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Nathan Explosion

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Posts posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. OK - I think one of your own customisations is having a knock-on effect on the Javascript that my application utilises, and here is why I believe this (You've got ability for Guests to post so can check this)

    • In your settings, you have it set that "Guests" are not permitted to create new warnings
    • The JS for the application, as one of the first few things done, will add an ipsHide class to a field with the ID elInput_neapp_content_warning_new

    That is this field, which is clearly not set with that class at the time of page load:

    Could contain: Page, Text, File

    Could contain: Computer Hardware, Electronics, Hardware, Monitor, Screen, Text, Chart, Plot

    Unfortunately, I think something early on is resulting in my JS not even running

    If you can present a page to me that has none of your own customisations on it (disable other 3rd party apps/plugins, set the default theme, etc) and reproduce the issue then I am happy to take a further look.

  2. Thank you - I'm unable to reproduce the issue based on your configuration, and viewing as a guest (feel free to go to here to see it in effect)

    24 minutes ago, Dru Vagale said:

    2. As we are checking through as guest, so we don't have any frontend-settings for guest

    As you've offered up this information, I have to ask whether clicking the notice work when you are logged in?

    Looking at your site, I am going to point out that there is a general Javascript-related error in the developer console, which is likely to have a knock-on effect on the JS functionality used when the notice is clicked on:

    Could contain: File, Webpage, Page, Text, Computer Hardware, Electronics, Hardware, Monitor, Screen




    24 minutes ago, Dru Vagale said:

    FYI, we have also checked in the default theme

    Can you make the Invision default theme available to Guests, please, as I'd like to verify something myself.

  3. A link to that page would be helpful here, as that doesn't look like the default theme so I'd need to see the actual page (if page is behind a login, send me a link plus authentication credentials via PM)

    In addition:

    1. What are the setting in place in the ACP?
    2. Same with your own front-end settings, via the "Account Settings", if you have enabled that functionality.
  4. X tables in one block (X = 1 or more...just edit the 'tableIds' array to put the IDs in place)

    <table id="table1">
            <th>Variable 1</th>
            <th>Variable 2</th>
            <th>Variable 3</th>
            <th>Variable 4</th>
            <th>Variable 5</th>
            <th>Variable 6</th>
            <td>Item 1</td>
            <td>Item 2</td>
            <td>Item 3</td>
            <td>Item 4</td>
            <td>Item 5</td>
    <table id="table2">
            <th>Variable 1</th>
            <th>Variable 2</th>
            <th>Variable 3</th>
            <th>Variable 4</th>
            <th>Variable 5</th>
            <th>Variable 6</th>
            <td>Item 1</td>
            <td>Item 2</td>
            <td>Item 3</td>
            <td>Item 4</td>
            <td>Item 5</td>
    const tableIds = ['#table1','#table2'];
        let table, rows, rowTotalCell, cells, total, totalCell;
        tableIds.forEach(myTable => {
            table = document.querySelector(myTable);
            if(table !== null){
                rows = table.querySelectorAll('tbody tr');
                rowTotalCell = document.getElementById('rowTotal');
                rows.forEach(row => {
                    cells = row.querySelectorAll('td');
                    total = 0;
                    cells.forEach((cell, index) => {
                        if (index > 0 && index < cells.length - 1) {
                            total += parseFloat(cell.textContent);
                    totalCell = row.querySelector('td:last-child');
                    totalCell.textContent = total.toFixed(0);


  5. 39 minutes ago, Carole Asselin said:

    Well, just before I purchased the plugin, someone in my community pointed out that by simply highlighting the text in the other language, one could right-click and get the option to translate, right there and then.

    Good - the resource is overkill for your situation, really, and is the reason I stepped in to go against the suggestion of it for your use-case. As I said in this post - browser support is making it defunct really.


  6. Page Builder: Text

    Literally a copy/paste of the relevant code, with a slight modification to how the table is selected in the Javascript code. Free free to add your style to it.


    <table id="thisismytable">
    		<th>Column 1</th>
    		<th>Column 2</th>
    		<td>Item 1</td>
    		<td>Item 2</td>
     const table = document.querySelector('#thisismytable');
        const rows = table.querySelectorAll('tbody tr');
        const rowTotalCell = document.getElementById('rowTotal');
        rows.forEach(row => {
            const cells = row.querySelectorAll('td');
            let total = 0;
            cells.forEach((cell, index) => {
                if (index === 1 || index === 2) {
                    total += parseFloat(cell.textContent);
            const totalCell = row.querySelector('td:last-child');
            totalCell.textContent = total.toFixed(2);





  7. 1 hour ago, My Sharona said:

    I am trying to add it to a Page Builder: Text Block

    OK - so what actually happens when you try?

    That code works as expected as HTML page - so how have you taken that code and implemented it? What happens when you try? What is your own code?

    Or are you looking for someone to convert that for you?

    And isn't a "Text block" just that - a block for adding simple text to a page? Does it allow HTML/Javascript?

  8. 1 minute ago, Esther E. said:

    It's slightly frustrating to see people over and over again insist that things aren't going to work because we won't have hooks, after we've gone through so much trouble to make sure that people can continue to do most of the things they currently do. 


    But Adriano only stated that hooks won't be possible for what he wants to do...that is all. It's his use-case, he's identified what is possible in v4 and identified that that specific approach won't be possible, and then identified another possible approach.

    Daniel overreacted; disagree if you wish. No skin off my nose.

  9. Spotted that there are some x.com/ URLs now appearing for the normal tweet links - as a result, oembed will fail and they'll be links.

    'twitter.com' => array( 'https://publish.twitter.com/oembed', static::EMBED_TWEET ),
    'mobile.twitter.com' => array( 'https://publish.twitter.com/oembed', static::EMBED_TWEET ),

    Tested and adding x.com equivalents of the above to oembedServices in \IPS\Text\Parser will sort it out.

    'x.com' => array( 'https://publish.x.com/oembed', static::EMBED_TWEET ),
    'x.twitter.com' => array( 'https://publish.x.com/oembed', static::EMBED_TWEET ),


  10. 5 minutes ago, Christian Meixner said:

    But I hesitate to buy this one because of market place closure and unclear support of future version of Invision Community

    Why? If you had enquired with me, I would advise you that the application will continue to be provided and supported by myself. And "unclear support of future version of Invision Community" is unknown at this time, so can't be answered by myself until we get hands on the software.

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