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Everything posted by teraßyte

  1. Steps to reproduce: Visit a member's profile in ACP and click the Ban button in the Warnings & Restrictions box. Setup any ban option you want except for the Move to option so the member remains in the same group. Once you click the Save button this new log shows up in the member's account activity: This happens because of this code below in /applications/core/modules/admin/members/members.php on lines 2867~2871: if ( isset( $values['member_ban_group'] ) ) { $member->logHistory( 'core', 'group', array( 'type' => 'primary', 'by' => 'manual', 'old' => $member->member_group_id, 'new' => $values['member_ban_group'] ) ); $member->member_group_id = $values['member_ban_group']; } The fix is to change the IF check to use this code in order to skip it when the group ID is the same instead: if ( isset( $values['member_ban_group'] ) AND $values['member_ban_group'] != $member->member_group_id )
  2. @beats23 Good idea. I'll add it in the next version. 👍
  3. Not exactly a solution but add a global announcement that shows everywhere about the forced password reset. That should help avoid confusion when your members aren't able to login with their usual account.
  4. Clicking on Browse Categories in the Downloads (Marketplace) area the category icons are always shown as read despite me having several files marked as new/edited in them: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/categories/
  5. Yeah, 4.x doesn't support anymore upgrades from 3.x. You'd first need to upgrade to 3.4.9, then to the latest 4.x version from there. As long as the database (and uploads files) are in the proper place you can upload the 3.x files, run the upgrade, and then do the same steps with the upgrade to 4.x. There is no actual need to first upload the 2.x files unless you want/need to check things on the site before upgrading it. And nowadays there's barely any hosting that support the old required PHP version needed to run the 2.x versions, so even if you get the files the server might not be able to load them correctly. Here's a link to the upgrade guide (check the Unsupported Legacy upgrades to Invision Community part): As mentioned also in the guide, if you're not comfortable doing this legacy upgrade yourself, you can hire someone to do it for you: https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers/?advanced_search_submitted=1&sortby=primary_id_field&sortdirection=asc&content_field_124[1]=9
  6. You can find a list of theme designers available on this page: https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers/?advanced_search_submitted=1&sortby=primary_id_field&sortdirection=asc&content_field_124%5B1%5D=1 Personally I recommend IPSFocus (@ehren.) since I like his themes.
  7. Instead of: domain.com/database/record/articles you'd have to use something like this instead: domain.com/database/record/?tab=articles And then in the template account for the tab variable and switch the active tab based on it.
  8. Maybe it was the IP that triggered the spam flag? In case you can whitelist the email address in ACP in order for them to bypass the check.
  9. Well, it's between updating more locations (only 2 for now at least) vs updating a single resource file in case the SVG needs to be updated. Not to mention users having to retrieve and copy/paste the svg code if they want to use the same image vs simply using the resource tag. It just feels different from how they'd usually handle it. I wonder if someone new worked on these changes? 😋
  10. More of a curiosity, but why are you adding the SVG images directly in templates (in 2 different templates even; which makes it harder to keep updated) instead of adding the SVG images as resource files and using the {resources=""} tag instead? 🤨 <div class='cEvents__sidebarOnlineLogo'> <span>{lang="powered_by"}</span> {{if $event->online_type === "zoom"}} <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 1000 224"><path d="M814.1856 67.3887c3.8225 6.595 5.073 14.0983 5.486 22.5337l.5427 11.2433v78.62l.5544 11.2551c1.109 18.3809 14.6646 31.9719 33.187 33.128l11.1961.5546V101.1657l.5545-11.2433c.4601-8.341 1.699-15.986 5.5804-22.628a44.9022 44.9022 0 0 1 77.747.1415c3.8225 6.595 5.0141 14.2399 5.4742 22.4865l.5545 11.2079v78.6555l.5545 11.255c1.1562 18.4753 14.6056 32.0663 33.187 33.128l11.1961.5546V89.9224A89.8988 89.8988 0 0 0 910.1366.0236a89.6628 89.6628 0 0 0-67.424 30.45A89.7808 89.7808 0 0 0 775.2884.0118c-18.664 0-35.9831 5.663-50.3292 15.4433C716.2053 5.6865 696.6211.0118 685.3779.0118v224.7116l11.2432-.5545c18.8056-1.2388 32.3966-14.464 33.128-33.128l.6018-11.2551v-78.6202l.5545-11.2432c.4719-8.4826 1.6516-15.9387 5.486-22.5809a45.0202 45.0202 0 0 1 38.897-22.392 44.9494 44.9494 0 0 1 38.8972 22.4392zm-769.248 156.792 11.2432.5427h168.5307l-.5545-11.2079c-1.5219-18.4752-14.6056-31.9719-33.1398-33.1752l-11.2432-.5545H78.6673l134.801-134.8482-.5545-11.196c-.873-18.664-14.5112-32.1489-33.1398-33.1753L168.5307.059 0 .0118l.5545 11.2433c1.4747 18.2983 14.7472 32.078 33.128 33.1398l11.255.5545h101.1067L11.2432 179.7976l.5545 11.2432c1.109 18.5225 14.4759 31.9365 33.1399 33.128zM641.266 32.9039a112.3499 112.3499 0 0 1 0 158.9038 112.4325 112.4325 0 0 1-158.9391 0c-43.8758-43.8758-43.8758-115.028 0-158.9038A112.2909 112.2909 0 0 1 561.7258 0a112.3735 112.3735 0 0 1 79.5403 32.9157Zm-31.7949 31.8185a67.4477 67.4477 0 0 1 0 95.3494 67.4477 67.4477 0 0 1-95.3493 0 67.4477 67.4477 0 0 1 0-95.3494 67.4477 67.4477 0 0 1 95.3493 0zM325.9126 0a112.2909 112.2909 0 0 1 79.3987 32.9157c43.8876 43.864 43.8876 115.028 0 158.892a112.4325 112.4325 0 0 1-158.9391 0c-43.8758-43.8758-43.8758-115.028 0-158.9038A112.2909 112.2909 0 0 1 325.771 0Zm47.6038 64.6988a67.4477 67.4477 0 0 1 0 95.3612 67.4477 67.4477 0 0 1-95.3493 0 67.4477 67.4477 0 0 1 0-95.3494 67.4477 67.4477 0 0 1 95.3493 0z" fill="#2d8cff" fill-rule="evenodd"/></svg> {{elseif $event->online_type === "eventbrite"}} <svg viewBox="0 0 200 36" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M186.292 17.513a6.657 6.657 0 0 1 6.878 2.584l-11.905 2.693c.411-2.52 2.333-4.668 5.027-5.277zm6.945 9.91a6.57 6.57 0 0 1-3.98 2.679c-2.711.614-5.417-.51-6.907-2.626l11.941-2.702 1.945-.44 3.72-.841a11.77 11.77 0 0 0-.31-2.372c-1.514-6.426-8.056-10.432-14.612-8.949-6.556 1.484-10.644 7.896-9.13 14.321 1.513 6.426 8.055 10.433 14.611 8.95 3.863-.875 6.868-3.46 8.376-6.751l-5.654-1.269zm-28.102 7.695V18.082h-3.677v-5.804h3.677V4.289h6.244v7.989h4.69v5.804h-4.69v17.036h-6.244zm-11.928 0h6.03v-22.84h-6.03v22.84zm-.784-30.853c0-2.114 1.667-3.7 3.824-3.7s3.775 1.586 3.775 3.7c0 2.115-1.618 3.748-3.775 3.748s-3.824-1.633-3.824-3.748zm-1.315 8.077c-3.083.16-4.901.633-6.75 1.973v-2.037h-6.027v22.84h6.026v-11.2c0-3.524.86-5.529 6.751-5.726v-5.85zm-33.601 11.715c.15 3.333 3.051 6.128 6.602 6.128 3.602 0 6.553-2.942 6.553-6.422 0-3.432-2.951-6.373-6.553-6.373-3.55 0-6.452 2.843-6.602 6.128v.539zm-5.88 11.061V1.38l6.03-1.364v13.962c1.863-1.49 4.07-2.115 6.472-2.115 6.864 0 12.355 5.286 12.355 11.918 0 6.583-5.49 11.965-12.355 11.965-2.402 0-4.609-.624-6.472-2.114v1.487h-6.03v-.001zm-12.835 0V17.965h-3.677v-5.687h3.677V4.283l6.244-1.413v9.408h4.69v5.687h-4.69v17.153h-6.244zm-11.05 0V22.915c0-4.421-2.403-5.382-4.806-5.382-2.402 0-4.804.913-4.804 5.286v12.299h-6.03v-22.84h6.03v1.699c1.323-.961 2.941-2.115 6.129-2.115 5.098 0 9.511 2.932 9.511 10.092v13.164h-6.03zM56.831 17.513c2.694-.61 5.382.495 6.878 2.584L51.805 22.79c.41-2.52 2.333-4.668 5.026-5.277zm6.945 9.91a6.57 6.57 0 0 1-3.98 2.679 6.656 6.656 0 0 1-6.907-2.626l11.942-2.702 1.945-.44 3.719-.841a11.77 11.77 0 0 0-.31-2.372c-1.514-6.426-8.056-10.432-14.612-8.949-6.556 1.484-10.644 7.896-9.13 14.321 1.514 6.426 8.055 10.433 14.612 8.95 3.863-.875 6.868-3.46 8.375-6.751l-5.654-1.269zm-31.538 7.695-9.365-22.84h6.57l5.933 15.49 5.981-15.49h6.57l-9.364 22.84h-6.325zM11.05 17.507a6.658 6.658 0 0 1 6.879 2.584L6.024 22.785c.41-2.52 2.333-4.668 5.026-5.278zm6.945 9.91a6.57 6.57 0 0 1-3.98 2.68c-2.71.613-5.416-.51-6.907-2.626l11.942-2.702 1.945-.44 3.719-.842a11.782 11.782 0 0 0-.31-2.371c-1.514-6.426-8.055-10.433-14.612-8.95C3.236 13.65-.85 20.063.662 26.489c1.514 6.426 8.056 10.432 14.612 8.949 3.863-.874 6.868-3.46 8.376-6.75l-5.655-1.27v-.001z" fill="#F05537"/></svg> {{elseif $event->online_type === "on24"}} <svg viewBox="-0.0374 -5.1555 205.0374 63.5155" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="m122.92 12.87-.76-.55c5.08-7.59 10.41-12 20.34-12 10.15 0 17.51 6.78 17.51 16v.17c0 8.24-4.35 13.31-14.28 21.94l-15.1 13.41h29.94v5.83h-35.23a4.21 4.21 0 0 1-4.21-4.21v-.73L141.6 34.6c8.63-7.76 11.79-12.11 11.79-17.75C153.4 10.21 148.16 6 142 6c-5 0-8.65 2-12.15 5.9l-.71.76a4.21 4.21 0 0 1-5.95.35z" fill="#232323"/><path d="M194.25 57.61A4.21 4.21 0 0 1 190 53.4v-9.21h-26.83a4.21 4.21 0 0 1-4-3l-.46-1.68 32-38.83h5.66v38.18H205v5.33h-8.7v13.42zm-4.17-18.75V9.73l-23.74 29.13z" fill="#232323"/><path d="M76.67 18.72v38.89h-6.38a3.35 3.35 0 0 1-3.68-3.69V.86h7.23a4.24 4.24 0 0 1 3.25 1.5l27.34 36.25V.86l6.4.05a3.35 3.35 0 0 1 3.68 3.68v53h-6.28a4.25 4.25 0 0 1-3.32-1.6zM50.22 6.26l.07.11a21.59 21.59 0 0 1 4 15.63C53 33.17 43.91 41.21 34.06 40c-7.83-1-13.78-7.52-15.21-15.75-3.12 7.25-.85 15.32 5.28 20.59a15.36 15.36 0 0 0 6.15 3.45H29.2a20.7 20.7 0 1 1 18.42-32l.13.14C45.09 6.94 37.93 0 26.09 0a22.37 22.37 0 0 0-10.82 2.77A29.63 29.63 0 0 0 0 28.62C0 45 13.56 58.36 30.27 58.36S60.55 45 60.55 28.62A29.42 29.42 0 0 0 50.26 6.29z" fill="#3040e8"/></svg> {{elseif $event->online_type === "facebook"}} <svg viewBox="0 0 62.488 12.094" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><g><path d="M4.8891 1.8945c-.7357 0-.9484.3263-.9484 1.046v1.194h1.9624l-.1967 1.9287H3.9415v5.8536h-2.355V6.0632H0V4.1344h1.5865v-1.161C1.5865 1.0276 2.371 0 4.5598 0c.4586-.001.917.0262 1.3723.0816v1.8152ZM6.0663 7.7801c0-2.1743 1.03-3.8119 3.1882-3.8119 1.1771 0 1.896.6053 2.2399 1.357V4.1345h2.2559v7.7824h-2.2559v-1.1771c-.327.7524-1.0628 1.341-2.2399 1.341-2.1583 0-3.1882-1.6353-3.1882-3.8119Zm2.3542.5238c0 1.1603.4246 1.9288 1.5202 1.9288.9651 0 1.4554-.703 1.4554-1.8145v-.7814c0-1.1116-.4903-1.8145-1.4554-1.8145-1.0956 0-1.5202.7685-1.5202 1.9288ZM18.6554 3.9705c.9149 0 1.7817.1967 2.256.523l-.523 1.668a3.7043 3.7043 0 0 0-1.5698-.3598c-1.2755 0-1.8297.7357-1.8297 1.9952v.4574c0 1.2595.5557 1.9952 1.8297 1.9952a3.7055 3.7055 0 0 0 1.5697-.3599l.523 1.6673c-.4742.3271-1.3402.5238-2.2559.5238-2.7636 0-4.0223-1.4882-4.0223-3.8752v-.3598c0-2.387 1.2587-3.8752 4.0223-3.8752ZM21.2216 8.323v-.6862c0-2.2071 1.2587-3.6594 3.8264-3.6594 2.4198 0 3.4825 1.4714 3.4825 3.6297v1.2426h-4.9554c.0495 1.0628.5237 1.537 1.8297 1.537.8836 0 1.8152-.18 2.5021-.4742l.4308 1.6124c-.6214.3278-1.8968.5726-3.0244.5726-2.9801-.0008-4.0917-1.4874-4.0917-3.7746Zm2.3542-1.014h2.8452v-.196c0-.85-.343-1.5247-1.3722-1.5247-1.0636.0007-1.473.6716-1.473 1.7176ZM37.2575 8.271c0 2.1744-1.046 3.812-3.202 3.812-1.1771 0-1.9944-.5886-2.3214-1.341v1.177H29.511V.2266L31.8652.013v5.1994c.343-.6861 1.0955-1.2427 2.191-1.2427 2.1584 0 3.202 1.6353 3.202 3.812Zm-2.3542-.5397c0-1.0955-.4247-1.9128-1.553-1.9128-.9652 0-1.4882.6862-1.4882 1.7985v.8172c0 1.1116.523 1.7985 1.4882 1.7985 1.1283 0 1.553-.8173 1.553-1.9128ZM38.045 8.2215v-.3918c0-2.2407 1.2755-3.8592 3.8752-3.8592s3.876 1.6185 3.876 3.8592v.3918c0 2.2399-1.2755 3.8592-3.8752 3.8592s-3.876-1.6193-3.876-3.8592Zm5.3962-.5557c0-1.03-.4254-1.8473-1.5248-1.8473-1.0993 0-1.521.8173-1.521 1.8473v.7196c0 1.03.4255 1.8473 1.521 1.8473 1.0956 0 1.5248-.8173 1.5248-1.8473ZM46.5791 8.2215v-.3918c0-2.2407 1.2755-3.8592 3.8752-3.8592s3.8752 1.6185 3.8752 3.8592v.3918c0 2.2399-1.2755 3.8592-3.8752 3.8592s-3.8752-1.6193-3.8752-3.8592Zm5.3962-.5557c0-1.03-.4255-1.8473-1.521-1.8473s-1.5202.8173-1.5202 1.8473v.7196c0 1.03.4247 1.8473 1.5202 1.8473s1.521-.8173 1.521-1.8473ZM57.5665 7.8457l2.3215-3.7113h2.5014l-2.4358 3.8424 2.5341 3.94h-2.5014l-2.4198-3.812v3.812h-2.355V.2265l2.355-.2135Z" fill="#1877f2"/></g></svg> {{elseif $event->online_type === "google"}} <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 272 92"><path fill="#EA4335" d="M115.75 47.18c0 12.77-9.99 22.18-22.25 22.18s-22.25-9.41-22.25-22.18C71.25 34.32 81.24 25 93.5 25s22.25 9.32 22.25 22.18zm-9.74 0c0-7.98-5.79-13.44-12.51-13.44S80.99 39.2 80.99 47.18c0 7.9 5.79 13.44 12.51 13.44s12.51-5.55 12.51-13.44z"/><path fill="#FBBC05" d="M163.75 47.18c0 12.77-9.99 22.18-22.25 22.18s-22.25-9.41-22.25-22.18c0-12.85 9.99-22.18 22.25-22.18s22.25 9.32 22.25 22.18zm-9.74 0c0-7.98-5.79-13.44-12.51-13.44s-12.51 5.46-12.51 13.44c0 7.9 5.79 13.44 12.51 13.44s12.51-5.55 12.51-13.44z"/><path fill="#4285F4" d="M209.75 26.34v39.82c0 16.38-9.66 23.07-21.08 23.07-10.75 0-17.22-7.19-19.66-13.07l8.48-3.53c1.51 3.61 5.21 7.87 11.17 7.87 7.31 0 11.84-4.51 11.84-13v-3.19h-.34c-2.18 2.69-6.38 5.04-11.68 5.04-11.09 0-21.25-9.66-21.25-22.09 0-12.52 10.16-22.26 21.25-22.26 5.29 0 9.49 2.35 11.68 4.96h.34v-3.61h9.25zm-8.56 20.92c0-7.81-5.21-13.52-11.84-13.52-6.72 0-12.35 5.71-12.35 13.52 0 7.73 5.63 13.36 12.35 13.36 6.63 0 11.84-5.63 11.84-13.36z"/><path fill="#34A853" d="M225 3v65h-9.5V3h9.5z"/><path fill="#EA4335" d="m262.02 54.48 7.56 5.04c-2.44 3.61-8.32 9.83-18.48 9.83-12.6 0-22.01-9.74-22.01-22.18 0-13.19 9.49-22.18 20.92-22.18 11.51 0 17.14 9.16 18.98 14.11l1.01 2.52-29.65 12.28c2.27 4.45 5.8 6.72 10.75 6.72 4.96 0 8.4-2.44 10.92-6.14zm-23.27-7.98 19.82-8.23c-1.09-2.77-4.37-4.7-8.23-4.7-4.95 0-11.84 4.37-11.59 12.93z"/><path fill="#4285F4" d="M35.29 41.41V32H67c.31 1.64.47 3.58.47 5.68 0 7.06-1.93 15.79-8.15 22.01-6.05 6.3-13.78 9.66-24.02 9.66C16.32 69.35.36 53.89.36 34.91.36 15.93 16.32.47 35.3.47c10.5 0 17.98 4.12 23.6 9.49l-6.64 6.64c-4.03-3.78-9.49-6.72-16.97-6.72-13.86 0-24.7 11.17-24.7 25.03 0 13.86 10.84 25.03 24.7 25.03 8.99 0 14.11-3.61 17.39-6.89 2.66-2.66 4.41-6.46 5.1-11.65l-22.49.01z"/></svg> {{elseif $event->online_type === "webex"}} <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 195.4 77.5"><defs><style>.svg__webex-logo{fill:#010101}</style></defs><path class="svg__webex-logo" d="M47.5 13.9H55L44.1 46.7h-8.6L27.4 22l-8.1 24.8h-8.4L0 13.9h7.6l7.8 25 8-25h8.1L39.7 39l7.8-25.1ZM87 33H62.8c.2 1.7.9 3.3 1.8 4.7.9 1.2 2.1 2.2 3.4 2.8 1.4.6 2.9.9 4.4.9 1.7 0 3.4-.3 5-.9 1.6-.6 3.2-1.5 4.5-2.6l3.6 5.1c-1.8 1.6-3.9 2.8-6.2 3.5-2.4.7-4.8 1.1-7.3 1.1-3 .1-6-.7-8.7-2.1-2.5-1.4-4.6-3.5-5.9-6.1-1.4-2.6-2.1-5.6-2.1-9.1-.1-3.1.7-6.2 2.1-9 1.3-2.5 3.3-4.6 5.8-6.1 2.6-1.5 5.5-2.2 8.5-2.2 2.8-.1 5.6.7 8.1 2.2 2.4 1.5 4.3 3.6 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  11. Looks like this was "fixed" in 4.7.4 by completely removing the code instead of changing the variable check. 🙄 As it is now, there is no way to display a prefix for Number fields in a form.
  12. This tool will recalculate all badges and ranks: ACP > Members > ACHIEVEMENTS > Settings > Rebuild Members' Achievements (button top-right)
  13. That's certainly more reasonable already. 😅
  14. I remember reading people having issues with MYSQL 8.0 so up to 5.7 you should be safe. (As for MariaDB, if anyone is interested, I've seen people using even 10.9 without issues.)
  15. The index seems way too big compared to the data in the table. Maybe you have some extra/duplicate/useless indexes you can remove?
  16. Try replacing the parent call (line 134) with this code instead: # Get parent output (PHP 8 fix) $whosOnline = ''; if( \is_callable( 'parent::' . __FUNCTION__ ) ) { $whosOnline = \call_user_func_array( 'parent::' . __FUNCTION__, \func_get_args() ); }
  17. Yes, those database recommendations for InnoDB help making the site faster overall. And the change from Compact to Dynamic is to support larger indexes. That said, since you've already restored the site I'm not seeing any error right now. Without knowing the actual error it's not possible to know what exactly was wrong.
  18. You get that error when you drag& drop the files inside CKEditor itself. You need to use the attachments area at the bottom instead (where it says Drag files here to attach, or choose files...).
  19. The error seems to be coming from the rowStory template, which I assume is your widget's template. Can you post it here?
  20. No reply on thig bug report or any other related to custom packages... 🙄 😕 Considering the mess they are right now it's simply impossible to use them properly. As a workaround I'll create a CUSTOM group and place everything there while not showing it in the frontend store. I see no other solution.
  21. The upgrade step for 4.7.0 Beta 3 (107004) add a core_image_scanner_logs table in the database but a fresh 4.7.4 install doesn't have such table. A quick mass search in the files returns 2 result: the one above adding the table in 4.7.0 Beta 3, and the other is actually to drop the table but in the 4.6.13 Beta 1 upgrade instead. I guess the query to drop the table was added to the wrong step/file? 🤨
  22. IPS cannot support 3rd party modifications. It's best if you ask directly for help from the developer in the application's support topic. EDIT: looks like the old topic is closed. Try asking in the new topic instead:
  23. That seems indeed right. Just to double-check have you tried viewing the page as a guest or logged in as a member in a different group than the Administrator group? If you checked as a guest, it's possible guest caching was showing you a page cached before you changed the permissions. Clearing the cache from ACP > System > Support should help.
  24. You need to update the permission for each Downloads category in your ACP. Remove the download permissions from any groups you don't want the button to show up for.
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