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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. The legal T and Cs don’t allow transfer of licenses but if you reach out to the Account team using the contact us link on the bottom footer of the site, you can make you make your case directly to the team.
  2. You would need to contact the author of that 3rd party resource for assistance. They would be able to tell you if an updated version is available or help you troubleshoot.
  3. Also if it was a temporary problem, it might show as an error for a short time even when fixed. I’ve noticed that error can be cached for a short period of time after Redis is back online.
  4. Remember… IPB does not actually control delivery of email. It simply passes it to whatever outbound service you use. They control delivery of messages. You’ll need to work with whatever that service is. You might try sending via SMTP if your host allows it. Only your host can tell you what the best way for you to be sending mail is.
  5. This is an issue you need to address with whomever is hosting your mail. In most cases it’s because you don’t have SPF and DKIM setup, however that is outside of the IPB software.
  6. IPS does not make old versions of the software available. You would need to upgrade to the latest version (currently 4.7.5). In order to run 4.7.5, you have to be on PHP8. I would personally disable ALL third party resources and then follow the steps noted in:
  7. What you’re looking at in the output was the order of execution. Basically a list of steps that were performed before an error occurred. The most recent events are on top. In this case the “error failed to open required” says the script was trying to load a cached theme file (specifically for the active user widget) but that it was not found. As theme files can be generated on demand by clearing the system cache, a new set of theme files are generated. Generally these types of errors are good for helping point you in a general direction. If you see references to things outside of the core IPB software such as hooks or 3rd party applications, you can discover if they’re interfering etc. Or in this case that it was a simple theme issue.
  8. Actually I was looking and it looks like you can use it under "Discussion" as well... in the same area but under "Display Settings" tab... The email is triggered after two weeks based on experience. It does not look like you can configure the time in which the email is triggered.
  9. ACP > Community > Forums > Forums Click on the edit option for a specific forum. Under the Forum Settings tab, you'll find: You'll need the forum type to be set to "Questions".
  10. I think he’s meaning he’s expecting to see the wrap only done to second line. The third line in theory fit to the second and not need a third line. (I could not duplicate this behavior myself.)
  11. In addition, I would double check that you uploaded all of the new IPB files your downloaded from the client area to the right spot.
  12. You can’t use the updater in the ACP because of how far behind you are. You need to update all of your third party resources. Switch to a default theme. Download a copy of the latest IPB files from your client area. Make sure you are running PHP 8.0/8.1. Run the IPB compatibility script to make sure your new PHP version has all of the required modules. Upload the files from the client area to your website. Run domain.com/admin/upgrade Switch back to your original theme if it’s compatible with the newest version.
  13. This is not directly possible. You can potentially reach out to the resource author and see if they’re willing to share an older version with you, but there is no way to pick older versions to directly download.
  14. Yes. You can set any application as the default one.
  15. Cdn-cgi sounds like Cloudflare. I’m guessing someone copied something with a CF cached object?
  16. You need to create a block that allows raw HTML/php. Paste in the custom html code you need into the block and save it. Add it to a page.
  17. Make sure your host is not blocking access to *.invisionpower.com or *.invisioncommunity.com. You should also check with your host to ensure OUTBOUND requests (not inbound which is the default they’ll think about) is using TLS 1.2.
  18. In terms of submitting a request to the API, you need to pass an API key. This should authenticate the request (meaning you now know “who” submitted the request). Check out the authentication section of: https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/rest-api If you choose to use SSL/TLS, you have encryption of the request to prevent “man in the middle” attacks where someone could read/intercept the data being exchanged in transit.
  19. Using the full upgrader means not starting the upgrade from within the ACP itself. Instead you download the files from your client area, upload them to your site, and run domain.com/admin/upgrade.
  20. It COULD be a server issue as each site can have its own settings. For example the version of PHP that it uses or what Apache modules are loaded for the site, or even if htaccess directives are allowed to be processed. We don’t know for sure as we don’t manage your server.
  21. All of this is doable. You have to create the correct blocks and add HTML code to do it. There is not a “one click” button to generate the code. But absolutely possible to accomplish.
  22. Where has the year gone?! Here’s to a productive 2023!!
  23. I have it installed from the 4.6.X days. It’s worked for me without problems through all versions including the latest.
  24. If there is no error at all, it means IPB successfully passed the email to your server. You would need to work with your hosting provider to troubleshoot why they’re not delivering it. In many cases, it’s because you don’t have DKIM and SPF setup for your domain which can result in certain servers refusing to deliver the message thinking it’s spam.
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