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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. That happened here, once, back on 4.5.x and @Matt took a quick look at the time. log it with support if you can consistently reproduce it
  2. To clarify this - my guide placed it under the group name, which is below the avatar. It just requires a little modification of where to place the final block of code....so instead of placing it in this location... Instead you would place it before this: <li data-role='photo' class='cAuthorPane_photo'>
  3. Likely this - you can only sell if you have an active license, so if you've renewed recently then might be an idea to log with IPS support.
  4. Search your ACP for 'reaction' or 'reputation', and enable the functionality you find.
  5. Don't press the enter/return key after typing your code - click the 'Verify Code' button instead. No idea if it's an intentional change, but the addition of the X to close the box makes me think it is 'working as intended' in its current state. Ignore, I see it's been patched.
  6. I wouldn't count on that...this handles email sending, not the routing to the Commerce support request (I don't use Commerce) which I believe is an option when Commerce is installed (could be wrong)
  7. I don't have Commerce to check this, but does the Contact Us form have an option to send submitted items to Commerce as support requests? They could be coming via that route, if so.
  8. By tag, do you mean the bbcode? [spoiler]TEST[/spoiler] If so, then BBCODE parsing is being deprecated in the software and is disabled by default on a new installation of 4.5.x onwards (if upgrading from an earlier version then a choice to leave enabled/disable is presented when upgrading) If you wish to turn it back on:
  9. Happy to submit a request for a refund for you, if you wish?
  10. Log a ticket with support to get it looked at.
  11. Edit the first post in the topic that contains the poll - from there, edit away. If you have the permissions set, and the moderators cannot do the above, then maybe it's a bug to log via Support.
  12. Likelihood is that InnoDB strict mode is set to on - ask your host to check, and set it to off if so, then run the operation.
  13. If you want what my plugin does to be in the core then you should request it here: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/499-feature-suggestions/ I have no plans to retire this plugin.
  14. Whatever the existing version provides, plus whatever I have mentioned as potentially being added previously. I haven't had time to look at 4.6 and it's oembed capabilities to answer your question, outside of the above. What is the reason for the question? Is there a feature you are requesting?
  15. No - when it is approved then you will see an update notice in the ACP. If you want to chase them for it, go ahead. But I won't - it's not a critical bug fix, it's a new feature.
  16. v3.2.0 has been submitted for approval FIXES None CHANGES "Replacement content to display" fields for Attachments/Code/Images/Quotes/Spoilers/Videos are now 'Editor' fields, allowing rich text to be used instead of plain text. NEW No new features
  17. In the cunningly titled Support Dashboard which I referred to...it's in your ACP.
  18. Known issue and still to be fixed @IPS - you really should start making use of the Support dashboard:
  19. Use at your own risk The following will place the member's achievement points total below their group title Edit forums > front -> topics -> postContainer After: {{if $comment->author()->member_id}} <li data-role='stats' class='ipsMargin_top'> <ul class="ipsList_reset ipsType_light ipsFlex ipsFlex-ai:center ipsFlex-jc:center ipsGap_row:2 cAuthorPane_stats"> Add: {{if isset( $comment->author()->achievements_points )}} <li> <a href="{url="app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id={$comment->author()->member_id}&do=badges" seoTemplate="profile_badges" seoTitle="$comment->author()->members_seo_name"}" title="{lang="achievements_awards_points" pluralize="$comment->author()->achievements_points"}" data-ipsTooltip class="ipsType_blendLinks"> <i class="fa fa-bathtub"></i> {number="$comment->author()->achievements_points" format="short"} </a> </li> {{endif}} Result:
  20. Give this a go - tested with a field called 'file_version' but untested on Downloads as I don't use it. However, it should do the job. (NE) Downloads - no default version number.xml
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