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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. Correct. Your site will remain functional however there will not be access to technical support until you’re running the latest version and you may miss critical security updates.
  2. IPS does not give specific release dates. HISTORICALLY releases tend to happen later in the month… sometime between Tuesday and Thursday. (No weekends or Monday/Friday releases traditionally.) You can also eliminate Thanksgiving as they won’t most likely release right before a major US holiday since many staff will be off. So that might help you narrow down things a bit.
  3. IPS currently supports 7.4.X, 8.0.X, and 8.1.X. Starting in November, PHP itself will discontinue support for all 7.X releases. At that point IPS will only support 8.X.
  4. Remember… PHP8 can be installed correctly but missing a module that IPB needs. Use the checker script to confirm. cPanel does not know what modules are required by IPB. So it would be in your interest to confirm it yourself. 😉 Also the 3rd party resource checker is new. It might miss something. It does not take a lot of effort to confirm by turning off all 3rd party resources. If you spend weeks pulling your hair on this for something simple, you will seriously hate yourself later. It’s an easy check that does not take much effort. It also has been the cause of problems for a LOT of people. So up to you if you take my advice.
  5. One of two things is happening: Either your site has a 3rd party resource that is not compatible with PHP8. Try disabling all 3rd party resources and then trying PHP8 Your PHP8 install might not have the required modules. Switch to PHP8 and then download and run the compatibility checker to see if you’re missing a required module.
  6. Check the times in which you’re seeing the 500 errors and match them to the error logs. Do they match one of those issues like php memory limit? If so, have your host increase the limit. You might also consider disabling mod_security. Again… based on past experience… it causes more problems than it fixes.
  7. At least you got it squared away. People think PHP is this single static package and that it’s easy to install/manage it. There are lots of moving parts for it that have to be accounted for! 🙂
  8. Run that on your server. Are you missing any required modules from the upgrade to PHP 8.1?
  9. I wonder if your host updated their PHP and did not include one of the required modules. Install that script and check to see if it says you’re missing a module. If not, do these errors happen when all third party resources are disabled?
  10. If the newest IPB files are already downloaded, you can just run yourdomain.com/admin/upgrade. If it says everything is already updated it may not have downloaded the files properly. If that is the case, you can download a fresh set of the newest files from the client area and then run the same upgrader above.
  11. To close the loop on this... the new version hit marketplace a little bit ago. I was able to install it without errors on PHP 8.0.20. Confirmed that email is still delivering as well.
  12. Also... one thing I've seen happen is if you have a firewall system or certain security settings on your host... you could end up with content being blocked from being remotely loaded from remote sites. When it's opened in an email, it's not coming from your site... so your server may end up blocking it.
  13. If you're using the Adsense auto ad code within the IPS advertising system, it will NOT work. Disable all ads in the advertising manager and use the template logic system. The code that I used above does work. The person you were quoting was using the auto ad code within the IPS advertising system, which puts the ad code in the wrong spot (within the body instead of the head). This will cause very unstable results.
  14. In that case ask the resource author or use a self hosted license for testing. 🙂
  15. Hint… create a subdomain like beta.yourdomain.com. Make a copy of your MySQL database and copy your IPB files from the prod instance to the test instance. Edit your conf_global.php with the new database info and the new base URL. Activate your test install license for it and do whatever tests you want.
  16. Try turning those off... because they may be causing problems. Also don't just look for the ad to be displaying. Actually right click and view source. Look at the code to make sure it's injecting to the right group. Google does not always decide to return ads for every site on every request. The only way to confirm it's actually "working" is to check for the code. If the code is there, then it's a Google problem of them deciding not to show the ad.
  17. If you are only doing it for guests... it's even easier. You don't need to check group. Just check if logged in. {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id === NULL}} <script async src="https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js?client=ca-pub-XXXXXXX" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> {{endif}} Smack that right before your end head code. Regarding appearing in other themes, make sure you don't have any ad code stuck somewhere in the IPB ad area that Jim linked to above. You cannot use the auto ads there... it MUST be in the global template otherwise it will not get added to the header and instead just stuck in wherever is setup within the body.
  18. Sure it does. I use the version of it to only show ads to guests. This code goes in your theme within the global template in the head section. It does not go in the standard IPB ad code area.
  19. When running 8.1, you’re most likely missing a system requirement. Run the compatibility checker while your site is on 8.1 to make sure:
  20. Did your host recently upgrade to php8? If so, this is most likely your problem as that version of php is not compatible with that very old version of IPB.
  21. That’s not how it works. The admin does not get an email. The person posting gets an email inviting them to finish registering for their post to show.
  22. That’s was going to be my next suggestion… to run the IPS compatibility checker to see if you were missing a PHP module. Glad you got it squared away. 🙂
  23. Login Logs is a 3rd party application. So you don’t have all of your 3rd party applications AND plugins disabled. 🙂 I believe it is this addon:
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