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Nathan Explosion

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Posts posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Found a reason why some of the suggestions aren't working...all I did was enable the 'View word keys' setting to actually check the key of the item to be translated...

    On 10/4/2023 at 12:06 PM, Marc Stridgen said:



    On 6/2/2024 at 7:42 AM, Gary said:

    find the key `__app_forums`


    It's 'forums'

    Could contain: File, Page, Text, Webpage


  2. Difficult to tell from the video but when you are over the text you want to change, are you actually clicking/holding the mouse while on the text?

    And I'm going to offer this up, seeing as all the other suggestions are on how this usually gets changed - is it possible you've edited a template and hard-coded the name? Just check, please...go to the ACP area indicated:

    Could contain: File, Webpage, Text

    Once in there, switch to the advanced theme functionality and use the search - type your phrase in there just to make sure you haven't actually typed it into a template:

    Could contain: File, Webpage, Text, Page

  3. This is on your own site - clicking 'Reconfigure' triggers the issue.


    Behind the scenes, this appears to be the stack (from my own test and live sites):

    Error: Class "DASPRiD\Enum\AbstractEnum" not found (0)
    #0 /home/fbaeefdf/test.ynwa.tv/init.php(685): include_once()
    #1 /home/fbaeefdf/test.ynwa.tv/system/3rd_party/BaconQrCode/src/Writer.php(51): IPS\IPS::autoloader()
    #2 /home/fbaeefdf/test.ynwa.tv/system/MFA/GoogleAuthenticator/Handler.php(113): BaconQrCode\Writer->writeString()
    #3 /home/fbaeefdf/test.ynwa.tv/applications/core/modules/front/system/settings.php(700): IPS\MFA\GoogleAuthenticator\_Handler->configurationScreen()
    #4 /home/fbaeefdf/test.ynwa.tv/applications/core/modules/front/system/settings.php(67): IPS\core\modules\front\system\_settings->_mfa()
    #5 /home/fbaeefdf/test.ynwa.tv/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(118): IPS\core\modules\front\system\_settings->manage()
    #6 /home/fbaeefdf/test.ynwa.tv/applications/core/modules/front/system/settings.php(52): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #7 /home/fbaeefdf/test.ynwa.tv/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\front\system\_settings->execute()
    #8 /home/fbaeefdf/test.ynwa.tv/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #9 {main}


  4. 13 hours ago, David Tingen said:

    DELETE FROM `iBBS_core_search_index_tags` WHERE index_id IN( SELECT index_id FROM `iBBS_core_search_index` AS `core_search_index` WHERE index_class='IPS\forums\Topic' AND index_item_id=102880 )


    13 hours ago, David Tingen said:

    already tried to repair the table but I get this error:
    Error: Can't create new tempfile: './chapala_chapala_com/iBBS_core_search_index.TMD'
    Status: Operation failed

    Are you sure you tried to repair the correct table?

    Anyway...possible that you've got more than 1 table with an error. If you or your host really cannot repair those 2 indicated, then here's a worst-case scenario method to resolve...

    1. Backup your database
    2. Go into the ACP and turn your site offline
    3. Using PHPMyAdmin (or whatever you want) rename the following 2 tables core_search_index_tags and core_search_index to whatever you want (I'd just put _old on the end)
    4. Back to the ACP, go to the support page - you've end up with a 'Database problems' indicator, so click the 'Fix This' button
    5. Run the provided scripts against your database - either 'Fix automatically' or manually copy them out to run them elsewhere.
    6. Once verified as done, go to admin/?app=core&module=discovery&controller=search and click on 'Rebuild search index'
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