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Everything posted by teraßyte

  1. Go to the Manage Purchases page on your site. Click the Manage button for the package you want to upgrade. Below the Product Information box you'll see an Upgrade link. Click Upgrade and a page to select the product to upgrade to will load.
  2. As long as you provide the correct details in your client area (FTP + ACP account) someone from IPS will be able to take a look at your site and check what exactly is going on. Today is a Sunday though, so they might not get to it until tomorrow at least. If you can't/don't want to wait you can hire a developer from the Providers list: https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers/ I'm also on that list if you want, just send me a PM.
  3. Sounds like they're purchasing product 2 from scratch rather than upgrading.
  4. You could leave a topic redirect when moving a topic to another forum, but it wouldn't update info like number of posts, last reply, etc. which I assume is what you'd like to have? You'd indeed need some custom modification for that.
  5. Correct. What I said is not possible by default in Invision Community right now. I just clarified what you actually need to solve your situation because simply adding support for secondary groups wouldn't work. Either IPS adds it in a future version (this topic is in the feature suggestions forum) or someone makes a modification for it (I plan on taking a look at it when I have some time).
  6. Just tested locally and it works for me on version 4.7.5 using simple word as tag. Which version are you using? I believe this was a bug in an older version. You can see it working on this same site when searching for the known issue tag used in this forum: https://invisioncommunity.com/tags/known issue/
  7. No, the server where I encountered the issue wasn't using Cloudflare. It could be that some kind of recent server update added new mod security rules, or re-enabled some disabled ones. I've seen it happen a few times.
  8. For backups I usually generate a cPanel Full backup and download it. And sometimes I make my own manual database/files backup from SSH. However, if this is about moving the forum to a different URL/server, you can check this guide instead:
  9. Have you checked your server's error logs to see if there's anything here? Usually a blank page or a 500 error page should generate some kind of error (as long as logging is enabled). Once you find the error it will tell you what exactly is wrong.
  10. MariaDB 10.2.2+ should be using such format by default, but maybe you have an old configuration file. Here's a link: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/innodb-dynamic-row-format/
  11. I had the same issue recently. Adding a link worked just fine but editing it caused an error. It turned out to be Mod Security, there was a rule trigger it when a URL parameter contained https://. Once that rule was disabled the error disappeared. You'll need to ask your hosting about it.
  12. They should really include the ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC in queries by default for such situations. For now as a fix you'd need to change your Wamp server MySQL configuration to create new tables using DYNAMIC by default. P.S.: You posted this in topic Marketplace Support. 😋
  13. From what you've written your problem are not secondary groups. Rather in your situation you'd need an option to NOT show the menu item if the user has certain groups. With such option you could setup the menu items in this way: Show BUY PRODUCT#1 LINK if the user has the MEMBER group and does NOT have the group PRODUCT#1. Show PRODUCT#1 PURCHASED LINK if the user has the group PRODUCT#1. It shouldn't be that hard to make a modification for it, but for now I'll add it to my todo list since I'm a bit busy with other modifications. 🤔
  14. The default value is 0 because I need that field to be disabled by default. 🙂 The real issue is the error string being worded wrong. The PHP code check is >= 2 but the error only mentions > 2.
  15. @Daniel F I made a test topic in the Test Posting forum so you can see the issue => https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/470928-emoji-test-✂️%EF%B8%8F/ The topic title contains this text: Emoji test => ✂️ And the url in Chrome browser on Windows (107.0.5304.123) is: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/470928-emoji-test-✂️%EF%B8%8F/
  16. Create a simple form with a number field with a minimum number required and an unlimited option with a 0 value: $form = new \IPS\Helpers\Form; $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Number( 'test', 0, FALSE, array( 'min' => 2, 'unlimited' => 0, 'unlimitedLang' => 'disabled' ) ) ); Now load the form, uncheck the Disabled checkbox, and submit the form. Once you've done all the steps this is the error that appears right under the number field: The error makes you believe you have to insert at least 3 but the field does indeed accept a 2 value. The correct error should instead be:
  17. New 1.0.1 version submitted, pending IPS approval: Until it's approved you can view a preview of the hovercard on my site where the screenshot is already available: https://invisionbyte.net/files/file/295-tb-manage-profiles-in-acp/
  18. You need to create the file and then upload it to your server with some kind of FTP program (like FileZilla, WinSCP, etc).
  19. Actually when you click the SAVE button after creating the bulk email that's exactly what it does. The bulk email is saved, and you can just return to the bulk emails list from the menu ignoring the CONTINUE EDITING or PROCEED buttons on the page that opens next. IPS can certainly make it more clear with a RETURN TO LIST button or something though.
  20. The error usually shows up when adding a new index to a table (so upgrades mainly, as Mark said). The code does have some checks in place so automatically adjust the index length, but it can still fail in some circumstances.
  21. Sometimes you might get errors like this one below if you're not using DYNAMIC row format (especially on upgrades): Specified key was too long; max key length is XXXX bytes
  22. Upload the images in that same location, but instead of using the media tag just right click on the image you want to use and copy the image's link. Then use that in your HTML.
  23. COMPACT format has a reduced length for indexes in tables compared to DYNAMIC. If you're not seeing the option in that list you need to contact your hosting about enabling it. https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/innodb-row-format.html
  24. If the task is locked you'll see an open lock button in the tasks list in ACP to unlock it.
  25. Well, you "can" update the database table manually to insert the marketplace file ID and link them without uninstalling them. This is something only someone who knows what they're doing should do though. And always make a backup before making any changes.
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