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Posts posted by 13.

  1. The easiest way to filter all ancient browsers from the IE epoch is just checking if CSS or CSS.supports are missed, because it present in all modern browsers and Edge 12+.

    if (typeof(CSS) === "undefined" || typeof(CSS.supports) === "undefined") {
    	// Here you can do whatever you want to the visitors with ancient browsers from the IE epoch
    	console.log('Your browser is out of date');


  2. It looks like CSS Custom Properties currently are not used, so it would be easier to create correct checks if IPS tell us which exactly features not supported in older browsers they used in 4.5+.

  3. On 8/18/2020 at 11:00 PM, Malwarebytes Forums said:

    Curious how you accomplished this. Seems to give best of both worlds

    For IPS 4.4, changed this:

    <li><a class='ipsType_blendLinks' href='{$comment->item()->url()->setQueryString( array( 'do' => 'findComment', 'comment' => $comment->$idField ) )}' data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="share_this_post"}' data-ipsMenu data-ipsMenu-closeOnClick='false' id='elSharePost_{$comment->$idField}' data-role='shareComment'><i class='fa fa-share-alt'></i></a></li>

    to this:

    <li><a class='ipsType_blendLinks' href='{$comment->item()->url()->setQueryString( array( 'do' => 'findComment', 'comment' => $comment->$idField ) )}' data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="share_this_post"}' data-ipsMenu data-ipsMenu-closeOnClick='false' id='elSharePost_{$comment->$idField}' data-role='shareComment'>#{$comment->$idField} <i class='fa fa-share-alt'></i></a></li>

    In this template:


  4. Just now, Egorkin said:

    We are only talking about IE, and they are all no longer supported 🧒

    Actually not only IE but all browsers which do not support modern features like CSS Custom Properties, etc. Sticking to IE in these checks is a bad idea.

  5. 3 hours ago, bfarber said:

    The fundamental issue is that we don't track which content items and comments were hidden due to flagging as a spammer, so we can't unhide only those things.

    I hope this will be fixed in the future. We need this feature working this way.

    This flaw is the reason why the "Flag as spammer" feature is completely disabled on my communities. It's too dangerous since its irreversible.

  6. 21 minutes ago, Charles said:

    4.5 supports browser-side image resizing.

    Resizing is cool, but it's not related to the suggestion. It's about compression, not about resizing.
    What about the feature which chooses the optimal format automatically instead of PNG? In a lot of cases, it would be JPG (as IPS does not support webp yet).


    Squoosh is an image compression web app made by Google Chrome Labs. It allows you to dive into the advanced options provided by various image compressors.

    Squoosh is open source. and it could be integrated into IPS.

    Here is why it's important:

    1. The image below was pasted directly into editor using CTRL+V, and it's size is 875 kb.


    2. The image below was pasted into squoosh.app using CTRL+V, saved with default settings and then uploaded to the post. Its size is just 42kb (x20.8 times better).
    *If IPS supported webp, then it could be just 32 kb, x27.4 times better.


    My suggestion is to give us an ability to save pasted images in the most efficient format instead of PNG.

  8. Such restrictions do not benefit the community. An open community is a very cheap, stable, and efficient way to product promotion and user retention. It's funny (and sad at the same time) what IPS still hasn't figured it out.

    The client lounge could be read-only for not active clients. Contributors section, the same way, could be read-only for those who did not contribute yet, as it has some topics which are useful for those who are just on the way to contribute.

  9. +1 vote for the suggestion to support U2F in the IPS core. It is supported in all modern browsers now.


    Also, U2F is widely adopted and supported by companies and governments. It's already implemented in Amazon, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, GitHub, GitLab, Dropbox, and many other internet giants.

    U2F is much more convenient to use compared to all currently supported 2FA methods.

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