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Nathan Explosion

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Posts posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. A different approach...

    1 hour ago, Jyoti Rani said:

    I setup all the files, database on subdomain, but home page is not showing anything. Can some suggest any solution for this?

    In the above, are you referring to getting the IPB v3.x installation working before proceeding to do an upgrade? If so, you're going to need to ensure that you have a version of PHP that is supported by v3.x - which will mean PHP 5.x, as PHP 7.0 and above won't work.


    5 minutes ago, Richard Arch said:

    Remember that v3.x requires PHP v7.

    Incorrect - PHP 5.6 or lower, depending on the version of 3.x. I may 'work' but it wasn't officially supported and was never required.

  2. Just now, wegorz23 said:

    In blockquote u can edit html and set contenteditable = false


    Yep - adding contenteditable=false to an element makes it non-editable in a CKEditor. The problem is that the template for the quote isn't a template you can easily edit. Also, there's a bit more going on under the hood in the CKEditor plugin land.

    I've got a hacky way of doing it, but I won't share it as it requires a file edit:




    1 hour ago, Daniel F said:

    Are you still reproducing this?
    I've followed the instructions from the first post and I got the correct output.


    This is the generated redirect URL:




    I did mention that it was the feedback forum that this was happening in - you are using the "Invision Community Insider" forum for your test.

  4. Option 1: contact your host and ask them for assistance with disabling strict mode in MySQL/MariaDB

    Option 2: disable or uninstall the resource that has added twoStep_activation to the core_members table (it's not a default column, it's from a resource you may have installed in the past)

    Option 3: go into your database, and set a default value on the twoStep_activation field in the core_members table


  5. Thank you - just doing some quick testing here, using your settings. My initial thought is that as you have nothing set to be hidden on the "Links" tab then you really should just toggle off the "Links" option on the 'Main' tab.

    I'll sort out the potential for someone doing that in the next release.

    Will look into the Youtube and text stuff in more detail when I have time.

  6. OK - thank you; that is MUCH MORE helpful than what was posted.

    So, is the actual issue better described as the following?

    1. In the post, there's a link, then a video then an image, then a Youtube embed
    2. However, when viewing as a guest, you see the hidden items as the following (based on the text for hiding)
      1. Image (which is incorrect, as it's a link)
      2. Video (which is correct)
      3. Image (which is correct)


  7. Also - you installed the app twice today; prior to that your last update/install was done in May.

    Is the above issue something that appeared BEFORE you did the 2 installs today, or is one of those installs an update to the latest version?

    Or has this issue suddently appeared for you, which then lead you to do the 2 installs?

  8. 32 minutes ago, INDIG0 said:

    Please tell me what could be the reason that I display text from Images for attachments and links.

    And also if you disable the restriction for links, they are still hidden and a notification is displayed from the image, including internal login links via

    No idea - you've said lots there but not provided helpful information such as what version of the application you are running; what version of Invision's software you are running; maybe a screenshot of what it is that you are describing? And some screenshots of your settings would also be helpful.


    32 minutes ago, INDIG0 said:

    but it didn't help, maybe I should also delete the tables in the database?

    You can delete tables from your database if you wish, but I've not idea why you would do so - hint: this application doesn't have any tables in your database.

    So...start again with the request for support...provide better information and then I can assist you.

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