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Everything posted by Sonya*

  1. Note: when I edit core_seo_meta table per SQL and empty the column meta_url for the start page, then it works. Compare: meta_url = "/" does not work meta_url = "" works
  2. I have set our picks page as my start page. I have entered in AdminCP (Search Engine Optimization -> Meta Tags) a custom Page Title for the start page. It is ignored. The page title is still Our Picks. For all other pages the page title works. Why it does not work for the Our Picks?
  3. I had a vision. Imagine, there is an app called SuperWidgets. The app has custom templates for system widgets: Recently Browsing with overlapping user avatars like in SuperTopics Who's online with overlapping user avatars like in SuperTopics Similar Content like SuperBlocks Activity Stream like SuperTimeline The app was submitted by @opentype in Marketplace, and I've bought it immediately. End of the vision. 🙃
  4. Suggestion: templates for the Similar Content Widget (by tags) and Activity Stream Widget. Both default IPS templates look a bit ugly 😄 I wish there were SuperBlocks templates for them.
  5. Yes. But it has many bugs. An app with branding and all the customizations is technically not feasible, I guess or requires tons of programmers. Right now: no customizations, no monetization, no branding. All IPS communities sit in one app like TapaTalk. To have an own app for your community only, you would have to go through Google and Apple approval process to add it to their stores. You, not IPS. It costs. Another question: why do you need mobile app? If it is because of push notifications, they are integrated in 4.6 without mobile app. Any other reason, you would like to have mobile app? 🙂
  6. I have used it for some years. I have stopped because their code had responsiveness issues. Another issue was the slow performance at large projects. Self hosted was not enough. Cloud was too expensive. We have changed to Ad Manager. The earnings for banner advertisements slowed down though. Paid walls, subscriptions, affiliates, writing and featuring content - this is where we are now 🙃
  7. Generally, I would not recommend using IPS advertisement system to sell impressions. Use duration period (number of days) instead. IPS counts impression like page views. If the ad is placed below the fold and the user never scrolls to see it, IPS would count it nevertheless. Advertisers dislike to pay for ads that were not even displayed. If an advertiser has own tracking code, you can use HTML/JS code for the ad to place it, so that he can see in his tracking system the stats.
  8. I wish there were an interface where we can submit PHP hooks for the databases fields. E. g. onLoad onChange onCreate onDelete onClick and so on... Example 1: onCreate or onChange While creating or updating a record with a field of type Address, update another field with list of cities, countries to allow search/filter by location. Example 2: onLoad Get/extract information from another tables, like showing who has added the record to this favorite list. Example 3: onClick Record the information, who has clicked the URL field and how often This would boost the Pages and allow to create many kinds of interesting apps. Note: And yes, I know that I can create a bunch of hooks where I have to restrict them to database and field. This is not the same. The hooks are separated from the field so that I have to know they are there. I have to track field key values and database IDs to be sure the hooks are executed at the right place. And I have no possibility to change them on-the-fly.
  9. I would not also, but a client wants 😄 Not with this payment provider. Every domain should be publicly accessible, and it takes a week or more till the domain is approved 🙈
  10. I wonder how can I test new subscription and payment gateway. There is no group restriction for the subscription, so that I cannot create one just for test and special group I cannot restrict the payment method to special user group only I cannot test on test server as the payment provider does not allow other domains (only live) If I overcome the previous, I still cannot test on test server as the payment interface should be accessible publicly and test installation must be protected by .htaccess I cannot use the constant \IPS\NEXUS_TEST_GATEWAYS on live server as it applies to every payment method Any idea of how to create a test subscription with test payment gateway without allowing normal users to use them?
  11. You write on the Additional Information tab: What plugin do you mean? I could not find in Marketplace.
  12. Look here https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/suite-applications/pages/core-concepts/custom-fields-in-templates-r327/ It is number 2 on the screenshot. I have disabled it entirely, the field is shown on the listing template despite the setting.
  13. There is an issue with custom fields. I have fields where Show in listing template is disabled. These fields are shown in the listing template (using display view format) despite the setting. Can you please adjust your template the way it respects the fields that should not be shown in the listing? Thank you!
  14. Try this https://invisionify.com/guides/monetize-communities/paypal-sandbox/
  15. I have the same issue. Support says I should switch off all customization and wait till the error happens again. This is NO-GO-Solution for me, as the customizations are essential for this community and deal with user privacy. 🙃
  16. I would like to use some font awesome icons in WYSIWYG block. I have added them via HTML source: Lorum ipsum <i class="fa fa-users"></i> lorum It shows as expected. If I open the block for edit, the icons are removed. I have tried to add the classes fa and fa-users to Allowed CSS classes in the editor settings. It does not help. Is there any way to use icons in WYSIWYG block?
  17. Suggestion: is it possible that you hook into the profile as well? It would be nice if the icon would be shown on the profile page: Thanks
  18. I have made fresh install as well.
  19. Adding 'parse' => 'html' has solved the issue $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Radio( 'cui_icon', \IPS\customusericon\Member::loggedIn()->cui_icon ? \IPS\customusericon\Member::loggedIn()->cui_icon : 0, FALSE, array( 'options' => $icons, 'parse' => 'html' ) ) ); Can you please update the app? Thank you!
  20. Any idea why user profile setting can look like this?
  21. I would miss something like this https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/459696-flag-ipsdbselect_sql_calc_found_rows-not-working/ if there would be complete neutral fashion. IPS could you please stay a bit ... unneutral? 🙂
  22. After upgrade to 4.5 we have broken images that have been previously cached through image proxy feature. The source looks like this: <a href="http://othersite.com/fotos/30d2eb4f33948317.html" rel="external nofollow noopener" target="_blank"> <img class="ipsImage" alt="33948317_m.jpg" data-imageproxy-source="http://images.othersite.com/ii/1617576632/30d2eb4f/33948317_m.jpg" src="https://www.oursite.com/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://images.othersite.com/ii/1617576632/30d2eb4f/33948317_m.jpg&amp;key=5d0fc5f7c212e8119b19af2f57d1fe0bca189fad97fbb9edf46a0ae336442db8"> </a> Does it work as desired? I have not seen any rebuilding task after upgrade. Should there be any? Any possibility to start it?
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