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Mark H

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Posts posted by Mark H

  1. I obfuscated the key in that first line.

    The part of the error that says "Connection timed out (etc" suggests that Curl is not installed or is not configured correctly, other possible reasons may be that the software is not being allowed to make outbound connections, or that your server IP address is blocked by giphy (this is unlikely, however is possible).

    In any case, that's a server issue you'd need to contact your Host to assist in resolving. Show them the error and ask them to investigate. The software must be allowed to make outbound connections, and not be blocked at the target end.

  2. A colleague of mine says he has the same behavior as you report, that once inactive they are removed the next day, so this does appear to be working as intended. (It's likely my site needs until tomorrow some time to run the task which removes the one I previously showed in my screenshots.)

    I've retitled the topic and left it as a suggestion for a future version; that either they do not automatically get removed, or it be a choice for the site admin.

  3. 14 hours ago, Rodrigo Castillo said:

    My mod team reports alerts are not being seen if an end date is set, even if the end date is in the future. Changing the end date to None allows the alert to display correctly.

    This describes an issue that's different than the rest of this topic, and one that needs confirming.

    I've created a ticket from your post. Someone will be in contact with you via that ticket.


    NOTE: I've split your post to a new topic since this does appear to be a bug under the conditions you mention.


    Someone will reply to the ticket created for this.

  4. We have the Alert system active on our site, yes, but I think we've only tested it and not had a real use for it just yet.

    The author of the alert doesn't see it again because they are the one who created it. They already know what it contains. 🙂


  5. A "500 Error", also called an "Internal Server Error", is an error generated by the server, and it masks the actual error that caused the 500 Error. 

    It's like the "Check Engine" light on a car. It says something is wrong, but not what or where.

    You'll need to contact your Host, and ask them to search the Apache Error Log (not the PHP error log) for the 500 Error entries recorded for your IP Address. Those entries will show the actual underlying error that triggered the 500 Error.

    But if the errors aren't clear as to cause and resolution, post a followup here.

  6. You won't be able to see the file owner when using cPanel's file manager.

    The easiest way to see the file owner is to use an FTP client such as Filezilla (it's free) and view the directory listing where that file is located. 

    Could contain: Text

    The two values I obfuscated in red (since it's my install) are the Owner/Group.

    Make sure all files in that folder have the same owner and permissions.

    It's also possible your server is blocking that file for some reason, and if the file is there but set to 0000 permissions for example, you would have to talk to your Host.

  7. 17 minutes ago, My Sharona said:

    From the sounds of your reply, it is not supposed to be omitted from the Block Manager in 4.7.

    Actually... in looking at some old installs of mine, there never was a default (pre-created) Record Feed Block in the ACP.

    You could define it as I showed above, but I'm not seeing it in a 4.5 install either.

    Did perhaps you or one of your staff define this in the past, so it showed on the front end?

    EDIT: Actually, I think my installs are not quite right. Jim does have this block in his install, so I'll let him take over. 😉

  8. I am unsure what happened to the older version existing block, but you can duplicate this as a Block in the ACP. I just tested this on a cloud site I have.

    ACP -> Pages, Blocks -> Create New Block.

    Choose the plugin "Pages -> Record Feed"


    Could contain: Page, Text, File

    Leave template key blank, one will be generated.

    Save and then on the front end, Block Manager, drag "Custom Blocks" where you want it displayed. Then click "Edit" in its box and configure as below:

    Could contain: Text, Page, Home Decor


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