don't use Commerce, so can't answer your question. What issue are you having, if any?
  10. Yeah, shame but better safe than sorry. I have put in a request that might allow the functionality to be reinstated at a later point:
  11. In \IPS\Member, there is a function called spamService which has a $type and $emailAddress variable. This function is called during the account creation/register process, and also during the process of a validating user changing their email address, using the default value of 'register' for the $type, and sends the email address of the new account Within the spamService function, the $type is used to construct the endpoint for the request to the spam service: $response = \IPS\Http\Url::ips( 'spam/' . $type )->request()->login( \IPS\Settings::i()->ipb_reg_number, '' )->post( array( 'email' => $email, 'ip' => $this->ip_address, ) ); This endpoint then becomes https://remoteservices.invisionpower.com/spam/register/, with added query strings and POST content. I was using this function, with the 'register' $type, in v1.1.0 of my "(NE) Contact Us - check sender email address" application, but was requested to remove it as there may be concerns that this check could skew the spam service results, causing potential issues in the event that a valid 'Contact Us' sender results in being flagged as a spammer when they get to the account creation process. Could we have an additional $type added (e.g. 'check' instead of 'register') which allows a soft-test of an email address against the spam service, purely to determine if the email address has already been flagged as a spammer by the service? This will allow me to add the now removed functionality back in to the application (assuming that IPS don't add that in themselves) Ta muchly!
  12. Ah...Mr Jones is a regular to your site too, I see.
  13. OK - best to log a ticket with IPS support if "It hasn't moved" Same with your other topic.
  14. Are you self-hosted, or IPS Cloud hosted?
  15. https://invisioncommunity.com/4bugtrack/
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