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Everything posted by Sonya*

  1. Same here. Over 1500 rating pages (Links Directory and Pages) are not valid any more.
  2. Just one question: how do you have created the submenu on this page Have you edited HTML or have you used any plugin? 😏
  3. And what about JS controllers? Actually we can allow JS controllers, is it not the same? The user can unintentionally paste JS controllers breaking functionality... 🤨
  4. You're right. In my case I do not allow using the plugin for the normal users, only for the editors of the page. Users are also not able to edit html source. So normally it would not be an issue if set up properly. At the end of the day I am just looking for a simple possibility to allow my writers to add article structure without using HTML. Writing a hook is a solution for developers only. I am somewhere between admin and developer 😁
  5. @Mr 13, I know. This was just a suggestion to make it generally available for all admins without hooks. The official link plugin adds both attributes id and name. But both of them are wiped out after saving. I do not really see any security issue with those two attributes. I use link plugin above to format mail and phone links. However anchor is a pain without customization. At the same time anchor is very wide used to add structure to the long pages. E. g. structured articles that Googles like so much at the moment 😏
  6. We can add official plugins for CKEditor from the repository. And we can create our own plugins. The issue is that HTMLPurifier does not allow to use some HTML attributes whether we add a custom button or not. It would be helpful to have additional configure option for CKEditor: Allow additional attributes like name, class, id and so on. This can be an additional setting field in ACP like Allowed CSS Classes, where Administrator enter HTML attributes he wants to allow. This way we could use plugins that adds HTML anchor or any additional functionality. I have used it in other CMS and it was very handy. Example for anchor: <a name="test" id="test"></a> This is not allowed right now. If you could define name and id as allowed attributes, then we could use anchors out of the box without allowing to edit HTML. Thank you!
  7. @CodingJungle, can you consider to separate this support topic per app? The reason is I would like to follow support topics for apps I have purchased. But this is not possible with such a general topic you have. When I subscribe to it I get tons of notifications I am not interested in (like Stratagem, Duplicate Account Logger and so on...). If I unsubscribe I will miss the issues reported on the app I am using (like Keyword Tooltips).
  8. I have rewritten it. You can try my version. Just update the plugin with the version below. Members Age_corrected.xml
  9. Hi, the app breaks post before register functionality. At least in calendar. If guest submits an event and then redirected to sign-in screen then their email is not defaulted and the event is never connected to their fresh created account. Hence it is saved in the database but never appears anywhere. If the app is uninstalled then PBR works as desired and the event is posted by newly registered user. I had to disable the app due to this error.
  10. This was indeed a warning for 3.X project. Well, time to update
  11. Just got a warning from Google: As of April 6, 2020, data-vocabulary.org markup will no longer be eligible for Google rich result features. https://webmasters.googleblog.com/2020/01/data-vocabulary.html?m=1
  12. Thank you! The field is now only in About me block, and yes, I'd rather have it under Personal Information And in forum user panel it is shown completely different to posts count or custom fields. It also adds a large padding before the field: It also misses colon after label as other fields have
  13. Another suggestion for next update. Please format the Age in user info panel in forum the same way other custom fields are formatted by default. Right now: <li class="ipsResponsive_hidePhone ipsType_break"> <strong>Place:</strong> New York </li> <li class="ipsType_light">Age: 32</li> It would be more consistent to have it this way: <li class="ipsResponsive_hidePhone ipsType_break"> <strong>Place:</strong> New York </li> <li class="ipsResponsive_hidePhone ipsType_break"> <strong>Age:</strong> 32 </li>
  14. Can you please implement this? I have changed the SuperBlocks template to make it possible: {{if $items[0]['image']}}<div onclick="location.href='{$items[0]['url']}';" class="SuperBlocks_thumbImage SuperBlocks_thumbImage_low" style="cursor:pointer;background-image:url('{file="$items[0]['image']" extension="$items[0]['extension']"}')"></div>{{endif}} But the change makes me not upgradable I can see that users try to click on image first, when I show them the project. It would be more intuitive to have the image as link too. Thank you!
  15. Hi, fixed calendar header overlaps the fixed website header to reproduce here https://ipskit.com/index.php?/calendar/ Is there any approach to get rid of this? It is not critical, but looks a bit dirty.
  16. Hi, is the tag cloud block on this page or this page made of this app?
  17. Thank you for your answers! I have sorted it out with the guests. The only question is still: Guest subscribes to the Maillist via MailChimp, e. g. with address guest@example.com Later on this guest registers with the site using guest@example.com as email address Do I have this person (email address) twice in MailChimp? Subscribed as guest and sync as registered user? Or will it be somehow merged in MailChimp? I hope it is understandable what I mean
  18. Hi, I have another two questions: I would like to add the Simple topic widget to the custom header widget of your theme, possible? I would like to add Newsletter subscription block to the footer between quick links and About Us section, possible? Thank you!
  19. Hi, I would like to select any type of content by tags or a custom activity stream as newsletter content. It would also be sufficient if I could add custom PHP to select content like search results or activity stream, or just a pick results from a custom block like {block="my_tag"}. Is it somehow possible?
  20. Hi, I have a question. Do you know if I can target specific groups with Newsletters app from @HeadStand?
  21. @The Jimmo, I have some questions before purchasing: Can I have a block on my site for Guests to subscribe to newsletter without registering with my site? Can I differ members (sync from IPS) and guests (subscribed directly) in Mailchimp list? If Guest subscribes to Mailchimp first, and then decide to register with my site, will your app update the entry in Mailchimp with newly registered user? What happens if the user uncheck receiving admin emails in his profile on my site, will the e-mail be deleted from Mailchimp in this case? What happens if the user chose to receive admin emails later, will the e-mail be added to Mailchimp?
  22. Same here. We have advertisers that pay only for follow links.
  23. I now can confirm, it is due to the cookie bug. I have applied a patch and now it works as desired.
  24. Oh, probably it's due Y2k20 bug? I have not updated yet, so I will look into it as well.
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