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Mark H

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Posts posted by Mark H

  1. If you created that file in the Pages app following the steps in the guide carefully, it should have satisfied the Adsense requirement.

    Can you please double-check that you do have that Page created, that it still is shown in the ACP, and that it is set up following the guide? (Make sure all fields or menu choices match what the guide says.)

    EDIT: That guide is somewhat generic, so for ads.txt you have to fill in the info required by Adsense. The "Content" sub-tab field would be the code block which Adsense provides.

  2. You're starting on the wrong page. 🙂

    From ACP main page, on the left, near the top, choose "System Settings".

    Then on the next page, click the Members sub-tab (not the Members tab at the top of the ACP).

    Could contain: File, Webpage

    I've also moved this to the Community Support section since it is for IP.Board version 3.

  3. You'd find it in ACP -> System Settings -> Members sub-tab -> Spam Prevention -> Captcha Type.

    Note that you cannot use the "reCAPTCHA" entry; that is the old Google method which no longer works.

    Your only options in v3 now are to disable it, or to sign up for KeyCaptcha (there is a free version available) and use that method.

    Also make sure to get your "Secret Key" from KeyCaptcha, and enter it in the field on the bottom of the above page before saving.

  4. In looking with SFTP, I see that all files and folders for the software are running under the root user, or at least they are owned by the root user.

    This is non-standard, and could be the issue. You normally have the files and folders owned by the same server account which actually runs the software. That could be the 'www' or 'apache' user, though it's usually a named account. (For example, the SFTP username you provided.)

    Please check with your server provider to see what account should own the file structure for the software, then change the files and folders ownership as they indicate. Permissions should remain the same if suexec or suphp is in use, but the ownership needs to be set to the correct account.

  5. The screenshot you provided does not appear to be from a Linux server.

    And although it's in a language I can't read, it does appear to be what you would see in IIS (or Windows) for file/folder properties.

    Can you please clarify?

  6. Ah, is this an IIS server?

    If so, that is the problem. We unfortunately do not support the use of IIS servers, we only support a server running a LAMP stack. 

    But if this is a Linux server with Apache, MySQL and a compatible version of PHP, please let us know.

  7. That error suggests your .htaccess file is missing, or cannot be read by the server account running the software. 

    Permissions on .htaccess should also be 0644 if you are using suexec or suphp. Have you checked that specifically?

  8. We are simply following our internal security policy in asking for proof that you are who you claim to be, nothing more than that. We aren't trying to strong-arm you into renewing. 🙂

    Asking us to cancel an account. when the request comes from an email which is not associated to the purchase at all, is something we cannot do without proof. This protects both the integrity of your account, and us, from malicious actors.

    Since you said the email used to register can't be used, we asked for an alternative way to prove your identity, in the form of a government-issued identification. (You did previously reply, "If you allow any other verification, please do let me know." We did offer the alternative method, which you indicated you were not comfortable doing.)

    This has been policy for a very long time when an email address expires or is deleted, and we receive a request to cancel an account, license, or package. I'm sorry you feel this is not an acceptable way to do this.

    That said, if you've removed your credit card from the Client Area, any renewal would go unpaid and eventually expire on its own.

  9. If you are using suphp or suexec, the permissions for our software are normally set as:

    All Folders and Subfolders: 0644

    All Files: 0755

    Setting any file or folder to 0777 can (and usually does) led to 500 Errors, with a message about "access denied by client configuration" or similar.

  10. I believe what you're describing is covered by a setting in each forum:

    Could contain: Text, Face

    "If a user does have permission to see the forum but not to read the topics, this setting controls whether or not they can open the forum and see the topic titles."

    You'd toggle that button on the forums you mean (be sure to save).

    Does that accomplish what you wanted>

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