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    Giray got a reaction from SeNioR- in reg_confirm_email_desc %s variable   
    WORKED!!!!!!!! Thank you @Andy Millne
  2. Like
    Giray got a reaction from SeNioR- in reg_confirm_email_desc %s variable   
    This is the English message that appears on screen right after registering (in language bits it’s reg_confirm_email_desc)
    The problem is that on my forum, after registering, that’s exactly what appears. The %s is not replaced by the person’s email.
  3. Like
    Giray got a reaction from Andy Millne in reg_confirm_email_desc %s variable   
    WORKED!!!!!!!! Thank you @Andy Millne
  4. Thanks
    Giray reacted to Andy Millne in reg_confirm_email_desc %s variable   
    If the original untranslated string only has one %s then %2$s will not exist. You need to use %1$s for both times you want the replacement to occur.
  5. Like
    Giray got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Duplicating member group crash   
    Thanks Adriano. I tried but it still works ?? Bizarre. I had, indeed, created a new form recently (the one to ask for emails to notify for our new application). I went there now, entered an email, and validated. Tried the member group copy again, and it still works.
    All right, I’ve taken up enough of your time all, thanks as always for your help. If the gremlin reappears, I’ll come back 😉
  6. Thanks
    Giray reacted to Marc Stridgen in Duplicating member group crash   
    Before anything else, please disable all 3rd party applications and try the copy function again. I suspect you have an issue with a 3rd party app there
  7. Thanks
    Giray reacted to Daniel F in Duplicating member group crash   
    Are you using the forms application? I recall that there was such an issue with it
  8. Thanks
    Giray reacted to Adriano Faria in Duplicating member group crash   
    Do you any apps stating with letters F and S? Probably Fsomething System.
    It seems a hook extends the core groups to use the cache but it is required to “remove” the app columns when copying a group.
  9. Thanks
    Giray reacted to Marc Stridgen in reg_confirm_email_desc %s variable   
    I see thats a translated string there. If you revert this to its default, does this then work?
  10. Thanks
    Giray reacted to teraßyte in Regex flavor   
    You're welcome. 🙂
  11. Like
    Giray got a reaction from SeNioR- in Regex flavor   
    in case anyone wants to try their hand, it's just:
    Any uppercase letters (no limit on # of characters) followed by exactly 4 digits No digits allowed before the the letters No letters allowed after the four digits No special characters allowed So good:
    JOHN1960 JEFF5120 JIM2345 But bad:
    12JOHN1960 JOHN 1960 JOHN19607 JOHN1960T All I really need is the 'flavor'. No need to really rack your brains over the expression. Just posted in case we have a wiz who can bang it out in their sleep. Otherwise will post on the regex subreddit.
    Thanks all.
  12. Thanks
    Giray reacted to Jim M in Regex flavor   
    Thanks for posting!

    Unfortunately, this issue is beyond the scope of our technical support. 👩‍💻

    Our technical support is happy to help you with the Invision Community platform, but we're unable to help with things like server management, theme questions and modifications.

    I've moved this to our Community Support area where other Invision Community owners will see it and help where they can.
  13. Like
    Giray got a reaction from RonSeal in Improved Clubs Enhancements   
    Many of us have been asking this of both @InvisionHQ and IPS directly for quite a while (over a couple of years). There is even a feature request (I opened it) for this. We’ve had no response. Not sure if it’s a technical limitation? It would be nice to know. This really is a critical need for many of us.
    Here is the feature suggestion for IPS:
  14. Like
    Giray got a reaction from SeNioR- in AnnouncementTop template error   
    Thank you Marc but I'm never quite sure where to post and not get into trouble 😇
    FYI, I believe my caching is already disabled? Posting image here just to make sure I have it right?

  15. Like
    Giray reacted to Stuart Silvester in AnnouncementTop template error   
    It was a code fix, specifically it was related to the use of Pages when using the external dispatcher. The fix will be included in an upcoming release.
  16. Haha
    Giray reacted to Daniel F in AnnouncementTop template error   
  17. Like
    Giray reacted to Daniel F in AnnouncementTop template error   
    Since I'm already in your ACP and working on your other issue, I'll take this one too:) 
  18. Thanks
    Giray reacted to Marc Stridgen in AnnouncementTop template error   
    What you posted there is not an error log, it's a template. Please try disabling template caching if you have that enabled. 

    Also, if you need support on a stock item, please post in the support forum 
  19. Thanks
    Giray reacted to Sonya* in Support desk crash with Stock Actions   
    Yes, it is most likely an IPS bug. I see in the source code that they set the field to NULL if not filled. The database does not accept NULL values though.
            if( isset( $values['action_staff'] ) )         {             $values['action_staff'] = $values['action_staff'] ? \IPS\Member::load( $values['action_staff'] ) : NULL;         }  
  20. Thanks
    Giray reacted to Nathan Explosion in Support desk crash with Stock Actions   
    If you've ruled out 3rd party, post the issue here and get IPS support:
  21. Thanks
    Giray reacted to Sonya* in Support desk crash with Stock Actions   
    Try to disable Radical Tags. If the issue is gone, then contact the developer.
  22. Like
    Giray got a reaction from Lucas Thompson in Improved Clubs Enhancements   
    Many of us have been asking this of both @InvisionHQ and IPS directly for quite a while (over a couple of years). There is even a feature request (I opened it) for this. We’ve had no response. Not sure if it’s a technical limitation? It would be nice to know. This really is a critical need for many of us.
    Here is the feature suggestion for IPS:
  23. Like
    Giray got a reaction from SeNioR- in Rotate advertisements periodically   
    Any thoughts on the possibility of rotating a given advertisement ‘location’ periodically. Here’s what I mean. I have a single advertiser per day on my community. I would like to make that ad into the ‘Sponsor of the Day Advertiser’. So every day, I would like my sitewide ads (or ideally do so each different location) to rotate to a different ad. based on a time It could be hourly, daily, weekly, only on Sundays, etc. Currently, I have to go in manually and enable or disable the source advertisement.
    Not sure this will be a priority for most… 🤐
  24. Agree
    Giray reacted to socceronly in Bulk/mass tools or csv export for Commerce?   
    I just can't see continuing to use this.

    It is 14 mouse clicks 3 pages and 1 tab I have to close for each shipment. 

    Doing this ten thousand times, or more is simply not tenable. 
  25. Agree
    Giray reacted to Lucas Thompson in Improved Clubs Enhancements   
    was wondering
    I'm super interested in sub-forums (or categories) for clubs.  If this isn't available in your current app can I pay you to custom code this onto my invision website?
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