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Nathan Explosion

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Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Yes - in short, those 'errors' specific to /datastore/ are not a concern. Delete any contents after migration and the IPS software will rebuild it.
  2. No worries - something clicked yesterday with the approach I was previously taking with the Javascript side of things, based on something else entirely that I had done in another application, and things came together quickly as a result. Once v2.0.1 has been approved, I've got a v2.1 ready to go and that introduces user control over the quote truncation functionality...I'll allow a couple of days for potential bug-fixes before I put that out though.
  3. Don't copy the contents of the datastore folder.. it is dynamic content, rebuilt as and when needed. Leave it alone.
  4. You have to wait for the above approval to be able to get the application - simple as that. Follow the linked item, you'll get a notification when it's approved - and this is the support topic: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/446333-ne-ignore-quotes/?tab=comments#comment-2850196
  5. ha! I'll take a look at a later point to see about making this a per-user control.
  6. v2.0.1 has been submitted for approval What's new? Plugin is now an application The user option to ignore quotes via 'Ignored users' has been removed - the 'Posts' setting now controls whether to ignore quotes (logical...if you are ignoring someone's posts, a quote is also one of their posts so....) Settings added to allow you (the administrator) to control how truncated quotes behave. Either... Change the number of lines to display (range: 1 to 7 lines) or Don't truncate the quote...expand it (the way it used to be)
  7. Thank you - now we are getting somewhere. What web browsers have you tested this with? Please provide a link to the specific page with the video. Please provide a screenshot of all your settings and also the permissions which you have put in place in the application (a screenshot of the permissions listing will suffice)
  8. They do work (see, I can state things without more information too, but I don't work like that) In what way do they not work? The controls list settings aren't removed (have you read the browser dependency information) or the right click is still possible?
  9. Thank you - so, which specific settings ate you attempting to utilise to attempt stop the downloading of the video? I suspect I know the answer here is the controls list functionality, and possibly the disable right-click, but can you confirm?
  10. Cool - will get something over to you in next few days.
  11. Thank you...so let's flesh things out from there then. Based on what you are stating there, I am guessing that your aim is to stop people from downloading the video - is that correct? If so, which people exactly? All? Some? Elaborate. Is the video an attachment on your forum? Or is it an attachment somewhere else on the site? If so, where? Or is this video linked from another site?
  12. @TBL_Alex Please post your support request in this topic, not via PM - I am asking you to do this as you have requested a refund, and I would like you to explain publicly what the issue is with the application on IPS 4.5 For the record: The application is designed to work on IPS 4.5 I am not aware of any current issues with the version released over the weekend. If you are going to request a refund, then please be courteous and offer me the chance to support what ever it is that doesn't work for you.
  13. The towel has been retrieved and put away...I'll have something out soon for this request.
  14. Windows - Ctrl + P If it's not there then it's pretty easy to add in as it's just a printer driver.
  15. Or I may be wrong? Taken a look at it a little closer this morning and it has the following comment: * Text for use with data-ipsTruncate So maybe it's not used the way I indicated. Try it, see if it makes a difference.
  16. Take a look at the optional $length parameter that truncated() has, which defaults to 500 when not specified.... {$record->truncated(false,700)|raw} The false is the default value of the $oneLine parameter for truncated()
  17. Pretty sure Google Analytics will have functionality to handle this; filtering, I think it is called.
  18. Use this suggestion - make the resulting page the homepage for the site and add an {{else}} to redirect the non-logged in users to your chosen 'Guest' page
  19. Nothing went wrong - all you did was match your installed item (a plugin) to its marketplace listing, which is what the process you followed does. It's up to to then update it - it's not automatically going to happen, it's only going to notify you that there is an update, which is checked for when IPS software checks for updates. Wrong.
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