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  1. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from ConnorFTW in Background   
    Add this to your custom.css:
    body { background-image: url(IMGURL); }  
  2. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from Linux-Is-Best in Bug: Blog: This site   
    No worries dear. Bugs are just best reported direct to the source. It gives the team the ability to investigate directly and quickly. Unfortunately they can’t always scour the forums to verify bugs reported here.
  3. Thanks
    Morrigan got a reaction from Linux-Is-Best in Bug: Blog: This site   
    Bugs should always be reported via ticket in the Client Area:
  4. Like
    Morrigan reacted to opentype in Pages block in sidebar?   
    I guess you are using a template that is not made for the sidebar. But you can create regular feed blocks with Pages that work in the sidebar and look exactly like the default blocks for forum entries. 
    Just go to Pages → Blocks in the ACP, create a new block, select “Record Feed” and follow the instruction to create your “Custom Block”. 
  5. Thanks
    Morrigan reacted to opentype in Remove CSRF URL requirement in pages   
    I can certainly replicate it here. Example:
    Shows all providers. Only with a key is it limited to 4 providers. 
  6. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from Sonya* in Remove CSRF URL requirement in pages   
    CSRF requirement in the URL was removed in the ACP it would be nice if some front end elements could get the same level of treatment. Currently when using filters in Pages it adds the CSRF to the URL still and if you remove it the applied filters do not work.
    That's all.
  7. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from The Old Man in Can we get an agree or +1 reaction on IPS (or both)?   
    This suggestion is not for end user sites but specifically for THIS SITE.
    You can manually add or change reactions on your own sites if you want more.

  8. Agree
    Morrigan reacted to opentype in Allow ratings in Pages as well as reviews   
    What you ask for is already possible. You just need to be sure to turn reviews off or it will override the setting for leaving a rating. And yeah, the settings are a little scattered and category permissions sometimes confuse admins. 
  9. Like
    Morrigan reacted to Luuuk in Where do i report bugs?   
    Bugs are reported via Support tickets created from Client Area. Public bug tracker is no longer available.
  10. Agree
    Morrigan reacted to Sonya* in Do not display empty fields of type Item in Pages   
    In Pages: we can add custom fields to the database. If the fields are empty for the record, they are not displayed on the record view page. Except of the field of type Item. It is always shown even if it is empty. I know that we can control display with {if}-clauses. However, it would be more consistent, if this would be default as for other field types and no code is required to suppress it.
  11. Agree
    Morrigan reacted to Aramaech in Allow for many reaction emojis   
    As it stands now, when you go to react to a post, and you hover over the heart in the lower right to get all the reactions to pop out, they all pop out in a straight line, regardless of how many of them there are. Which sucks. It means if you want to upload a full emoji set for reactions you're limited in the number you can upload by the fact that the reaction select panel doesn't wrap. So really, at most you can get like 10 before it starts looking awful. 

    With some custom css I was able to get the behavior I wanted (still trying to get it to work on mobile view) but this type of wrapping really should be the default.

  12. Thanks
    Morrigan got a reaction from Zdeněk Tůma in custom widgetbox in custom footer   
    Currently there is no way to add custom widget containers at this time other than in pages and by using the Pages "templates" you would apply the widget containers to the page and done.
    This means it doesn't work outside of the Pages app.
  13. Agree
    Morrigan got a reaction from Zdeněk Tůma in Profile custom field   
    There is no way to do that. Only admins and global mods will be able to edit it.
  14. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from My Sharona in Can we get an agree or +1 reaction on IPS (or both)?   
    This is because there are a lot of opinion based threads here. I don't think "Like" is a good reaction when you want to agree or support what has been said in a thread but currently the only agreeable reaction. 
    Like is a broad (and at least for me) a very default way for people to respond/react to something that they simply think was a good read.
    In some cases I would like to actually agree with what the member is saying or support it with a +1. To me agreeing versus liking something will give me a better way to show my appreciation to a members post.
    An example a cute joke in the middle of an opinion thread would get a like or a 'haha' but something that brings up good points can get my 'agree'.
  15. Agree
    Morrigan got a reaction from Matt in Can we get an agree or +1 reaction on IPS (or both)?   
    This is because there are a lot of opinion based threads here. I don't think "Like" is a good reaction when you want to agree or support what has been said in a thread but currently the only agreeable reaction. 
    Like is a broad (and at least for me) a very default way for people to respond/react to something that they simply think was a good read.
    In some cases I would like to actually agree with what the member is saying or support it with a +1. To me agreeing versus liking something will give me a better way to show my appreciation to a members post.
    An example a cute joke in the middle of an opinion thread would get a like or a 'haha' but something that brings up good points can get my 'agree'.
  16. Agree
    Morrigan got a reaction from Moonbeam in Can we get an agree or +1 reaction on IPS (or both)?   
    This is because there are a lot of opinion based threads here. I don't think "Like" is a good reaction when you want to agree or support what has been said in a thread but currently the only agreeable reaction. 
    Like is a broad (and at least for me) a very default way for people to respond/react to something that they simply think was a good read.
    In some cases I would like to actually agree with what the member is saying or support it with a +1. To me agreeing versus liking something will give me a better way to show my appreciation to a members post.
    An example a cute joke in the middle of an opinion thread would get a like or a 'haha' but something that brings up good points can get my 'agree'.
  17. Agree
    Morrigan got a reaction from SJ77 in Can we get an agree or +1 reaction on IPS (or both)?   
    This is because there are a lot of opinion based threads here. I don't think "Like" is a good reaction when you want to agree or support what has been said in a thread but currently the only agreeable reaction. 
    Like is a broad (and at least for me) a very default way for people to respond/react to something that they simply think was a good read.
    In some cases I would like to actually agree with what the member is saying or support it with a +1. To me agreeing versus liking something will give me a better way to show my appreciation to a members post.
    An example a cute joke in the middle of an opinion thread would get a like or a 'haha' but something that brings up good points can get my 'agree'.
  18. Agree
    Morrigan got a reaction from Stuart Silvester in Can we get an agree or +1 reaction on IPS (or both)?   
    This is because there are a lot of opinion based threads here. I don't think "Like" is a good reaction when you want to agree or support what has been said in a thread but currently the only agreeable reaction. 
    Like is a broad (and at least for me) a very default way for people to respond/react to something that they simply think was a good read.
    In some cases I would like to actually agree with what the member is saying or support it with a +1. To me agreeing versus liking something will give me a better way to show my appreciation to a members post.
    An example a cute joke in the middle of an opinion thread would get a like or a 'haha' but something that brings up good points can get my 'agree'.
  19. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from OptimusBain in add sign in and sign up buttons to the download module   
    I actually think it might be broken on some level. Because I do have commerce and I allow guests to see but not download and even my standard members group doesn't have the option to download, you must be an Initiate or basically a member with 10 or more posts to download and this is what you see on my site when it shouldn't even have the download button at all:

    I mean it errors correctly but the fact that the button shows at all is misleading.
  20. Sad
    Morrigan got a reaction from The Old Man in Don't show me an update if I can't download it....   
    I don’t need them to hide it. I need it to behave @Joel R

    My daughter attempted to take her life in December and unfortunately that plus my boyfriend getting COVID in January where I now have it? I’m not going to lie, the fact that I CANNOT update because I don’t have the money to do it but am so incessantly reminded of it with an expired license is hot garbage. 
    If my license was active that’s on me and I am making an active decision to ignore it. When my license is inactive that is not the case. I don’t see why a “if license inactive no reminders” statement can’t be added to them.
    @Charles @Lindy is it really necessary to be this insistent to remind me of what a hard time I’m having? It was hard enough dealing (and still dealing) with my life issues. This feels just like an extra kick in the teeth in my opinion. These last two months have quite literally been the worst of my life, I don’t know why IPS had to rub it in my face every 24-48 hours when it decided to remind me again that my site wasn’t up to date on my expired license that I legit just couldn’t pay for.
  21. Like
    Morrigan reacted to Moonbeam in "Kindness" plugin   
    Basically, a community that enforces its standards fairly. A moderation team that is sensitive to nuances, so that they can recognize when a member is engaging in bullying and harassment that isn't necessarily as obvious as a verbal bludgeoning. Not mistaking bluntness and direct communication for rudeness, and stepping in to call that out when someone in the community takes it that way. Not conflating disagreement or refutations with personal attacks, and stepping in to call that out when a member is making such a conflation.. Not allowing marginalized members to be intimidated into silence.
    These are the types of things that can ruin a member's experience in a community, and they occur with disturbing frequency.
  22. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from Jordan Miller in Demoing the Record Feed block to someone, did not go well   
    I totally agree. I'm not arguing. I'm just asking for examples. Whatever you want. I posted examples of ways I USE Pages because that's my custom version. I totally agree its underrated and also that it can be simpler.
    I'm not sure I agree with a line by line list method but I totally can see it as being a valid way to provide content without repetition. I was only asking for examples because hopefully people like @Jordan Invision can come in here see the awesome blocks and see if they can be included ASAP!
  23. Like
    Morrigan got a reaction from Moonbeam in "Kindness" plugin   
    YES! Preach it! That's why I've left communities. There are a few that I despise because of this sort of thing.
  24. Like
    Morrigan reacted to Rikki in Demoing the Record Feed block to someone, did not go well   
    We have some ideas on making blocks and pages more flexible, though they are in their early stages. As things stand right now, custom templates are your best approach, but I certainly hope we can provide something more intuitive and robust in future.
  25. Like
    Morrigan reacted to Moonbeam in "Kindness" plugin   
    Whew - this is a big question, and the answers are multiple and complex.
    But I would also argue that this is the wrong question to ask - at least, it's asking the wrong first question, which really should be: Why is this community toxic? Followed by, Has the community management accidentally contributed to this toxicity in some way?
    Because the communities that I've seen that were toxic generally got that way because of inconsistent enforcement of stated community standards, and/or because they tended to turn a blind eye to member dynamics that amounted to bullying. Often, they turned that blind eye because members of the leadership team were among those engaging in the bullying, but most often, it was because they were allowing personal relationships with the bullying parties to color how they viewed the bullies' actions.
    So the first step is to decipher the true sources of the toxicity, if possible, and to resolve to make the moderation of the community more impartial and to stop enabling the bullies. This is really hard, because it requires a willingness to admit past errors in leadership and a resolve to correct them. This is why I said, in my initial comment, that striving to make a community more just is actually a better goal than trying to make it kind. It's impossible to sow kindness if people are being marginalized and bullied.
    Then, I'd say the next step is to look at your community guidelines and revise them as needed, then require every member to affirm them. Make it clear that these are the new expectations of the standard of behavior. But the key element here is to recognize that the members that have been marginalized aren't going to just suddenly get over their sense of aggrievement overnight. Be careful that in your push to clear up the toxicity, you don't end up further punishing the people who've been the primary victims of the original causes of that toxicity.
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