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  1. Agree
    Maxxius reacted to Joel R in IPB native Points System (IP.Subeconomies? IP.Points?)   
    If IPS is serious about gamification, here are some foundational points:
    Entire suite -- Not just forums. Not just apps.  But the entirety and power of the full Invision suite: uploading a cover photo, filling out a profile custom field, writing a status update, making a blog post, RSVPing to a calendar event, getting a post marked as best answer, creating an album, renewing a subscription for the sixth time, winning second in the leaderboard, getting an item promoted.      Weighted -- Writing an in-depth long-form blog is very different from uploading one image, but IPS weighs them the same as one content item.  They shouldn't count the same.   Customizable -- I would like a gamification system to be customizable to exclude / include nodes, categories, and apps.  How I reward my users is very different than how you run your community or how Invision runs its community.  How we offer member journeys will be as diverse as our communities.   Clubs -- I would like a gamification system to include clubs.  Not nearly at the same amount of customization, but each club deserves its own basic set.   Meaningful -- The rewards should be: Immediate, Recognize the relative difficulty of the accomplishment, and Provide the steps needed to get to the next reward.   Typical reward: "Congrats, you won a badge for making X posts." Better reward: "Congrats, you won a badge for making X posts, an accomplishment that puts you into the top 10% of users.  Your next badge is at Y posts." Attention Grabbing -- If a tree falls in a forest and no notification is sent out, does anybody care?  Gamification needs to have movement, to have excitement, to be dynamic, and offer a call to action.      What I'd like for gamification to address:
    Profile onboarding - I've logged in to the accounts of multiple users over the years, and every single one has totally ignored the Profile Completion.  I would love to actually see usage statistics on larger sites, but at least on my site, most users don't care about Profile Completion.  I'd rather deprecate Profile Completion in favor of Gamification.   New user activation - There needs to be multiple calls to action within the first X minutes, where X is the site's average session duration. I've seen first-hand how if I can talk live to a user when he first joins, his posting skyrockets at least over that session. There needs to be activity, excitement, and movement within that first session duration.      Member pathways - Users find fulfillment in many ways in our communities. We need to empower them to both progress along certain member pathways while encouraging them to also explore other pathways.  
  2. Agree
    Maxxius reacted to Nathan Explosion in To add TAG criteria into Create RSS Feed   
    Opportune time to add tags functionality back to this forum, to indicate current state of the idea.
    'Planned for future version', as an example.
  3. Thanks
    Maxxius reacted to Jordan Miller in To add TAG criteria into Create RSS Feed   
    @Maxxius just got word from the team that this WILL happen 👏 
  4. Like
    Maxxius reacted to Matt in Why not peer-pressure people into subscribing?   
    This is a good idea.
  5. Haha
    Maxxius reacted to CoffeeCake in Joomla integration with IPS 4.4?   
    But ....
    That's more than free.

  6. Haha
    Maxxius reacted to Joel R in IPB native Points System (IP.Subeconomies? IP.Points?)   
    Actually, forums have been "paying" people for posting since the beginning of time.  
    We pay them in badges, in ranks, in pips, in titles, in signatures, in special permissions, in upgraded membergroups, in crazy formatting and styling.  We've been paying and paying since forums have been around.
  7. Like
    Maxxius reacted to Rikki in Need more granularity for notification settings   
    The fix for disabling email notifications I mentioned will be in our next release, but I don't know when that will be. We are continuing to discuss the other issues brought up here, particularly separating some of the notification types.
  8. Like
    Maxxius got a reaction from SUBRTX in Need more granularity for notification settings   
    Wow, guess I dodged one by not upgrading just yet. Definitely need to wait it out until this gets sorted.
  9. Like
    Maxxius got a reaction from Jordan Miller in To add TAG criteria into Create RSS Feed   
    @Jordan Invision thank you kindly! Your efforts are appreciated! 🙂
  10. Like
    Maxxius got a reaction from Matt in To add TAG criteria into Create RSS Feed   
    @Jordan Invision thank you kindly! Your efforts are appreciated! 🙂
  11. Like
    Maxxius reacted to Morrigan in Don't show me an update if I can't download it....   
    I am broke right now and I can't renew my main IPS license. My big life issue has a big thing to do this for me but regardless.
    My license expired a week or so ago and I just got notified of the security patch but since my license is expired I cannot update it.
    So please just make sure that it doesn't even show patches if we can't download them. Kind of pointless even if it is a security patch.
  12. Like
    Maxxius reacted to Ryan Ashbrook in How can I run rebuild posts on 4.4?   
    This was actually removed late in 3.x's life because it caused more problems then it actually solved. It was only ever meant to be run once after upgrading to 3.x from 2.x. In fact, this was the catalyst behind the entire background queue system, so it would just happen automatically.
    This is the same for 4.x - the post rebuild is only ever meant to run once after you upgrade, so it cannot be run again, unfortunately.
    This will only rebuild Lazy Load data in posts - not the full content.
  13. Like
    Maxxius reacted to Daniel F in IPRelease Notes suggestion I made back in the day   
    Absolutely 🙂 Just get the position of the element you want to scroll to via .offset() https://api.jquery.com/offset/  😉
    Something like following code should work: 
    $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $("#yourElemSelector").offset().top });  
  14. Thanks
    Maxxius reacted to Jordan Miller in To add TAG criteria into Create RSS Feed   
    @Maxxius Got an update for ya.
    From what I gather, this is an implementation that should be doable in a future release. I can't make any promises yet, but it does appear to be something that can be done and isn't too resource heavy (yay). 
    I'll see if I can inspire this to reach our devs for some further feedback and when I hear back I will hit you up. 🙏 
  15. Like
    Maxxius reacted to Jordan Miller in To add TAG criteria into Create RSS Feed   
    Hey @Maxxius 👋 
    It now officially has made it to IPS staff (me heh). 😛 
    Allow me some time to take your suggestion to the team. This could very well be a case of it not being a good fit to focus our energy on at the moment, but it might. Let me pass it along and get back to you if that's ok. 🙏 😊 
  16. Like
    Maxxius got a reaction from Jordan Miller in IP.Marketplace notifications granularity   
    Amen brother!
  17. Like
    Maxxius reacted to Makoto in gmail accounts with dots in names - fix it, please!!!   
    My application linked above by @Paul E. does indeed handle this. In addition to being able to block registrations from disposable e-mail addresses, it supports detecting e-mail aliases from GSuite / GMail using the dot (foobar@gmail.com / foo.bar@gmail.com) syntax, as well as the plus alias syntax (foo@gmail.com / foo+bar@gmail.com).
    I foresaw this being a potential for abuse long ago and implemented these measures to protect against them before it became commonplace 😉
  18. Haha
    Maxxius reacted to AlexJ in Need more granularity for notification settings   
    No - that doesn't work. IPS Support staff told me that once you do that, you need to unfollow each and every single topic that you have followed. That button is just for show and I actually clicked on that link like 5 times and it doesn't stop all emails. 
  19. Like
    Maxxius got a reaction from Nigel Moore in Need more granularity for notification settings   
    Wow, guess I dodged one by not upgrading just yet. Definitely need to wait it out until this gets sorted.
  20. Like
    Maxxius got a reaction from sobrenome in Shortlinks   
    I have a short version of my own forum domain. I wonder if I can set it up somehow so that domain can be used for automatic shortening of links posted on social media and so on?
  21. Like
    Maxxius reacted to Joel R in Need more granularity for notification settings   
    This is one of those situations where I think a lot more thought should go in to behavioral psychology and content scaling. 
    When you're a new platform and getting started, getting an email of your first reaction is useful.  Getting an email of your second reaction is useful. Getting an email of your third reaction is kind of useful.  Getting an email of your hundredth reaction is not useful.  
    The real purpose of email notifications is not to actually notify users of all activity.  Really. The real purpose of email notifications should be to engage users to re-visit the site.  That's it   That should be the one singular purpose behind the email notification. Modern social platforms like Facebook have figured this out.  IPS, on the other hand, wants to vomit every last content item, reaction, and comment at users. There's information overload of trivial posts and a total turn-off of interest. It's so bad that there's a backlash, where users want to turn off ALL email notifications.   
    If you go to Facebook, they only show you 4-5 notifications, even though you may have hundreds of content items.  But they're the 4-5 most interesting, most likely to click on, most likely to convert to activity.  That's the real goal.  
    This is even more pressing in the mobile world, where we have even less screen real estate.  If I'm checking my email on my phone, you only have four to five chances / notifications to convince me to visit the site.  
    When I assess IPS and complain about it being legacy, this is the kind of stuff that I worry where we will continue to fall behind. 
  22. Like
    Maxxius reacted to Nigel Moore in Need more granularity for notification settings   
    Oh wow - we've been getting complaints from users as well since we recently installed the latest version of IPB and just found this post.
    There is a MASSIVE use case for users wanting to get email notifications for when they are @ mentioned or have one of their posts quoted (and this is how the majority of our ~3,000 users have operated up until now, very happily happily).
    There is VERY LITTLE use case (if any) for users ever wanting to get email notifications when someone reacts to one of their posts (as this happens SO darned often in a forum). 
    Bundling the 2 x options together into a single option is madness IMHO.
    We really do need this to be rolled back to the way it was before as even our VIP members have been complaining that it's now ridiculous to keep up as they all LOVE being notified by email when they have been tagged in a post so they can go and help out

    (but turning this option on is now making them get bucket loads of unnecessary emails for every time someone reacts to their posts. In my personal example, this has changed my email notifications from IPB from say 4-5 a day to now around 50 per day 😨)
    We have logged a ticket with IPB.
    However, has anyone worked out any creative workarounds?
    @Dii @usmf@shiobi @AlexJ @bfarber @Daniel F
  23. Like
    Maxxius reacted to Gabriel Torres in Lazy load profile pictures on IPS 4.5   
    After researching about this, browsers have now native lazy loader. We only need to edit the templates to add:
    loading="lazy" To all img tags.
    I edited the following templates:
    core > front > global
    This enabled lazy loading for user photos and reactions, and the "Defer offscreen images" warning from Google Lighthouse is now gone! 🙂
    (I also made the same edit in my cms custom templates)
  24. Like
    Maxxius got a reaction from SUBRTX in Latest IPS security patch for 4.4?   
    Exactly, Fast Line, it will be awhile before I jump to 4.5. and meanwhile I wish not to be under stress without having a security patch.
  25. Like
    Maxxius got a reaction from DamonT in Latest IPS security patch for 4.4?   
    Exactly, Fast Line, it will be awhile before I jump to 4.5. and meanwhile I wish not to be under stress without having a security patch.
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