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Everything posted by Sonya*

  1. Sorry, due to the corona circus and therefore the constant lack of reliable childcare and quarantine, it is currently impossible for me to plan and execute my tasks in time. I will look into it as soon the childcare is available again. 🤮
  2. Additionally: there has been a patch recently for blog permissions. Run your Support Tool to apply the path first.
  3. Have you checked permissions on Blog? Normally it should work. If not, I would ask in support, if it is a bug.
  4. For articles in Pages database there is a setting Edit own records indefinitely on the database. If everybody should be able to edit the article then you can use Wiki-style editing. As far as I know the blog entries are always editable by blog authors. In 4.4 it was default. 🤨
  5. It is not my plugin, I do not get any profit recommending it. 😁 Why do you ask for update, if you able to do it yourself? 😉 The plugin I have mentioned has though more configuration options, like position of the button and group permission settings. And it is supported as the developer is still active here. Just to make it clear in case somebody else is looking for the solution later on.
  6. I have a question. How is it possible that a resource has been approved in Marketplace without having been downloaded? Or have you reseted a download number for this?
  7. Just updated to 4.5.2. Login is still not possible. The error as quoted above. 😥
  8. It is a per user profile setting (per user) now:
  9. Scroll down to the section Adding a newly purchased application.
  10. Login seems not to work on Android generally. The same here 😏 I have opened a ticket some weeks ago. It will be investigated.
  11. It looks like you have turned on FURLs in ACP but have not uploaded .htaccess yet.
  12. Look for the key _date_this_week in translations.
  13. @James101, thanks for testing. I will look into it asap.
  14. You can create a custom ad location via manual ad placement that you use for infolinks exclusively, no rotation. You can use Enhanced Advertisements to add code without template changes.
  15. Club blogs can have entries only from club leaders. However, there is a standard group blog feature in IPS, that allows different members to write into one blog. To convert a club blog into group blog there are only some fields in blogs_blogs table. The restriction who is allowed to blog should be derived from club permissions (e. g. who is allowed to create topics?) Add button to create a new blog entry in the club group I have tested it myself by manipulating database, adding plugins and customizing club blog theme. It works. It would nice addition to your app to have club blogs that are group blogs. So that all club members can submit entries to the blog.
  16. Client area. Download the latest stable Invision Community but check Include Converters? before download.
  17. You should upgrade your 4.4 community first. Then download the converter and start an new conversion on beta to import members from test community into beta.
  18. You can use IPS Converter to migrate members from one Invision Community into another. The both communities should run the same version.
  19. In AdminCP System -> Site Promotion -> Advertisements we can add ads on the site and in email notifications. While we can restrict the ads to show only to certain groups, there is no possibility to restrict the email ads to the user group. Why? Please add the ability to restrict the email advertisement to the certain groups. Thank you!
  20. I cannot help you to remember how to connect to your installation. I never knew it 😂
  21. Delete the IPS installation on _http://usenetserver.info before changing the URL.
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