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Everything posted by teraßyte

  1. Email notifications are always sent by default. But there is indeed no option for inline or push notifications currently.
  2. From your first replies, I had assumed you'd already updated. What forum & PHP version are you currently using?
  3. PHP 8 is required starting from version 4.7.4+. If you switch back to PHP 7.4 after the upgrade you'll get errors all over.
  4. You couldn't find any native options because there aren't any. 😅 It's all handled by javascript. If you look at a quote's HTML you'll see this: <div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-ipstruncate="true" data-ipstruncate-type="hide" data-ipstruncate-size="7 lines" data-ipstruncate-expandtext="Expand" style="" animating="false"> <p> Just a quick note: Minimized Quote has been a default feature at least since version 4.5. You can uninstall that plugin. </p> </div> Note the various inline attributes: <div data-ipstruncate="true" data-ipstruncate-type="hide" data-ipstruncate-size="7 lines" data-ipstruncate-expandtext="Expand">
  5. Just a quick note: Minimized Quote has been a default feature at least since version 4.5. You can uninstall that plugin.
  6. It's a bug in the code. I reported it ~6 months ago: There's a patch included in that topic if you want to temporarily apply it until IPS fixes the bug.
  7. Oh, that was in the 1.1.0 changelog and I completely missed it. No worries, I'll do something about it myself then. 🙂
  8. While testing an upgrade for a client we upgraded this modification from its 1.0.1 (plugin) version to 1.1.3 (application). The 1.0.2 changelog says the data is synced and then the column dropped, but the current 1.1.3 version simply uninstalls the plugin without syncing any data: Taking a quick look at the Application.php file I see only the code to uninstall the plugin: public function installOther() { try { $pluginData = \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_plugins', array( 'plugin_location=?', "profilebackgrounds" ) )->first(); try { $plugin = \IPS\Plugin::load( $pluginData['plugin_id'] ); $plugin->delete(); } catch ( \Exception $e ){} } catch( \UnderflowException $e ){} } Ideally the function should instead run a background queue task to sync the data in batches and uninstall the plugin only once the process is complete. Was the sync process only included in the 1.0.2 version of the plugin perhaps?
  9. You need to edit the conf_global.php file in your forum's root folder and change the member_group value with the ID of the New Members group you created. By default the Members group ID is 3: The format will be either: 'member_group' => 3, OR $INFO['member_group'] = 3;
  10. The Files area in ACP shows only attachments uploaded through the editor in all areas. Files added to categories in the Downloads application are not included there unfortunately. There used to be an area in ACP in the 3.x version (I think?) that listed that data, but it got removed in 4.x.
  11. That's the first time I've seen that. No idea about this one, sorry. It would require to debug in which file exactly it's failing and why it's reporting Not Set. The two are related most likely.
  12. The xml file is in this folder: \applications\core\data\achievements
  13. Strange, the code is indeed using array_map(). You must have some very old data with a different format. If you just want to skip the whole metadata conversion you can simply comment/remove that line completely and continue with the upgrade.
  14. I need another screenshot like the second one in your first post that tells me which application and upgrade step it's stuck on.
  15. Considering the table's name you can probably ask your hosting to simply restore that single table instead of the full backup.
  16. It might look scary but as long as you follow the steps mentioned above there shouldn't be too many issues. Hopefully none at all. Good luck with the upgrade. 🙂 And, as mentioned above, you can also hire a 3rd party provider if you need help. Here's the link just in case: https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers/
  17. Do you have a Cronjob setup to run the tasks or are you running them "manually" with user activity? As long as you're using a Cronjob and it's properly setup it should clear up background tasks quickly.
  18. In an earlier reply I suggested testing with a version up to 4.7.3 and PHP 7.4 (as long as they had the files). With PHP 8 being much more strict, legacy upgrades are throwing all kinds of new errors for code that previously simply failed and/or worked silently.
  19. There is no setting to hide the views count. You'd need to edit the template to remove the value. In case you don't want to edit the templates (in order for the templates to keep auto-updating with upgrades) it's also possible to easily remove the views count with a quick plugin.
  20. Honestly that broken app is not worth the trouble nowadays, and their support being crap doesn't help either. It had a place before when the forum's theme was not responsive / good enough for mobile, but with the newer versions the situation has changed drastically. Most of the sites I've updated in the last couple of years decided to drop it, especially after they started forcing forum owners to pay to upload the files to their own servers instead of tapatalk's cdn. My opinion is that you shouldn't install it, no matter what your users say. Try mentioning instead that using Tapatalk makes them lose a lot of functionality compared to using the site in a normal browser. This is especially true if you have modifications installed on your forum, those will never work on Tapatalk.
  21. @Luuuk Rather than LastPass it is most likely related to Twitter (200M accounts). I received an email about it a couple of weeks ago: You've been pwned! You signed up for notifications when your account was pwned in a data breach and unfortunately, it's happened. Here's what's known about the breach: Breach: Twitter (200M) Date of breach: 1 Jan 2021 Number of accounts: 211,524,284 Compromised data: Email addresses, Names, Social media profiles, Usernames
  22. That error means at least one of your 3rd party applications or plugins is not compatible with PHP 8. Use RECOVERY MODE to disable them all: Once you've done that login in ACP and see if you have any pending updates for your installed modifications (there's a button you can use in the applications page). After all updates are done look at your support page and see if you have any errors listed there that need to be fixed. As a final step re-enable your modifications 1 by 1 and check each time if your site still works. Should the site stop working you have to go back and use recovery mode again, keep also note of which modification you enabled that made the site crash and take care of skipping it next time.
  23. Have you setup the permissions for those forums? Click on the down arrow on the right and click on Permissions (lock icon).
  24. @SJ77 While not recommended, there's a way to do it by editing directly the database. I've done it a few times for...reasons. Send me the info on what you need changed and I can take a look at it while I work on your other tasks. 😉
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