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Everything posted by Sonya*

  1. We have upgraded last night to 4.5 from 4.4. The big issue we have (default theme) is that there is no more possible to get into primary nav items, only secondary items are displayed. Example how it was on 4.4: On the 4.5 we miss this primary item point: The users ask how they can reach the primary menu item on mobile. No more possible?
  2. Just active license of IPS. If you are self-hosted and your IPS license expires, this mod will not work.
  3. And this one No spam via contact form since I have installed it.
  4. @Daniel, how would you replace this in German? Dem Club beigetreten, in den Club eingeladen, im Club gepostet and so on... πŸ˜‰
  5. No. This was just an example for English usage. πŸ™‚ For my case, I need something to upgrade my Russian and German projects more efficiently πŸ˜‰
  6. Yes, the best example are Clubs. Some communities keep Clubs, others want Groups, there are also Guilds or Teams. Changing those strings makes you actually non-upgradable. All new strings go to default language, and you have to update your custom language somehow manually.
  7. I have some non-English projects, where I have made some changes to the language strings. These changes should be permanent. There is also a language pack in Marketplace. When I upgrade the project, I have to make many steps to keep my custom translations. This is how I do it: Download the custom language as XML (Custom package) Download Marketplace package as XML (Marketplace package) Copy Marketplace package (Merged package) Upload a new version (Custom package) on Merged package Change the name of the package back to Merged Set Merged package as Default Disable other language packages When I'd like to change some strings in my project, I have to go this way Make changes in my Custom package Download Custom package as XML Upload a new version (Custom package) on Merged package Change the name of the package back to Merged When there is an upgrade for Marketplace package: Upgrade Marketplace package Download Marketplace package as XML (Marketplace package) Upload a new version (Marketplace package) on Merged package Upload a new version (Custom package) on Merged package Change the name of the package back to Merged This is quite time-consuming. I wish parent/child construction (like themes), where my custom changes just overload the Marketplace package. Additionally, a filter where I can see what translations differ from parent version. This would help to prevent all these steps above, keep my custom translations and still use Marketplace updates without loosing my custom changes.
  8. You should use a background-repeat property. E. g. body { background: url(https://...forumbackground.png); background-repeat: repeat; }
  9. Language strings are defined as key/value pairs. To add/edit a language string, just open the /applications/<your app>/dev/lang.php file and add/edit an array element.
  10. There is actually a bug in Pages that does not clean/delete uploaded record images and images uploaded via fields of type Upload. The images are indeed orphaned. I have reported the bug and this should be fixed in the next release.
  11. Hi, I have an old community here, grounded about 20 years ago. There are over 250 000 registered users over the time. The nature of the community is that the users are only active for some years and leave then. My issue now is that over the half of email addresses (estimated) are not valid anymore. I would like to "purge" the database setting users with invalid emails on validating to prevent sending emails to them. At the end of the day I need a "clean" database to send out newsletter to valid emails only. What is the best way to achieve it? Right now I am using G Suite Business to send out and receive e-mails. I pay around 45 Euro monthly. This is my email stats from ACP: Any advice of what is the best solution in this case? Thank you, Sonya*
  12. This is about notifications. They all include ads if you set them once πŸ˜’
  13. No, you don't. You can overwrite the forum setting for each database category. Just edit a category and switch to Forum tab. This way you only need a new category and not the complete database.
  14. When I hear "duplicate content" I always think about SEO πŸ™‚ There is no duplicate content regarding SEO. However, you are right, the user who created the article with future publish date will indeed see the article AND the post. To prevent this, a custom solution (like redirecting every article to its assigned post) will be required. In this case, they will not see anything else as the post itself. I can understand. This is indeed something that should be considered if you have non-technical users. Redirecting article to the assigned post can be solved within the article template, so that they will never see the original article after it is created.
  15. If the database (not forum) is only visible to the those 70 team members, then nobody else would be able to see the database. So, why should they delete or move something that is only visible to those who have created it? Or do you mean those 70 team members should not be able to see their articles afterwards? The posts visibility depends on the forum permission and not on database.
  16. This is simple permission like creating new posts in forum, though. You can create a secondary group where all these 70 team members are. Give the ability to create articles within one database, not pages as single page. There is no really a great difference if you allow them creating scheduled posts in forum vs. allow them creating new entries in a database, where future publish date is enabled. The posts in forum are created automatically upon articles are created. There is no duplicate content if the database is only visible to the moderators, though.
  17. Pages creates real posts in your forum. Articles are just for scheduling. When article is published (future published date is reached) then a new post is created in forum.
  18. You can do it if you have Pages. Just create a database, that is only visible to moderators. Create your posts in a database as articles, connect the database to a forum, where the posts should be post and set the future publish date. No extra feature is needed to accomplish it. Unless you do not have Pages.
  19. This is also fine. The checklist above was general. You can also create tutorials with Pages. Admin blog, like this of IPS is made with Pages too. Every way to create useful content is good. Just avoid creating articles, news, tutorials and so on as forum posts. This is what ranks not so good because of the template "noise" and "false" markup.
  20. I have no experience with Blog, but I guess it is the same. It is important to avoid using the forum to primarily post articles as there is just too many noise around the content in the template. User areas, answers, topic summaries and so on. I prefer a clean article template where I can control almost anything about HTML, meta tags, title, content structure and so on.
  21. And especially for the project in your signature, check your site speed. I do not know why, but it is very slow. This is killer for SEO. I am not an expert for loading though, try @Adlago πŸ˜ƒ
  22. I have some checklists. Technical: HTTPS - right from the start and redirect 301 for non-HTTPS The domain should be either with WWW OR without WWW. But not both. Again redirect with 301. Set up Friendly URLs Translit plugin to replace ΓΆ, Γ€, ΓΌ (no idea if it helps for SEO, but I don't like special characters in URLs, especially if there are only special characters like Cyrillic πŸ˜ƒ). Connect Google Search Console to see what Google thinks about you Load sitemap.php in Search Console, here I can see nicely if something is not running correctly, not indexed or whatever. Change the title of the start page (no Home or Forums), but so that every user understands what it's all about. If you have some important landing pages, then change title on them as well A welcome block on the home page, short and to the point, what this is all about. (I've seen many forums where I have not understood what they are about). NO huge header/image slider, so that every page looks the same and the content begins below the fold. Content: Create articles in Pages (quality over quantity), you do not need 100 articles with 1 click a day. Write 5 with 20 clicks a day πŸ˜‰ Fill out ALT tags for all images in the articles (double-click on the image, even if it's annoying, it helps) Use H2-H5 tags in the articles via editor plugin, create TOC at the beginning if the article is too long Link to trust sites, like Wikipedia, Unis, studies etc. This would give you more trust and Google like if you are trustworthy Sign all articles with real names and put short BIO of the author if possible, photo is even nicer If you enable Forum for articles, make sure that no duplicate content is created (article page itself plus forum topic that repeats the same thing again - this is IPS default and bad for SEO!). The best idea is not to show the forum to the guests, they can see the article and comments, there should be enough, forum only for members for Google E-A-T: add an about-page in the footer of the project, where the project is described in more detail, best to mention names and achievements of the people involved. See where you can place a link. Less is more. Better 2-3 trustworthy sites than 100 links from junk sites. Watch the search terms in Search Console and Analytics. If a search term is on the second page of the search result, it is worth to write an article about it. In this case, Google already considers the project relevant for this search term. It needs just a little push. Social Media: Create channels/pages in all relevant social media Regularly promote new content (it can give additional links if people share it somewhere else)
  23. Add this to your constant.php define('DEV_DISABLE_ACP_SESSION_TIMEOUT', TRUE);
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