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Bethanyrayne got a reaction from Davyc in Hump Day: what are some of your community pain points?
That is so true. It makes me laugh when I hear people say that life begins at 40, 50 or 60 its just not true.
One thing young people should realise is the elderly are an invaluable source of life knowledge and experience and instead of being dismissive of them, listen to them.
In my experience you learn something 10 minutes after you needed to know it. The elderly already know so take advantage of the resource.
Bethanyrayne reacted to TDBF in Nexus: Invoices.
Can you please only add invoices to actual purchased items rather than when some views an item.
I have 10 pages of inactive items, of which nearly 99% of invoices are due to people viewing items and not purchasing anything.
If you are not going to change this behaviour, can you at least give some of us the ability to turn off issuing invoices unless a payment is made?
Sorry to go on about this, but it seems like I have been asking about this for a good few years now.
Bethanyrayne reacted to OptimusBain in Nexus: Invoices.
I second this. It's been requested many times,together with PDF invoices, etc, but Commerce hasn't had any additions for some time.
Bethanyrayne reacted to opentype in Nexus: Invoices.
Minor corrections:
viewing alone doesn’t create an invoice, but starting a checkout. The invoice should be created at the last step of the checkout when the users clicks “place order”. That’s when the purchase becomes legally binding for both sides. It is NOT necessarily the moment of payment, as there can be payment options like “manual wire transfer”. The invoice wouldn’t be delayed in this case. It still belongs to the moment of the purchase. -
Bethanyrayne reacted to opentype in Hump Day: Bionic Reading in communities
Typographer’s nightmare.
Bethanyrayne got a reaction from tmcom in A User Sent a Message Via the Contact Form Spam
You could use Clean Talk https://cleantalk.org/ which has been mentioned by many people on this forum as being effective.
Bethanyrayne reacted to opentype in Hump Day: video streaming coming soon
We can only skip the news, if it is indicated to whom it applies.
Scenario A:
“Streaming is coming (to enterprise plans)” I am not not on that plan, so moving on. Otherwise it will be scenario B:
“Streaming is coming!” Getting exiting. Having to research the details. Finding out to whom it applies. Being frustrated. So, it’s very much about how the news are presented.
Bethanyrayne reacted to jesuralem in Hump Day: video streaming coming soon
Seriously, what is the point of announcign this feature on this public community when it will be only available to " corporate and enterprise" cloud plan ? How many clients does IPS have on this plan ? what %age of this community members does this represent ?
Announcing features only available to a few % of your clients can only frustrate the vast majority.
Bethanyrayne reacted to mtalks in How can a member eliminate his account?
If a user asks me to delete their account i oblige them. I just delete it for them in the ACP
Bethanyrayne got a reaction from Karma Goddess in Need to change the domain name my IPS software is licensed to
If you have a current license it's as easy as going into your >Client Area and >Manage this purchase and find Licensed URL's and Change Licensed URL.
I don't know if you can do this without current license.
Bethanyrayne reacted to Matt in Forum Branding free?
Everything OK there?
It's pretty industry standard to retain a link to the app's homepage. We add nofollow so it doesn't benefit us at all in terms of SEO. The option to remove it is there in our store.
I realise not everyone likes it, but it's been there for the last 20 years.
Bethanyrayne reacted to Clover13 in Hump Day: Announcing Invision Community's new swag store!
Good point. The Enterprise clients are the highest yielding margin, so it makes sense to prioritize their work for profitability. The use cases driving features are certainly going to be different, and those conversations could be happening in private with Enterprise clients (who are unlikely to join the community here and start posting with hobby site owners). I have seen a few pop up here and there but mostly when it's a pretty disastrous scenario for them and they want to voice it openly (having reached their tolerance threshold).
Bethanyrayne reacted to Dll in Hump Day: Announcing Invision Community's new swag store!
I think the truth of the situation is that the clients on these forums aren't really the clients that Invision are developing their products for.
I suspect it's mostly (perhaps almost solely) the priorities of and feedback from enterprise clients which is driving their development and future planning.
I'm sure it's part of the reason why there's a reasonable sub section of those on these forums who clearly feel undervalued right now (along with price hikes, changes to support, long lived bugs, and parts of the software suffering from a lack of attention). It's also the reason why some of the communication from Invision can come across as a bit tone deaf and rile people up at times.
I'm not criticising particularly, as far as I'm concerned it's just the way it is. It's just a case of matching expectations to reality in my mind.
Bethanyrayne got a reaction from Brian Heg in Can I Change the Order in Which Posts Show in a Forum?
Or you could just repost them in the order you want. Yes, I know.
Bethanyrayne reacted to Davyc in Hump Day: ways to engage your community
One the most fundamental problems is actually acquiring members that want to be part of a community; once you have established that core base engagement would be a natural progression, but getting that core to engage with is problematic. It's a difficult paradox because it's easy to create content that most would agree should spark an emotional response that someone will be willing to register and comment. So great content doesn't automatically equate to engagement. There is no easy solution to the Catch 22 situation that many community managers face. You can engage with people on SM without breaking into a sweat, but getting those same people to register with your own community is nigh impossible.
I know that is dampening the enthusiasm that this topic hopes to generate, but the lack of response in the three days this post has existed kind of bolster this issue of non-commital from people. I also find this sad because those same people you can engage with on SM simply have no idea how much more rewarding it is to engage outside of SM without the many limitations that SM imposes.
I'm completely 'old school' on this and find engagement in forum communities so much more rewarding, whereas the banalities of SM is just one big yawn 🙂
Bethanyrayne got a reaction from Davyc in Hump Day: ways to engage your community
A thought, maybe development of the forum is going the wrong way or should I say going the wrong way for those of us who aren't corporate entities.
A corporate wants to be all over social media its their advertising without the cost. They're NOT interested in making money from a community or running an information resource other than the sale of their own product(s) or service(s). In addition, if they have knowledgable people on their "community" they can outsource their support costs by using their members as UNPAID support staff thus relieving the burden and cost on their own organisation. I'm sure there are many other benefits for a corporate client.
But aren't we as small/medium niche forums just playing the social media game? Trying more and more to integrate with, look like and offer the same things as social media. Are we social media wannabes? and is that the right way to go if the forum is to flourish and survive? We bend over backwards to make it easy to register on our forum using social media accounts, WHY?
Do we think (I hope you have all thought) that the majority of individuals that can't be bothered going through the simple registration process wil turn out to be active productive members of your community? They just want to consume the content that you have shamelessly barred them from while they are a guest. Never mind though they'll just join your forum through a social media link that you enabled, consume what they want and be on their way.
Thank you very much for giving me the solution to my problem, the answer to my dilemma and knowledge I didn't previously possess and ALL at no cost plus a ridiculously easy way to login through my beloved social media account.
I've searched for answers to many problems on the web such as, How to? The answer to any of those problems has NEVER come from social media and has a lot of the time come from someone's forum and inevitably shared on social media which completes the circle of "my beloved social media". You are providing your competitor with valuable content.
The main problem as I see it is, you don't value your own content, you suffer from an inferiority complex. In the battle for views and the fear of your content not being listed on the almighty Google or shared on social media you've hoisted the white flag, (nearly) given up, (nearly), thrown in the towel, (nearly) afterall why should anyone be interested in becoming a member of your little information rich forum when they have access to the social media giants who publish nothing but own everything?
Invision could help with the listing of content by giving the likes of Google et al member status (as far as I'm aware they don't) so that content hidden from guests could still be listed. Of course they will say it's against the rules or it's too difficult or some other erroneous response. Google Analytics can tell the difference between a bot and a real visitor why can't you? The content is available to anyone as long as they become a member. Time has come to get ahead of the curve and stop walking in the shadow of giants. A little to the left, a little to the right or a completely different path, there is sunlight.
Lets get of our knees!
I'm not a writer so I hope you at least get the gist of this post and also appologise to anyone I might have offended.
Bethanyrayne got a reaction from Davyc in Hump Day: ways to engage your community
It's very true, they'll spend hours evryday Twittering on Twitter, Facetiming an Facebook, InstaGratting on Instagram, checking how many strangers LIKED their post or shared it. etc. But really hard to get them to register on a forum. Even if they like the content, they'll just consume it and leave.
Bethanyrayne reacted to Ryan Ashbrook in Google Analytics
This is a referral link - this means if someone visits that link, and then registers, the member with the ID of 1 will be credited as referring that person to the site.
This is an anchor - it's used by the browser to take you directly to the post you're trying to view (in most cases, the latest unread post) rather than taking you to the top of the page.
Bethanyrayne reacted to Adlago in Fix Issue with CSS Hidden Ads Still Loading in Background
However, a mobile browser and a desktop browser are not equivalent. Ie it should be considered what task to give to mobile browsers so that they download content that they can display. Also the bandwidth connection connectivity is different, so the mobile ones are always in the narrow bandwidth connection and the download time is extended ...
With all kinds of optimization techniques - there is always a difference of 10-15% score speed test desktop/mobile. This difference could be compensated only by an appropriate task oriented to mobile browsers - ie. you should think a little more ...
Bethanyrayne reacted to Randy Calvert in Dangerous PHP Functions Enabled
One thing that I’ll point out is that disabling these functions is RECOMMENDED and not REQUIRED. These functions are not used by IPB, but they might be used in other scripts. In a shared hosting environment, each administrator must juggle what modules to support to balance security with functionality.
Saying they have support for IPB means they meet all of the minimum requirements. They can meet that requirement list without those modules being disabled. Think of it as more of a good idea than “it must be done”.
Bethanyrayne got a reaction from WiCKeDxgg in Dangerous PHP Functions Enabled
The same applies to GoDaddy shared hosting. you can't change it and they won't change it.
Bethanyrayne got a reaction from Edjazoli in robots.txt missing from public_html?
You're not the only one who looked for a physical file.
Bethanyrayne reacted to Marc in Show hidden post and reason to post creator
There is no way in which to do that at present unfortunately. Its an interesting idea however, and I will forward this to our suggestions area.
Bethanyrayne reacted to Armbian_Werner in Show hidden post and reason to post creator
I was wondering if it would be possible somehow to show a hidden post besides moderators to the user who created. Normally only moderators can see these posts.
I would like to use this feature in order to tell users why it was been removed without bothering other users.
Thanks in advance