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The Old Man

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Posts posted by The Old Man

  1. Thanks @Matt

    They provide a good and valuable service, if you take payments it's a huge reassurance, but it's the integration within IPS Community Suite that is the issue, it's disproportionate and unjustified. It just needs to be included within Commerce, not Gallery, Blog, Forums etc.

    For years staff in their responses about this issue have effectively been saying it's necessary throughout the whole suite because that's what Stripe say and recommend, but it's not mandatory or binding. At worst it may be less effective if their system doesn't know whether one of my members or visitors read a blog post, viewed a Gallery image or forum.

    I also think their recommendation is based and in relation to being used on an e-commerce site, where it would much more sense from that perspective. In fact I just read this on that page...


    Stripe therefore encourages including Stripe.js on every page of the shopping experience, not just the checkout page.

    and on https://stripe.com/docs/js/including


    To best leverage Stripe’s advanced fraud functionality, include this script on every page, not just the checkout page. This allows Stripe to detect suspicious behavior that may be indicative of fraud as customers browse your website.

    Again I think they wrote this from the perspective that you are integrating it into an online store, with 'every page' meaning product description pages, etc. I think if asked, they'd agree.

    Apologies if this reads very passionately but I don't see why, if the integration won't be limited to the Commerce app, that we can't have a simple toggle to be able to choose for ourselves to limit it to Commerce or not, since after all, we're the site owners being responsible under GDPR.

    IPS provide useful tools to assist us with GDPR compliance, so it's confusing why this is overlooked.

  2. Hello there,

    FYI W3C Validator fails when the Featured Products widget block is used, tested with IPS 4.6.9.

    The widget shows a small image of each product but the alt attributes are missing for each.

    I also get errors (3 products, 3 errors) stating "No p element in scope but a p end tag seen" for each featured Commerce product in the widget:


    The opening P tags are there for each products, so perhaps they are being closed out of place?

    Also a Warning message on the top Sign In form on index page - I think this one may have been reported previously but just for the sake of it:


    The aria-checked attribute should not be used on an input element which has a type attribute whose value is checkbox.

    <span class="ipsCustomInput"><input type="checkbox" name="remember_me" id="remember_me_checkbox" value="1" checked aria-checked="true"><span></span></span>


  3. Nice touch, Team IPS!

    I'm not sure when it was added to the Stats section, perhaps I've just never noticed it before, but in Stats > Users Overview it shows us some nicely presented stats on some custom profile fields we have set up, effectively community meta data that would otherwise be hidden. True if you configured it, you can do a search for members with specific custom fields, but it's just a list of members.


    My custom fields are nothing high value but maybe a year or so ago just for fun I'd added a birth zodiac sign field to members profiles, so not everyone in the last 20 years would have used it, but the report instantly shows the highest and lowest number of members with particular birth signs.

    Also as my community is primarily about a particular short lived TV series, I have a field set up much longer ago where people can select their favourite of the 3 seasons, if they have any. I also have custom profile fields (select form fields) for favourite episodes, characters, directors, writers, etc but for some reason only these 2 show on the Users Overview page.

    It used to be that this was really just individual data seen when looking at a members profile, but the User Overview in AdminCP sheds some light and perspective on the data, and without needing Google to do it!



    So yes, thanks Team IPS for adding this, it's a nice, innovative touch.

    In terms of feedback suggestions, it would be nice to have:

    • A quick toggle to switch chart type, say a donut or pie chart.
    • New Stats Chart widget block - I'd love to be able to show these 2 charts on the front end, so perhaps a Stats Chart block that you could add like the other widget blocks,  Further you could also add multiple charts to a dedicated page created via Pages.
    • Add a Custom Fields section to the Users section with all the custom profile fields and more display and filter options.


  4. Hi Ryan, to be honest, it had crossed my mind! 🤔

    I thought it was more confusing and chargeable Downloads were intended for site members to sell their own items they upload (like here in the Marketplace), where as for the site owner the Commerce/Client centre app is what is used? Perhaps I got the idea from how IPS doesn't sell its own products in Downloads here, I don't know? Also, I saw you can generate license keys in Commerce, but I've not tried out that feature yet.

  5. Arne,

    I agree, you don't need to be a conspiracy enthusiast or tin foil hat wearing website owner to see it's grossly invasive of privacy and quite unjustifiable in the days of GDPR. We can't restrict it to commerce or checkout related pages only and Stripe bless 'em, surely can't detect card fraud by 100's if not 1000's of updates about individuals reading topics about say favourite pizza toppings, looking after tropical fish etc.

    When you factor in more or highly sensitive content, perhaps medical conditions or preferences, thats really not good, off the scale not good!

    Site visitors can't opt out of it, certainly before it starts tracking them, as far as I can see, which isn't right.
    There have been numerous topics here about it in the past. Its only a recommendation but certainly not a requirement, so I wish IPS (as established corporate advocates of anonymous posting and pride etc) would step up and take some ownership on improving this, and provide us with AdminCP options either for sidewide, commerce or checkout Stripe integration only.

  6. Daft question, I'm probably missing the obvious, but aside from manually promoting, how do people follow and get notified when I update products in Commerce?
    There doesn't seem to be a Follow option for Products in Commerce, I couldn't find anything in Notifications either.


    I add a downloadable theme in my Commerce store, that people can buy.
    Later, I update the theme because there is a new version, via Store Products > My Category > My theme > Client Area Settings > Client Area Content (Upload my new version, update the description, changelog text etc).


    Clients can download the updated version, but nobody knows its been updated!

    It doesn't appear in the Activity Streams. I tried creating a new custom Activity Stream for Products only, selected my product category but it seems to show only new products added, not updated!

  7. Hi,

    I noticed Normalize is 4.6.8 is fairly old, v6 from 2017. Most recent version is v8.0.1, albeit it's from 2018.
    Worth updating or removing now that old browsers are no longer supported?

    Just FYI, there is also a new modern simpler one out, https://elad2412.github.io/the-new-css-reset/ which is discussed in a recent interview on CSS Tricks. You can use it with (after) Normalise apparently. I've been using Modern Normalize for a while on my non-IPS sites.


  8. Hi, 

    I was looking at the Stats section of AdminCP (4.6.8) and noticed that some of the reports in table format are incorrectly displaying the date as as a timestamp.

    Gallery Bandwidth Usage is one that IS displaying correctly, also Commerce Sales, so it's not all of them:



    Moderator Activity isn't:


    Activity - Deleted Content isn't:

    Spam Defense isn't:



    I couldn't check New Support Requests or Commerce Income which has multiple tabs for currencies (no data).



    Also, in the Markets tabular report, it shows a JSON string, not sure if this is correct but possibly a missing language string above it for that column:



    Thanks 😊 

  9. I couldn't find it mentioned but there are duplicate rel attributes creeping in from the share links.

    Also found it here on your site as per this example:



    Seems like it's generating separate attributes, one for nofollow and one for noreferrer, instead of a combined one.


    <a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Finvisioncommunity.com%2Fnews%2Finvision-community%2Fmaximize-community-growth-with-our-new-reporting-metrics-r1239%2F" rel="nofollow" class="cShareLink cShareLink_facebook" target="_blank" data-role="shareLink" title='Share on Facebook' data-ipsTooltip rel='noopener'>


  10. Hi,

    Poss bug in 4.6.8, WebP format seems to be missing from the list of image files in the auto generated .htacess file for Rewrites?

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    Options -MultiViews
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteRule \.(js|css|jpeg|jpg|gif|png|ico|map)(\?|$) /404error.php [L,NC]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    (WebP fully available and in use on my server)

  11. I've posted in 2 other forums, tried to reach out to the dev team but no response, so apologies for asking again.

    CKEditor changed its default editor to Moona-Lisa for the current release series, which IPS4.6 updated to for the security fixes. This means we cant use Moono Dark anymore, since its no longer updated.

    How can I add support for the uiColor 'chameleon' config setting, which makes using changing UI colour on darker themes much simpler?

    The docs say to add it to your config.js, but the IPS theme uses a different variation from the default or perhaps you disabled the chameleon mode?

    config.uiColor = "#444444"


    Many thanks!

  12. Hi,

    Using a targetted CSS selector, I'm trying to limit some CSS so that it applies only to the default app's main home page, the first thing someone would see when visiting example.com or example.com/community, but taking into account for one person it could be they've set forums as their default app, for another it could be pages, core, blogs, calendar etc.

    Is that possible?

    I have tried limiting the selector to front and browse, but its not quite right, it would work if you only had 1 app installed, but if you have say the full suite, it seems to target every app's main index the same :

    /* Apply red to only the default app, home page */
    body[data-pagelocation="front"][data-pagecontroller="browse"] #ipsLayout_header header {
    	background: red; /* example */
    /* Apply black everywhere else */  
    #ipsLayout_header header {
    	background: black; /* example */

    Many thanks!

  13. Please could you consider adding some sale tools and promotion blocks. 

    Perhaps I've missed it, but aside from specific store item checkout discounts on previous purchases, user group and x items in the basket, there doesn't seem to be any overall time based sale management or promotion settings provided in Commerce, which as an online store app, is kind of odd.

    Suppose for example, I wanted a sale of particular group of products from 23:59 28.10.22 to 0000 01.11.22. It should be easy to configure the details, name of the sale, the product groups/products, the discount percentage, buy x get x free. Choose from a color changeable banner or announcement header and widgets or upload my own images.

    You can obviously do a few of these things with the existing announcements and pages blocks, but it would be easier if there was a sale and promotion section in Commerce out of the box, to make a good app, even better.

  14. Hi,

    Please could you add the abilty to select a template by name and find out when and in what version it last changed?

    Reason I ask, there were some hard coded CSS values in 4.5 missing from the new AdminCP color selectors, and I wanted to see if they had been updated with the new CSS variables etc so I could remove my CSS overides:

    /* Fix inner color on activity stream item circles and times */
    .ipsStream .ipsStreamItem_contentType, .ipsStreamItem_time {
    	color: rgb( var(--theme-section_title_font) );
    /* Fix color on reported content page */
    .ipsApp .ipsDataItem_new, .ipsApp .ipsDataItem_success {
    	/* background-color: var(--positive-light); */
    	/* background-color: rgb( var(--theme-item_status) ); */
    	background: rgb( var(--theme-moderated_light) );
    .ipsProgressBar_progress {
    	color: rgb( var(--theme-section_title_font) );

    Secondly, the page of results can get very long. Please could you consider add a drop down select box to filter the templates displayed by name? Or perhaps a list of clickable template names in the results at the top if there are say more than 5?

    Thank you!

  15. Hi,

    I reached out in the dev forums but didn't receive a reply. In the last update of IPS, you added support for the current 4.6.2. This means in dark themes we can't supply the Moono Dark skin any longer, as it isn't compatible and no longer maintained.

    As Moono-Lisa is the new official default CKEditor theme, it should make life easier as it supports quickly changing the UI easily with a simple configuration string uiColor:


    The uiColor isn't configurable in IPS 4.6.7, and it looks like the IPS skin is still based on the previous default theme Moono, so as Moono also supports uiColor because it's an official theme, please can you advise how to implement the setting in the existing config.js file?

     Copyright (c) 2003-2021, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
     For licensing, see https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license

    Apparently we can just add:

    // Using a color code.
    config.uiColor = '#AADC6E';
    // Using an HTML color name.
    config.uiColor = 'Gold';

    I have tried lots of variations without success, such as:

    // Using a color code.
    a.uiColor = '#AADC6E';
    cke.uiColor = '#AADC6E';
    ips.uiColor = '#AADC6E';

    I've tried for days now: adding them as a new line and also contained within the function a already defined.

     Copyright (c) 2003-2021, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
     For licensing, see https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license

    Many thanks!

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