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Everything posted by teraßyte

  1. @Maxtor Hmm, is that PHP 8.0 or 8.1? I don't remember seeing that error when I tested on 8.0. That said I'm currently away until 7 October so I'll have a look once I'm back.
  2. Is anyone else interested in this feature? 🙄
  3. I'm loading the content the same way IPS does for the clubs homepage. Just to double-check: you're noticing the issue only in the widget and not in the block on the clubs homepage? If you can't replicate with the default block from IPS I'll need a link to the page with the widget in order to have a look at it because I can't replicate locally either. If you don't want to post it there for everyone to see send me a PM. 🙂
  4. I think at the time they must have "fixed it the wrong way" by using the function that calculates the rating on-the-fly every time instead of properly updating the cached value. That widget is still using the cached value though.
  5. A new 4.0.1 version is currently pending approval:
  6. Just noticed there's a wrong rating for this file: There is only 1 review right now and the user initially posted it with 1 star. After that he edited it to be 5 stars but the rating for the file itself is still showing 1 star in the Recent Updates widget in the Marketplace homepage: The file embed above is showing 5 stars though, so it's probably calculating the rating on-the-fly rather than using a cached file from the files table. === Another bug I just noticed: the embed above is showing 0 comments but that part should be hidden if the category doesn't allow comments to begin with. Marketplace allows only reviews.
  7. Are you getting some kind of specific error or it just doesn't work with no specific info that can be looked at? From a quick search it looks like Patreon stopped supporting their API as of June 22nd, 2020. The same warning is also listed in the application's description: After 2 years there might have been changes to how they handle things and the API stopped working because of that. 🤔 Their PHP 1.0.0 v2 API was released on 1 October 2019 (so ~1 year before they even stopped supporting it) and hasn't been updated since.
  8. Uploaded a new 1.1.2 version currently pending IPS approval. Here's the changelog:
  9. I assume you've already checked the code of all your modifications and found nothing related to the license key settings/code? Maybe you can try adding some logging to check at intervals if the license key is still present. From there you can find out when it happens, see what was running around that time, and possibly add more logging based on that. But yeah, it's gonna take some time.
  10. This is the support topic for this modification:
  11. The warning is cached. You can either have a look at your phpinfo (Support page) and check the list of disabled functions in the data, or just wait for a day and if the functions are indeed disabled the warning will disappear.
  12. Here's a link to the search-related guide (elastic search is mentioned at the bottom of it):
  13. If he's not going to renew another developer has to redo the plugin from scratch. It's not possible to just update someone else's modifications and re-submit it. It seems an easy enough modification to make though. If you send me a PM we can talk about it.
  14. One of your database tables (core_edit_history) is crashed and needs to be repaired. Possibly you might have even more tables in the same situation. You can try repairing the tables yourself from phpMyAdmin (or a similar tool) or contact your hosting about it if you don't know how to do it.
  15. I made the plugin after I received a custom request. It's just been approved by IPS and it's now available in the Marketplace too:
  16. Uploaded a new 1.1.0 version currently pending IPS approval. Here's the changelog:
  17. You can just click the "+ Create Button" top-right on the themes page to add a new default one.
  18. You can safely ignore that kind of log. It's mainly for developers. They're going to remove it in the next version (or the one after).
  19. 777 is what IPS suggests, but depending on your server's setup the required permissions might be different. As long as your tasks are running properly you're good.
  20. Yes the task.php file needs to be 777 in order to run properly. And the key at the end (set of numbers and letters) is a parameter that gets passed to the backend code when it runs. Leave everything as is and you're good. 👍
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