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Mark H

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Posts posted by Mark H

  1. I just visited that topic, as a Guest, and images off-screen below what I was seeing, were loaded as I scrolled down, so it appears lazy-loading is working as it should be.

    I should add... since I visited the page once, and it fully loaded because I scrolled to the bottom, re-visiting the page does not have the same behavior. Having visited once, it's cached in my browser until that's cleared.

  2. I'm not sure what you mean by "up(l)oading images for inserting in posts and topics in between".

    You can either use your native paste (usually CTRL-V) directly in the editor box, as I did below:

    Could contain: Text, Plot, Number, Symbol, Diagram

    which actually does upload the image as an attachment.

    Or you can use the "choose files" link to upload as attachment, then position your cursor in the editor where you want the image to appear, then hover over the the attachment and click "Insert", as I did below:

    Could contain: Text, Page, Document

    The end result is the same, however.

  3. In checking your ACP -> Support page, I am seeing 4 items in orange, 3 of which can be the cause of (or part of) any issues like this.

    Please visit your Support page and find those 3 orange items (ignore the one about PHP GMP) in the blocks titled "Database" and "Caching".

    Click the gray "Fix This" button beside each one, and follow the suggestions. Once you have cleared those 3 items, check performance again with all 3rd-party items disabled, including any Theme. (We'd suggest setting the one titled "IPS Default" as the default theme for the front end to test, as it's an unmodified Theme.)

    I have navigated around for a bit and am not seeing any issues with the layout. Everything does load, and fully. As I mentioned, it is a bit slow, but that would be a server performance issue.

  4. I just visited your site and don't see any layout or code issues at this time. The pages are loading a bit slowly, but that would be a server issue of some sort. It may be running too many sites on it (if this is Shared hosting), or may not be optimized for sites of your size.

    But what, specifically, is your host saying is the "cache issue"? Can you clarify?

  5. A couple things to consider:

    The registrants are human, not bots. (They then turn the account over to a spambot.)

    If you do not regularly and frequently change your Q&A's they only have to look up the answers using Google search.

    They use "new" email addresses which are not in the spam databases yet.

    As my colleague noted, hcaptcha is being introduced in the next release, which appears to be better at reducing this overall.

  6. The errors I immediately see look like an issue in a custom Theme (perhaps simply out of date?). 

    And might be one or more of your apps/plugins, though I can't be certain.

    We'd still recommend disabling all 3rd-party items and re-enabling one by one, then testing each. 

    But start with a completely un-customized Theme, then disable apps/plugins if that doesn't fix the issue.

  7. If everything works with all 3rd-party items (apps, plugins, and Themes) disabled then the issue has to be something within one of those.

    We'd suggest disabling them all again, then re-enable one by one to see which one or ones are the cause. 

    And from your description... are you certain that your host didn't make a server-level change?

    As you noted, if you changed nothing then something else had to have changed somewhere.

  8. I'm seeing the 500 error on the front end, but "white pages" at the ACP and upgrade URL's. White pages are usually a suppressed PHP error. Are you confident that your host is looking at the relevant error logs?  There should be something showing in them.

    Can you also grab the most-recent ips4.php requirements checker from our Marketplace and upload that, then run it?

    (I tried to visit the filename blindly and got a white page there as well. But I can't tell if that's because the file actually doesn't exist, or if it does but won't run.)

  9. Optimizing the database is something your Host would need to do if you are not familiar with the process.

    But that error doesn't directly mean the DB needs to be optimized.

    It suggests there's a restriction on the database size, one imposed by your host who is not telling you the entire story.

    Does your host have a limit on the DB size? If they do, and you have exceeded it, then that error might be the result.

  10. Yes, you do need to also be a Moderator.  (Admin permissions are for actions taken in the ACP, Moderator permissions are for all front end actions.) Add either your individual account, or your Group, on that ACP page I referenced, as "Unrestricted".

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