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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by teraßyte

  1. Yeah, I've already reported it as a bug and it's been acknowledged: No ETA on a fix though... 🙄
  2. Until IPS adds it, this plugin I made has the option to replace the author data with the last poster data for the topic feed widget: It only replaces the profile link and date though, if you want to show also part of the last post it's not possible with it.
  3. That link doesn't work without an account to login. What is the account error on that page? You can either copy/paste here the error or post a screenshot of it.
  4. When an ajax modal popup is loaded, and it contains pagination, changing the page changes also the browser tab's URL, but closing it doesn't restore the original URL. You easily can verify the issue on this site by viewing a file with at least 2 pages of logged downloads. Here are the steps to reproduce: Visit this link: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/10121-tb-log-attachments-downloads/ Click the Who downloaded this? link => The browser tab's URL remains as-is: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/10121-tb-log-attachments-downloads/ Now click to load the modal popup's second page of downloaders => The URL changes to: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/10121-tb-log-attachments-downloads/page/2/?do=log Close the Downloaders popup => The URL still contains the log/page data from #3. Click F5 to refresh the page => The page reloads the download logs's second page (#3) instead of reloading the file's (#1). There should be a way to pass an option to not update the URL in some cases. While I doubt this will be fixed for 4.x, it's something you should consider for 5.x at least.
  5. @MynDoSCSC Uploaded a new 1.1.4 version with the fix currently pending IPS approval. Here's the changelog:
  6. @MynDoSCSC Is that the modal popup on the front end to view the download logs? While I can't reproduce the 403 Forbidden issue, I'm noticing that the pagination is not working properly, so the issue might be related. I'm going to take a look and let you know.
  7. What Invision Community version are you using?
  8. As a workaround, you can temporarily move those users to a different group and avoid searching inside it for users to delete. Once you're done move them back to their original group.
  9. You can create a Group Blog in ACP: And then disable their group option to be able to create new blogs.
  10. The IndexNow integration in ACP has no setting to enter an API key. 🙄
  11. Nevermind. I failed to see you mentioned you're using the Source button. It's doing what it says, it lets you see the source HTML... 🙄
  12. The code I'm talking about is located in /applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php on line 1290: catch ( \Exception $e ) { \IPS\Log::log( $e, 'topic_call' ); \IPS\Output::i()->error( 'node_error', '2F173/I', 404, '' ); } The \IPS\Log::log() call is executed when a user without permission tries to view a topic. I found it only because I noticed a topic_call category while viewing the System Logs in ACP. I think it was left there by mistake when debugging something. It should be removed or changed to use debug() instead.
  13. Any JS error in the browser console? Have you already tried clearing the cache from ACP > Support?
  14. It's a place where it seems obvious IPS would use the extension system. I even made a request about adding it more than a year ago. I received no reply at all, though:
  15. This is similar to the bug I posted before: The problem this time is in the template applications/core/dev/html/front/widgets/relatedContent.phtml on line 70: <a href='{$item->url( "getPrefComment" )}' {{if $item->canView()}}data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target='{$item->url()->setQueryString('preview', 1)}' data-ipsHover-timeout='1.5' {{endif}}> Need to add a check for $item->tableHoverUrl in that IF.
  16. I'm unable to reproduce this when I view a topic and the Similar Content block is added to the page. What are you doing to always reproduce it exactly? 🤨 EDIT: Nevermind, I see the problem now. It only happens if the widget is in horizontal mode. I was testing with the block in sidebar earlier.
  17. Sorry, I failed to notice your first reply. I'll try and have a look either today or tomorrow. 👍
  18. @PBarton Yes, because of the recent UI Polish the CSS changed. You can use this in 4.7.8+ instead: /* Hide subforums on grid view */ .cForumGrid__subforums { display: none; }
  19. Maybe they had some kind of 3rd party modification then. 🤨 Oh well, all good then. I'll deal with it myself.
  20. Yes, it's a default feature that kicks in every time a file is uploaded in the editor and displayed in the content.
  21. Okay, I see what you mean now @Stuart Silvester. But the check for viewtopic.php is the one still missing from the redirect code. I see only showthread.php and showpost.php.
  22. In \applications\convert\Application.php there is no check to redirect old vBulletin links. It only checks for Expression, Vanilla, Xenforo, and SMF: public function convertLegacyParameters() { $_qs = ''; if ( isset( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ) ) { $_qs = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } elseif ( isset( $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] ) ) { $_qs = $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']; } elseif ( isset( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ) { $_qs = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } /* Expression Engine */ preg_match ( '#(viewforum|viewthread|viewreply|member)\/([0-9]+)#i', $_qs, $matches ); if( isset( $matches[1] ) AND $matches[1] ) { static::checkRedirects(); } /* Vanilla */ preg_match ( '#(discussion|profile)\/([0-9]+)\/#i', $_qs, $matches ); if( isset( $matches[1] ) AND $matches[1] ) { static::checkRedirects(); } /* Xenforo */ preg_match ( '#(forums|threads|members)\/(.*)\.([0-9]+)#i', $_qs, $matches ); if( isset( $matches[1] ) AND $matches[1] ) { static::checkRedirects(); } /* SMF */ if( \IPS\Request::i()->board OR \IPS\Request::i()->topic OR \IPS\Request::i()->action ) { static::checkRedirects(); } } These vBulletin links are not checked at all: forumdisplay.php viewtopic.php showthread.php member.php album.php picture.php
  23. That text usually appears on attached images or files when the JS is retrieving the downloads count and size.
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