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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Use CSS .ipsEmoji{ font-size:96px; }
  2. Template edit: core -> front -> messaging -> template Find: <li class='ipsMenu_item {{if ! empty(request.search['recipient'])}}ipsMenu_itemChecked{{endif}}' data-ipsMenuValue='recipient'><a href='#'><input type="checkbox" name="search[recipient]" {{if ! empty(request.search['recipient'])}}checked="checked"{{endif}} recipientvalue="1" id="search_recipient"> {lang="messenger_recipient_name"}</a></li> <li class='ipsMenu_item {{if ! empty(request.search['sender'])}}ipsMenu_itemChecked{{endif}}' data-ipsMenuValue='sender'><a href='#'><input type="checkbox" name="search[sender]" {{if ! empty(request.search['sender'])}}checked="checked"{{endif}} value="1" id="search_sender"> {lang="messenger_sender_name"}</a></li> Remove the if/endif either side of ipsMenu_itemChecked and checked="checked"
  3. You're going to need some extra CSS in your theme to change the displayed content to match what you want them to display - the above only controls the defaults used in the Editor, and anything entered will not have any html tags/styles added to them by default, so will need to be handled. Example: The above content is using the defaults on here...it's html code is: <p> You&#39;re going to need some extra CSS in your theme to change the displayed content to match what you want them to display - the above only controls the defaults used in the Editor, and anything entered will not have any html tags/styles added to them by default, so will need to be handled. </p> However, if I manually change an element of the font it becomes... <p> You&#39;re going to need some extra CSS in your theme to change the displayed content to match what you want them to display - <span style="color:#e74c3c;">the above only controls the def</span>aults used in the Editor, and anything entered will not have any html tags/styles added to them by def<span style="font-family:Comic Sans MS,cursive;">ault, so will need</span> to be handled. </p> ...and that contains the styles that enforce the changes on the displayed content: You'll need something to handle the items that are not styled - I'm not a theme guy, so no idea what specific areas you'll have to modified in your theme.
  4. Change the addCss line to add the following (changing the code for the color as desired) color:#27ae60 !important; The "!important" is important. Therefore... <script> if(typeof CKEDITOR !='undefined'){ CKEDITOR.addCss(".cke_editable{cursor:text; font-size: 20px; font-family: Georgia; color:#27ae60 !important}"); CKEDITOR.config.font_defaultLabel='Georgia'; CKEDITOR.config.fontSize_defaultLabel='20px'; } </script>
  5. edit your globalTemplate template and add the following prior to the closing </body> and save your template. <script> if(typeof CKEDITOR !='undefined'){ CKEDITOR.addCss(".cke_editable{cursor:text; font-size: 20px; font-family: Georgia;}"); CKEDITOR.config.font_defaultLabel='Georgia'; CKEDITOR.config.fontSize_defaultLabel='20px'; } </script> What does it do... If there is a CKEDITOR on the page then... It changes the CSS of the editor to be the font/font-size you want and then... It changes the label of the font dropdown box and... It changes the label of the font size dropdown box.
  6. v1.8.1 is currently pending approval CHANGES The tracker has been modified to reduce the number of columns relating to checks/results, and consolidates information about an entry into a single 'Report' column. (see screenshot) The report column is truncated to 3 lines, by default, and the truncation and number of lines can be changed via the 'Tracker settings' button now available. Moved the 'Prune logs' option from main settings to the new 'Tracker settings'.
  7. I appreciate that - but there is a reason mine exhibits the behaviour, and I will be resolving it going forward. I just want to disassociate the application from any report you may make about an invision bug, as it isn't a bug for me.
  8. Leave it with me please - when I feel the need to update the application, I will release an update that resolves the situation. If you believe you have found an IPS bug in their own implementation, please report it to them.
  9. Sorry, but no - this resource is intended to provide a separation and/or collapsing of the pinned topics in a forum. It's not not intended to change the information displayed about the topic, and nor will it be changed to do so.
  10. As a fellow MP dev...hats off to @Martin A. on the above work to get this back to working order.
  11. Yes - I am not going to update on this topic here unless an update is required. Find an issue that I haven't myself, report it.
  12. I'm going to hazard a guess that you are asking if the approval was done - yes, it was...2 weeks ago. If you are relying on me posting in here to say it has been approved then please don't as I won't - I'll post once to say a release has been submitted. If you require a notification when a release is actually available (has been approved) then go to the resource and click the "Send me version updates" link located on there and you'll get a notification.
  13. An update on what exactly? Are you having an issue with the new setting?
  14. And this resource is only compatible with 4.7.x Disable the existing app Upgrade to 4.7.x Get it working as you wish, sans your existing app Migrate to this resource.
  15. I'll take a look at the weekend - busy until then.
  16. Nothing different to the way that pinned topics work in general, other than the separation/collapsing functionality added by the app. You'll get page 2 of the forum's topics, with the pinned ones on that page at the top of the listing in the same way as the pinned topics that are on page 1 are shown.
  17. That's actually an indication that your PHP version doesn't have the mbstring extension available to it. Download this https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7046-invision-community-requirements-checker/ and upload it to your site's root. Switch to PHP 8.0.x, open the file in the browser, fix any of the red items, then go from there.
  18. That's the POC done - it's possible to display a prompt in the way you described. The next thing is figuring out how to get the html into there without reinventing the advertistment wheel.
  19. I've put a 33% sale in place now - if I get some time to myself today (work is killing me the last few days) then I'll have a think about extending that to other resources.
  20. Yep, the sale on this resource was 2 weeks ago - price was reverted back to normal 2 days later. I just forgot to remove the blurb from the description until recently. Sorry.
  21. Thanks for the purchase. I can probably put a setting in to allow you control the default state of the pinned topics section - will look for the next version.
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